ruotianluo / ImageCaptioning.pytorch

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I want to evaluate trained models using CIDER, etc. #166

Open tnb1021 opened 1 year ago

tnb1021 commented 1 year ago

I want to evaluate trained models using CIDER, but i can't it. When language_eval=0, it can be evaluated, but when language_eval=1, an error occurs.I want to use language_eval. tried:

python tools/ --model log_fc/model-best.pth --infos_path log_fc/infos_fc-best.pkl --image_folder ../repurpose-gan/test_images/ --num_images -1 --force 1 --language_eval 1


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/tanabe/ImageCaptioning.pytorch/tools/", line 79, in <module>
    lang_stats = eval_utils.language_eval(opt.input_json, predictions, n_predictions, vars(opt), opt.split)
  File "/home/tanabe/ImageCaptioning.pytorch/captioning/utils/", line 84, in language_eval
    mean_perplexity = sum([_['perplexity'] for _ in preds_filt]) / len(preds_filt)
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero

This error has been reported in other issues, but all seem to be resolved by setting --force=1 and language_eval=0. I can eliminate the error with those conditions too, but what can I do to run with language_eval=1?

ruotianluo commented 1 year ago

It does not support evaluation on arbitrary image. You have to evaluate on coco or flickr30k, or you need to create your dataset in the same way as the coco format.

tnb1021 commented 1 year ago

I prepared and ran the same format as coco and got the same error. Is there anything else needed other than the files in the following command?

python tools/ --input_json data/dataset_cub_test.json --input_fc_dir data/cubtalk-test_fc/ --input_att_dir data/cubtalk-test_att/ --input_label_h5 none --num_images -1 --model log_fc/model-best.pth --infos_path log_fc/infos_fc-best.pkl --language_eval 1 --force 1

I use "cub" dataset.

ruotianluo commented 1 year ago

You need to prepare a Json file in coco-caption folder too.

ruotianluo commented 1 year ago

Similar to

You also need to add a line to let the coco-caption to read this Json file.