runxel / GDL-sublime

:pencil: A Sublime Text package for the programming language GDL (Geometric Description Language)
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Video tutorial for code execution workflow #11

Open leceta opened 3 years ago

leceta commented 3 years ago

Hi runxel, did you consider recording a videotutorial explaining how it works the workflow for GDL execution that I assume is besides this declaration "This means an end to the abundant copy & pasting orgy of the past."?

I am certainly not able to follow your explanation under "WORKFLOW".

I think it would be of high interest for GDL comunity to see how we can code in sublime a run the code in archicad.

thanks, for the great work.

p.s. = the link to the video "Perfect Workflow in Sublime Text." is not working/video has been deleted.

runxel commented 3 years ago

Hello leceta, thank you so much for your input!

Yes, a video tutorial is definitely on my TODO list. I still haven't got the time to make it happen, tho. :(

The workflow section has grown quite a bit since I started this small project. A lot of features have been incorporated and to be honest, the whole thing is ripe for a total rewrite (The python part; the "logic" for converting, so to speak). So I get why this is not the most comprehensable explanation – it's a bit messy, I've to admit.

But I also have to admit, that I made myself comfortable with VSCode, even tho it's not a mature product and a lot of features I'd want are still not there. But on the other hand Sublime Text has some long standing bugs and it's documentation is quirky so I had to basically go into full parrot mode (looking into the code of others). That's why I abandoned ST mostly and went with VSCode as my day to day editor. There is no clean and easy solution for converting GDLs into scripts and vice versa however. I found a very crude way; not sure if that is suitable for other people.

Sadly the official GDL plugin for VSCode is... quite lacking. I've been in contact with GS about it, but alas, you know them.

P.S.: Thanks for the notification. Too bad they've taken that one down, it was quite good. I have removed the link for now.