rupa / sprunge

command line pastebin for google appengine
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someone's been spamming ix for about a year #40

Open kini opened 7 years ago

kini commented 7 years ago

A look at shows that every 15 minutes someone is uploading an error message three times from what I presume is a cron job script. The error message is pretty much identical for all of the pastes. These pastes have been going on since at least February 2016 (see ). Seems like a waste of space, and more importantly, of URLs... in the less than 1 year since oD0 we're already at 1Tvr, meaning that about 77% of all currently allocated URLs were allocated in the past year, and I'd guess mostly to these ansible-pull error message pastes. Just thought I'd point this out in case nobody had noticed.

rupa commented 7 years ago

thanks, i should have some metrics :/

kini commented 7 years ago

This is happening again, btw.