runtimeverification / haskell-backend

The symbolic execution engine powering the K Framework
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JSON-RPC for driving symbolic execution #3061

Closed goodlyrottenapple closed 1 year ago

goodlyrottenapple commented 2 years ago

This is a proposal to switch to using the JSON RPC protocol to talk with kore-repl/kore-exec. The main proposed change would be to remove the current REPL and replace it with a JSON RPC server which would handle the "core" functionality of the current REPL, namely all the functionality such as step/stepf, config, select, etc. excluding any complex commands like piping or appending to file, which would instead be delegated to a new REPL. This new REPL could be written in Haskell or any potentially any other language, e.g. Python, and would simply be a JSON RPC client together with the REPL parser pretty printer, etc. This REPL could potentially live in the K framework repo and thus have better access to higher level functionality such as the pretty printing of kore ASTs back into K (since config in the current REPL returns a kore AST). A potential advantage of this approach is a common interface for both a REPL and the summarizer to interact with the haskell backend.

Propsed features


Edit: 12 July 2022

We met and discussed that we need the following:

The step request will just be a particular case of the execute request. The execute request will also return the branching states etc. together with the parent node of the branch.

The check-implication request can just expose the current check implication procedure we have, with some minimal changes.

goodlyrottenapple commented 2 years ago

Implementation details

We could use servant-jsonrpc to pull out the current functionality of the REPL into the following API

type Step   = JsonRpc "step"   Int Text [Int] 

The Step method expects an Int argument and either returns a Text error or a list of new states in case of branching. Maybe instead of [Int] we should return a hash of the state as it appears in the summarizer?? Or return both?

type Stepf  = JsonRpc "stepf"  Int Text [Int] 
type Select = JsonRpc "select" Int Text ()

Should Select take the hash instead? Or maybe have two selects, one with an int and the other with a hash?

type Config = JsonRpc "config" Int Text Text

Not sure whether Config should return a structured type or just dump the kore state as text.

type Cancel = JsonRpcNotification "cancel" ()

Should cancel the current operation, most likely to be used with Step(f)

type RpcAPI = Step :<|> Stepf :<|> Select :<|> Config :<|> Cancel

This RPC server would essentially be the same stateful interpreter that we currently have, as we want to avoid the startup cost of reloading the current file for each individual command, as is currently the case for the KSummarizer. However, since we want to add a cancel operation, we would probably? have to tweak the code to be able to handle the Cancel. Probably best to implement the server to run two threads, the worker thread that does one computation at a time and the server thread that buffers the messages and sends back responses.

goodlyrottenapple commented 2 years ago

Actually I found a different library which may be more suited if we want to support bi-directional communication, e.g. when having debugging enabled. The servant-jsonrpc library assumes a client-server architecture, where the client always initiates a request and then waits for the response. However, we might want to add an RPC function to e.g. enable debugging or tracing information. Then, instead of the client waiting on a response to an "enable debugging info" message, the server should instead start sending individual debug messages to the client whenever the execution of e.g. step calls for it. This would change the server into a sort of pub-sub configuration rather than a straightforward client-server. I believe the json-rpc library mentioned above supports both models.... @ana-pantilie @ehildenb is this something you can see we might want to support?

goodlyrottenapple commented 2 years ago

Here is the proposed API implementation agnostic view:

Messages from client to the kore-exec JSON RPC server

Method name Parameters Return type Message type Notes
step Int [Int] regular The step method expects an Int argument and either returns a Text error or a list of new states in case of branching. Maybe instead of [Int] we should return a [Hash] of the states as they appear in the summarizer?? Or return both?
stepf Int [Int] regular
select Int () regular Should Select take the hash instead? Or maybe have two selects, one with an int and the other with a hash?
config Int Text regular Not sure whether Config should return a structured type or just dump the kore state as text.
cancel notification Should cancel the current operation, most likely to be used with step(f)
log_subscribe [Text] () regular (pub-sub) Subscribe to the log messages passed in via the parameter, e.g. ["DebugAttemptEquation", "DebugApplyEquation"]. Should return an empty response on success or a Text error if e.g. no such message type exists.
log_unsubscribe [Text] regular (pub-sub) opposite of log_subscribe

Messages from the kore-exec JSON RPC server to the client

Method name Parameters Return type Message type Notes
log_message LogType notification LogType should look something like {"type": "DebugAttemptEquation", "message": "..." }

Message type explanation

Message type Description
regular Regular JSON RPC request message, where the client should expect a response. See
notification JSON RPC notification message, where the receiver does not send a response back. See
pub-sub A regular or notification JSON RPC message from the subscriber to the publisher, which may result in the publisher sending notification messages back to the subscriber. E.g. see
ehildenb commented 2 years ago

Messages the backend can receive:


"state": KORE_TERM
"action": "execute"
OPTIONAL: "max-depth": DEPTH
OPTIONAL: "halt-patterns": [KORE_HALT_PATTERN ...]

This should execute until either (i) a branch is hit, (ii) the entire term gets stuck, (iii) the max-depth bound is reached, or (iv) one of the halt-patterns matches. If halt-patterns are not supplied, they should not be checked.

The response should be:

"state": KORE_TERM

Where KORE_TERM is the final term, and REASON_FOR_HALTING is one of:

{ "reason": "branching", "depth": DEPTH }
{ "reason": "stuck", "depth": DEPTH }
{ "reason": "depth-bound" }
{ "reason": "pattern-match", "depth": DEPTH, "matches": [ { "pattern": INT_INDEX_OF_PATTERN_THAT_MATCHED, "substitution": MATCHING_SUBSTITUTION } ] }

One step symbolic execution

"state": KORE_TERM
"action": "step"

Response should be:

"states": [ {"state": KORE_TERM, "depth": DEPTH, "condition": NEW_PATH_CONDITION_ALONG_THAT_EXECUTION } ... ]

Where it is expected that DEPTH will be either 0 or 1. 0 will correspond to stuck turns, 1 to terms that could take a step. If no branching occurs, it should return a singleton with NEW_PATH_CONDITIONAL_ALNG_THAT_EXECUTION being #Top. If part of the term gets stuck (like a remainder that doesn't make any more progress), then DEPTH==0 and NEW_PATH_CONDITION_ALONG_THAT_EXECUTION should be the remainder that it got stuck with.

Implication Checking

"antecedent": KORE_TERM
"consequent": KORE_TERM


"satisfiable": true/false

If implifiaction checking results in #Bottom, no need for a substitution. If it does not, we need the substitution which causes matching to work.

Term Simplification

"state": KORE_TERM


ehildenb commented 2 years ago
rule <k> X:Int => a ... </k> requires X <Int 3
call: {"step": "<k> Y:Int </k>"}
result: [
{ term: "<k> Y </k>", "condition": "notBool X <Int 3", "depth": 0 },
{ term: "<k> a </k>", "condition": "X <Int 3", "depth": 1 }
ehildenb commented 2 years ago

Let's make the architecture so that there is one main server thread which accepts/sends requests. Add a cancel command which can cancel a given command running.

ehildenb commented 2 years ago

Let's make sure that each call which triggers simplification (simplify, step, execute-to-branch) can optionally take a list of axioms (semantic rules with some specific priority) and simplification lemmas (simplification rules).

ehildenb commented 2 years ago

Let's allow specifying a list of patterns to execute-to-branch which will be checked every step of execution. If the one of the patterns matches the current term, then halt execution and return the current state. If no pattern is supplied, it should be no efficiency difference from original implementation.

We also change the return of execute-to-branch to have a reason instead of a boolean branching. The reason will be one of stuck, branching, pattern-match(N) (where N is the index of the pattern that matched).

ana-pantilie commented 2 years ago


Semantic rule/rewrite rule:

Function rules (function definition rules and simplification rules):

Server start-up

The configuration looks like:

data KoreRpcServerOptions =
       { definitionFileName :: FilePath
        , mainModuleName :: ModuleName
        , koreSolverOptions :: KoreSolverOptions
        , koreLogOptions :: KoreLogOptions
        , version :: _

Start-up will load and initialize the definition, meaning it will basically do the same thing as until line 665. This only does syntactical validation of the kore definition but it doesn't internalize the definition. Our first blocker is that we run the simplifier initialization as part of the action which actually executes the Kore pattern, so that needs to be separated and stored some way globally in order for the worker thread to have access to it each time it reads a request.

ana-pantilie commented 2 years ago

Next steps:

goodlyrottenapple commented 2 years ago

from @nishantjr:

We noticed while looking at the logs, that when executing up to a branch point, the backend may be calculating the states immediately after the branch point as well. If that's the case, could the JSON RPC also return those states? We'd like to change the result of the execute action from:

"state": KORE_TERM

Where KORE_TERM is the final term, and REASON_FOR_HALTING is one of:

{ "reason": "branching", "depth": DEPTH }
{ "reason": "stuck", "depth": DEPTH }
{ "reason": "depth-bound" }
{ "reason": "pattern-match", "depth": DEPTH, "matches": [ { "pattern": INT_INDEX_OF_PATTERN_THAT_MATCHED, "substitution": MATCHING_SUBSTITUTION } ] }


"state": KORE_TERM

Where KORE_TERM is the final term, and REASON_FOR_HALTING is one of:

{ "reason": "branching", "depth": DEPTH, "post-branch-states": [ { "state": POST_BRANCH_STATE, "depth": POST_BRANCH_DEPTH, ...]}
{ "reason": "stuck", "depth": DEPTH }
{ "reason": "depth-bound" }
{ "reason": "pattern-match", "depth": DEPTH, "matches": [ { "pattern": INT_INDEX_OF_PATTERN_THAT_MATCHED, "substitution": MATCHING_SUBSTITUTION } ] }
ehildenb commented 2 years ago

No need for frontend or LLVM backend support here, we already have good textual/binary format for frontend/backend talknig to each other.

Maybe later we need it, and we can add it then. Currently we only need pyk/haskell-backend to talk to each other.

ehildenb commented 2 years ago

We actually don't need support for patterns in execute-to-branch anymore, instead we can support cut-point-rules and terminal-rules.

cut-point-rules is a set of string rule labels/identifiers (like rule [my-rule-name]: ....), which if one of these rules applies, we want the state before the rule applied to be returned. terminal-rules is a set of string rule labels/identifiers (like rule [my-rule-name]: ...) which if one of these rules applies, we want the state after the rule applied to be returned.

ana-pantilie commented 2 years ago

We met and discussed that we need the following:

The check-implication request can just expose the current check implication procedure we have, with some minimal changes.

radumereuta commented 2 years ago

Prioritize merging an API. We can do refactoring later. We should unblock other teams first.

ana-pantilie commented 2 years ago

Meeting discussion with @goodlyrottenapple:

Future work:

ana-pantilie commented 2 years ago

@goodlyrottenapple just export types from the Kore JSON module.

ana-pantilie commented 2 years ago

Next step as of today: additional testing, and look at check-implication. @ana-pantilie please ask what is needed for this end-point.