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Getting tab completion to work in Zsh #100

Open bradical opened 11 years ago

bradical commented 11 years ago

I'm using my own fork bradical/dotfiles@master of holman/dotfiles@master. I added 'z' to my dotfiles and loaded it.

But the tab completion doesn't appear to work. Basically, it just completes any directories in the current directory rather than stuff in the z database.


rupa commented 11 years ago

zsh has an absolute ton of configurables for completions, including two entirely separate systems (!) for doing them. I can almost guarantee that something else in all those dotfiles that configures completion breaks z's completion.

bradical commented 11 years ago

Yea, I figured as much. Can you tell me what types of things to look for? I'm really new to zsh.

rupa commented 11 years ago

Nope! I don't use zsh nor do I want to. bash4lyfe

bradical commented 11 years ago

fair enough. thanks for the advice!

bradical commented 11 years ago

Ok, I found the offending line:

setopt complete_aliases

though not sure what to do about it. I'll ask the maker of the dotfiles

Thanks again for the help!

mrjohannchang commented 5 years ago

I've also added the tab completion for z with fzf. Check it out: