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episodes/the-one-about-looking-stupid #17

Open utterances-bot opened 1 year ago

utterances-bot commented 1 year ago

Runtime Rundown

jkohlin commented 1 year ago

Thank you for this episode. Man, this is such an important topic and it's imperative that your message reaches junior developers and students. I've was teaching web development for 15 years at the local university and I really struggled with how to get that mental state into my students brains. I think most of them would rather drop their pants in front of the class than look stupid. My solution was to add an anonymous back channel that would appear in the upper right corner of my presentation and all students could post questions to that window from their phone or laptop. I wish I would have worked more on their courage instead, but I didn't know how.So thanks for bringing this subject forward.

Cooperbuilt commented 1 year ago

@jkohlin thanks for the comment! I'm glad the subject resonated with you, and I think the back channel you mentioned is a great way to support your students.

I think it's a far tougher problem to work on courage.

If I remember back to school days, I remember one professor who did this really well. A student asked a very obvious question in an intro computer science class. It wasn't so much them being courageous, they didn't know it was obvious. Other students snickered and laughed.

As soon as they did, the professor quickly chastised them and praised the student for asking for information. It set a strong tone for the rest of the semester that any question would be praised and unkindness would not be tolerated.

jkohlin commented 1 year ago

Good professor. Yes its important to quickly set the tone and not tolerate elitism. That is extremely toxic when learning. Happened to me when I left the university to work as a developer. A senior coworker would sigh and say stuff like "I'm starting to sound like a broken record" during my onboarding which made me anxious and paralyzed and afraid to ask.

Cooperbuilt commented 1 year ago

A senior coworker would sigh and say stuff like "I'm starting to sound like a broken record"

This is the worst. I've dealt with similar things and it stuck with me for a while 😕