runtimejs / runtime

[not maintained] Lightweight JavaScript library operating system for the cloud
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node.js compatibility #3

Closed heapwolf closed 10 years ago

heapwolf commented 10 years ago

If an os built with runtimeJS could use npm or npmd as a package manager it would inherit a significant ecosystem of highly usable code. To do so it would need some degree of node.js compatibility. This issue could be a discussion thread for the idea.

/cc @dominictarr @juliangruber @feross

feross commented 10 years ago

Is it this project's goal to build an entire OS, or just the kernel?

heapwolf commented 10 years ago

i think just the kernel, but the consideration here is: what the kernel exposes will determine what can be built on top of it. UPDATE: I updated the phrasing of the issue.

feross commented 10 years ago

Ah, the issue is much clearer with this new wording.

iefserge commented 10 years ago

I like this idea. It should be possible to create node.js compatible API on top of kernel services. But this is a long term goal. For now, we need to support at least one filesystem in R/W mode (ext2 for example).

I'm currently working on VFS layer ( and initrd readonly filesystem. This FS should be automatically mounted to /initrd, so programs can access it. This is how it looks like, still in progress

Yeah, I think npm is a great package manager and we should be able to port it. But again, its long term goal.

heapwolf commented 10 years ago

awesome! fwiw i think this is the most exciting project since nodejs ;)

thomasqbrady commented 10 years ago

If you're starting from scratch, may I please request a more fault-tolerant file system? Something like BtrFS or ZFS? I really think the community will appreciate it later, and it would be easier to change now, right?

t h o m a s q b r a d y

On Jun 28, 2014, at 11:12 AM, Serge wrote:

I like this idea. It should be possible to create node.js compatible API on top of kernel services. But this is a long term goal. For now, we need to support at least one filesystem in R/W mode (ext2 for example).

I'm currently working on VFS layer ( and initrd readonly filesystem. This FS should be automatically mounted to /initrd, so programs can access it. This is how it looks like, still in progress

Yeah, I think npm is a great package manager and we should be able to port it. But again, its long term goal.

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heapwolf commented 10 years ago

@thomasqbrady probably better as a separete issue

thomasqbrady commented 10 years ago

Right, sorry.

t h o m a s q b r a d y

On Jun 28, 2014, at 11:33 AM, Paolo Fragomeni wrote:

@thomasqbrady probably better as a different issue

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crertel commented 10 years ago

Erm, npm would be more of a userland thing, right?

Or are you proposing npm/bower/whatever-style build tools for generating the kernel itself?

heapwolf commented 10 years ago

@crertel no, npm would be a userspace thing, and any thing else like it. But in order for that to work there needs to be some consideration about what the kernel exposes.

crertel commented 10 years ago

Ah, that makes sense. It's my understanding though that that should only require basic file operations, right? Or am I missing something larger here?

iefserge commented 10 years ago

Well, all JavaScript code is userspace. This includes drivers and high-level kernel services too. It's microkernel architecture (

The main difference from classic microkernel is that system doesn't use hardware isolation, so no expensive hardware context switches. And IPC is very cheap (ArrayBuffers transferred between programs by passing a pointer internally, for example, no copy).

So we can put drivers in userspace too. Broken driver can't crash the whole system, and we can restart it any time.

groundwater commented 10 years ago

This is pretty awesome.

Have you been able to bootstrap multiple copies of node in each isolate? I believe @zcbenz was working on a fork of node that played better with multi-isolates here

I've been working on the "user land" side of this with node-os, and I would love to combine the two. I've been dreaming about the possibilities of using multi-isolates, and just doing away with the Unix process model, but you're actually doing it!

iefserge commented 10 years ago

It's possible to boot runtimejs in SMP mode, but this is pretty unstable and disabled by default. It runs 1 v8 isolate per core. No node API support at the moment, of course.

groundwater commented 10 years ago

I see two options here, each with its own challenges and benefits.

  1. support the javascript-node apis
  2. build the node source to run on runtime

The second approach requires compiling libuv which uses a pretty wide set of libc calls, including many system calls. For example, libuv uses a thread pool. There are no threads here.

Both approaches require a lot of work. I think implementing a compatible JS-api is more likely.

@iefserge does v8 only link against a small surface of libc? Can you point us to where you implemented those calls?

iefserge commented 10 years ago

Yes, JS api is the way to go. Node is quite different internally. Runtimejs currently uses limited set of musl libc library functions ( But this is a temporary solution, I'd like to remove this dependency at some point.

mikeal commented 10 years ago

Are you sure the best approach is to try to implement node's API?

You're definitely going to have an entirely different implementation of all the standard modules, including all the modules that use streams. If that is the case, will you really want to inherit all the known mistakes we've made with streams? We can, theoretically, do better. Ditto for the module system.

Also, W3C is doing a new stream API, lead by @domenic and while it is learning from the successes and failures of node's streams it is a totally different standard than node streams.

Compatibility, in the form of transpiling, should probably be a priority but I don't know if copying node's API entirely is the right answer.

piranna commented 10 years ago

I was not talking too much on this because I was not sure about the topic, but seems I was wrong thinking runtime.js was build using Node.js and in fact it's build using raw v8. I think it's a bad aproach, since this would means reimplement Node.js from scratch, or build an entirely new ecosystem, both things meaning a lot of work. I believe so runtime.js can be sucessful to build it using Node.js as basis or at least a fork of it focused on lightweight dependencies (something like a microNode, in the same way of MicroPython or PyMite, but using core Node.js code as basis instead of starting it from scratch). El 03/07/2014 01:50, "Mikeal Rogers" escribió:

Are you sure the best approach is to try to implement node's API?

You're definitely going to have an entirely different implementation of all the standard modules, including all the modules that use streams. If that is the case, will you really want to inherit all the known mistakes we've made with streams? We can, theoretically, do better. Ditto for the module system.

Also, W3C is doing a new stream API, lead by @domenic and while it is learning from the successes and failures of node's streams it is a totally different standard than node streams.

Compatibility, in the form of transpiling, should probably be a priority but I don't know if copying node's API entirely is the right answer.

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RangerMauve commented 10 years ago

The problem with node is that it replies on a lot of libraries which would need to be re-implemented for the kernel. Stuff like libuv would take a while to implement, and it might be easier to just work from v8, and add node apis after the core functionality of the kernel is working

heapwolf commented 10 years ago

Ok, so this thread is getting kind of chaotic. I think some important things to remember here are...

  1. runtimejs is NOT an operating system, it's a kernel.
  2. the things that it exposes will determine how an OS can be implemented on top of it.
  3. a kernel wouldn't implement node.js API or streams or anything like that. those are user-space things.
  4. yes node made a lot of mistakes. but by moving EVERYTHING (like streams) into user-space people can do whatever they want (wrong or right) and that will determine the popularity of the OS they build ;)

This thread was opened to determine what the kernel should expose so that something LIKE npm or modules from node's ecosystem could be run. This discussion should be way more low level IMO.

dominictarr commented 10 years ago

we javascripters are good at polyfils! as long as the right ideas are there, we can add a layer that makes it compatible with node. the first thing is doing right by runtime.js. designing for performance in the lower layer, and then designing for ease of use (which may mean node compat) in a higher layer. (look at how node has libuv then node.js on top)

heapwolf commented 10 years ago

This should be turned into a list of possible low level requirements and if those are practical and add value they can turn into api that will facilitate compatibility.

mikeal commented 10 years ago

IMO runtimejs should ignore node for a long as possible :) It's best if runtimejs is an amazing "plaform neutral" kernel. Once it's in good shape someone will come along, possibly me, and do whatever hacks are required to add a layer of compatibility on top that allows people to run Node modules :)

heapwolf commented 10 years ago

yes, that's the idea.

piranna commented 10 years ago

A platform generic kernel written in Javascript, or focused on Javascript apps? That's a huge difference in the design... El 31/07/2014 19:30, "Mikeal Rogers" escribió:

IMO runtimejs should ignore node for a long as possible :) It's best if runtimejs is an amazing "plaform neutral" kernel. Once it's in good shape someone will come along, possibly me, and do whatever hacks are required to add a layer of compatibility on top that allows people to run Node modules :)

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mikeal commented 10 years ago

@piranna do you mean it's a huge difference from Node or a huge difference in terms of what you thought the intended design of runtimejs is?

piranna commented 10 years ago

About design of the kernel: if we intent to do a generic kernel, we'll need to add support for binaries, preemption, memory protection... things that for pure Javascript they are almost by free with the isolations... El 31/07/2014 19:44, "Mikeal Rogers" escribió:

@piranna do you mean it's a huge difference from Node or a huge difference in terms of what you thought the intended design of runtimejs is?

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heapwolf commented 10 years ago

I think what @mikeal meant was not generic kernel but less specific to the node platform.

streamich commented 9 years ago

@mikeal +1 for Node.js independent kernel