runway20 / PopoverView

A simple UIView popover control for iPhone/iPad written in CoreGraphics.
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CocoaPods/Specs/PopoverView is out of date #36

Open reynhout opened 11 years ago

reynhout commented 11 years ago

I tried to update CocoaPods myself, but they want the push to come from the original repo.

The PopoverView.podspec file in runway20/PopoverView looks like it has been updated, but it refers to a different repo (cocoa-factory/PopoverView) and a tag ("0.0.2") that only exists on that other repo.

Some instrux here:

And discussion on my push attempt here:

Thank you!

gregwym commented 11 years ago

I'm having the same issue. Hopefully the update will be published to Pods soon.

pierrephi commented 10 years ago

@runway20 would you mind pushing 0.0.2 to the central cocoapods repo? Currently only 0.0.1 is referenced there, thanks!

ocrickard commented 10 years ago

I wrote this repo, but no longer work with Runway 20. So what is it exactly that you need us to do? I'll see if I can take care of it, or ask someone at runway 20 to do it for you.

reynhout commented 10 years ago

Hi Oliver,

There's one oddity in the PopoverView podspec that was merged in from cocoa-factory. It changed the authoritative PopoverView source repo from "runway20/PopoverView" to "cocoa-factory/PopoverView". I assume it should be changed back to runway20, unless the code is being handed off.

The correct source repo should then be tagged "0.0.2", and everything pushed up to github.

Over on the CocoaPods repo, the runway20 account should fork CocoaPods/Specs, copy the podspec file from the PopoverView repo into the PopoverView directory, and then push that change up to github.

Lastly, a pull request for the CocoaPods repo should come from the runway20 account so they can merge the podspec file in with confidence.

Let me know if that helps, or if I've missed something.

Thanks for the code, it's quite useful!