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Pillow, in place of PIL #11

Closed notpratheek closed 7 years ago

notpratheek commented 10 years ago

Thanks for this terminal epub reader ! :smile:

Is it possible to change the image handling from PIL to Pillow ?

(Since, upon looking around I found out that, PIL was dead, and the Pillow was considered to be its replacement)

arpit1997 commented 7 years ago

Good suggestion @notpratheek python Image library is considerd to be dead for now it is not in active development.PILLOW was a good and active fork of PIL so it should be used. PIL has got many bugs now and there issue tracker is not active also. :small_airplane: :smile_cat: :smiley_cat:

rupa commented 7 years ago

changed dep to Pillow. Now to actually use it well ...