rupa / z

z - jump around
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z does not work with symbolic links #218

Closed furiel closed 6 years ago

furiel commented 7 years ago

z does not work with symbolic links of directories.

Steps to reproduce:

cd /tmp
mkdir verynewdir
ln -s verynewdir linktoverynewdir
cd linktoverynewdir
z -l linktoverynewdir

The result will be empty.
However with the original directory:

cd ..
cd verynewdir
z -l verynewdir

will output

common:    /tmp/verynewdir
12         /tmp/verynewdir

The expected behaviour would be similar output with the symbolic link directory as well. Similarly, z -t linktoverynewdir could drop me to /tmp/linktoverynewdir

Environment: zsh --version
zsh 5.1.1 (x86_64-ubuntu-linux-gnu) z: 1a361f6dc10e54e34e42f1e03850692959c6b413

Could you check this issue? It would be great if I could use z in a scenario above.

ericbn commented 7 years ago

By default, z resolves the symlinks, so when you cd to linktoverynewdir it actually adds verynewdir to the datafile.

To have the behavior you want, you need to disable this with


before sourcing your, so

. /usr/local/etc/profile.d/
furiel commented 6 years ago

@ericbn thanks for your answer, it works like charm. Sorry for the late response, somehow I missed your answer, probably overlooked a notification. My problem is resolved, so I close the issue now.