ruoqianguo / DetNet_pytorch

An implementation of DetNet: A Backbone network for Object Detection.
MIT License
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GPU #1

Closed ran337287 closed 6 years ago

ran337287 commented 6 years ago

hello, is your GPU Titan 1080 Ti? I use a single GPU of K40,and bs is set as 1, and it'll produce cuda runtime error.

ruoqianguo commented 6 years ago

@ran337287 hi, my GPU is GeForce GTX 1080 Ti. Do you compile the cuda code? Is there an error when compiling cuda code? set '-arch=sm_35'. Can you show your cuda error information?

ran337287 commented 6 years ago

img I remain the origin code in, and '-arch=sm52'

ruoqianguo commented 6 years ago

Sorry, i can't see your 'img', but i think you should set '-arch=sm_35' in and sh again. you can see that Matching SM architectures (CUDA arch and CUDA gencode) for various NVIDIA cards

ran337287 commented 6 years ago

Called with args: Namespace(batch_size=1, checkepoch=1, checkpoint=0, checkpoint_interval=10000, checksession=1, class_agnostic=False, cuda=True, dataset='pascal_voc', disp_interval=100, exp_name='exp_name2', lr=0.001, lr_decay_gamma=0.1, lr_decay_step=5, lscale=False, mGPUs=False, max_epochs=12, net='detnet59', num_workers=4, optimizer='sgd', resume=False, save_dir='weights', session=1, start_epoch=1, use_tfboard=True) Using config: {'ANCHOR_RATIOS': [0.5, 1, 2], 'ANCHOR_SCALES': [8, 16, 32], 'CROP_RESIZE_WITH_MAX_POOL': False, 'CUDA': False, 'DATA_DIR': '/home/lxq/xiaoqian_Program/icdar/ori_DetNet_pytorch/data', 'DEDUP_BOXES': 0.0625, 'DETNET': {'FIXED_BLOCKS': 1, 'MAX_POOL': False}, 'EPS': 1e-14, 'EXP_DIR': 'res101', 'FEAT_STRIDE': [16], 'FPN_ANCHOR_SCALES': [32, 64, 128, 256, 512], 'FPN_ANCHOR_STRIDE': 1, 'FPN_FEAT_STRIDES': [4, 8, 16, 16, 16], 'GPU_ID': 0, 'HAS_MASK': True, 'MATLAB': 'matlab', 'MAX_NUM_GT_BOXES': 20, 'MOBILENET': {'DEPTH_MULTIPLIER': 1.0, 'FIXED_LAYERS': 5, 'REGU_DEPTH': False, 'WEIGHT_DECAY': 4e-05}, 'PIXEL_MEANS': array([[[ 0.485, 0.456, 0.406]]]), 'PIXEL_STDS': array([[[ 0.229, 0.224, 0.225]]]), 'POOLING_MODE': 'align', 'POOLING_SIZE': 14, 'RESNET': {'FIXED_BLOCKS': 1, 'MAX_POOL': False}, 'RNG_SEED': 3, 'ROOT_DIR': '/home/lxq/xiaoqian_Program/icdar/ori_DetNet_pytorch', 'TEST': {'BBOX_REG': True, 'HAS_RPN': True, 'MAX_SIZE': 1000, 'MODE': 'nms', 'NMS': 0.3, 'PROPOSAL_METHOD': 'gt', 'RPN_MIN_SIZE': 16, 'RPN_NMS_THRESH': 0.7, 'RPN_POST_NMS_TOP_N': 300, 'RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N': 6000, 'RPN_TOP_N': 5000, 'SCALES': [600], 'SVM': False}, 'TRAIN': {'ASPECT_CROPPING': True, 'ASPECT_GROUPING': False, 'BATCH_SIZE': 128, 'BBOX_INSIDE_WEIGHTS': [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], 'BBOX_NORMALIZE_MEANS': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'BBOX_NORMALIZE_STDS': [0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2], 'BBOX_NORMALIZE_TARGETS': True, 'BBOX_NORMALIZE_TARGETS_PRECOMPUTED': True, 'BBOX_REG': True, 'BBOX_THRESH': 0.5, 'BG_THRESH_HI': 0.5, 'BG_THRESH_LO': 0.0, 'BIAS_DECAY': False, 'BN_TRAIN': False, 'DISPLAY': 20, 'DOUBLE_BIAS': False, 'FG_FRACTION': 0.25, 'FG_THRESH': 0.5, 'GAMMA': 0.1, 'HAS_RPN': True, 'IMS_PER_BATCH': 1, 'LEARNING_RATE': 0.001, 'MAX_SIZE': 1000, 'MOMENTUM': 0.9, 'PROPOSAL_METHOD': 'gt', 'RPN_BATCHSIZE': 256, 'RPN_BBOX_INSIDE_WEIGHTS': [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], 'RPN_CLOBBER_POSITIVES': False, 'RPN_FG_FRACTION': 0.5, 'RPN_MIN_SIZE': 8, 'RPN_NEGATIVE_OVERLAP': 0.3, 'RPN_NMS_THRESH': 0.7, 'RPN_POSITIVE_OVERLAP': 0.7, 'RPN_POSITIVE_WEIGHT': -1.0, 'RPN_POST_NMS_TOP_N': 2000, 'RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N': 12000, 'SCALES': [600], 'SNAPSHOT_ITERS': 5000, 'SNAPSHOT_KEPT': 3, 'SNAPSHOT_PREFIX': 'res101_faster_rcnn', 'STEPSIZE': [30000], 'SUMMARY_INTERVAL': 180, 'TRIM_HEIGHT': 600, 'TRIM_WIDTH': 600, 'TRUNCATED': False, 'USE_ALL_GT': True, 'USE_FLIPPED': True, 'USE_GT': False, 'WEIGHT_DECAY': 0.0001}, 'USE_GPU_NMS': True} Loaded dataset voc_2007_trainval for training Set proposal method: gt Appending horizontally-flipped training examples... /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/scipy/sparse/ VisibleDeprecationWarning: rank is deprecated; use the ndim attribute or function instead. To find the rank of a matrix see numpy.linalg.matrix_rank. if np.rank(M) != 2: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/scipy/sparse/ VisibleDeprecationWarning: rank is deprecated; use the ndim attribute or function instead. To find the rank of a matrix see numpy.linalg.matrix_rank. if np.rank( != 1 or np.rank(self.row) != 1 or np.rank(self.col) != 1: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/scipy/sparse/ VisibleDeprecationWarning: rank is deprecated; use the ndim attribute or function instead. To find the rank of a matrix see numpy.linalg.matrix_rank. if np.rank( != 1 or np.rank(self.indices) != 1 or np.rank(self.indptr) != 1: wrote gt roidb to /home/lxq/xiaoqian_Program/icdar/ori_DetNet_pytorch/data/cache/voc_2007_trainval_gt_roidb.pkl done Preparing training data... done before filtering, there are 10022 images... after filtering, there are 10022 images... 10022 roidb entries Loading pretrained weights from data/pretrained_model/detnet59.pth THCudaCheck FAIL file=/pytorch/torch/lib/THC/ line=204 error=8 : invalid device function Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/lxq/xiaoqian_Program/icdar/ori_DetNet_pytorch/", line 362, in roi_labels = FPN(im_data, im_info, gt_boxes, num_boxes) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 224, in call result = self.forward(*input, kwargs) File "/home/lxq/xiaoqian_Program/icdar/ori_DetNet_pytorch/lib/model/fpn/", line 194, in forward rois, rpn_loss_cls, rpn_loss_bbox = self.RCNN_rpn(rpn_feature_maps, im_info, gt_boxes, num_boxes) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 224, in call result = self.forward(*input, *kwargs) File "/home/lxq/xiaoqian_Program/icdar/ori_DetNet_pytorch/lib/model/rpn/", line 100, in forward im_info, cfg_key, rpn_shapes)) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 224, in call result = self.forward(input, kwargs) File "/home/lxq/xiaoqian_Program/icdar/ori_DetNet_pytorch/lib/model/rpn/", line 112, in forward keep_idx_i = keep_idx_i.long().view(-1) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/torch/", line 51, in long return self.type(type(self).module + '.LongTensor') File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/torch/cuda/", line 278, in type return super(_CudaBase, self).type(*args, **kwargs) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/torch/", line 35, in _type return newtype(self.size()).copy(self, async) RuntimeError: cuda runtime error (8) : invalid device function at /pytorch/torch/lib/THC/

I tested -arch=sm_35, but there is the same error.

ruoqianguo commented 6 years ago

@ran337287 you can see this issue, it's the same error

ran337287 commented 6 years ago

Thank you very much. It is helpful for me to solve the error.