rurban / smhasher

Hash function quality and speed tests
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FNV1A_Yorikke - The branchless superfast lookuper for SMALL KEYS #73

Closed Sanmayce closed 4 years ago

Sanmayce commented 4 years ago

Hi Reini, please consider taking a look at my latest-n-fastest etude - 'Yorikke':

The source code along with the superheavy (1 trillion unique keys) benchmark is freely downloadable at:

The quick overview:

// "There it now stands for ever. Black on white.
// I can't get away from it. Ahoy, Yorikke, ahoy, hoy, ho!
// Go to hell now if you wish. What do I care? It's all the same now to me.
// I am part of you now. Where you go I go, where you leave I leave, when you go to the devil I go. Married.
// Vanished from the living. Damned and doomed. Of me there is not left a breath in all the vast world.
// Ahoy, Yorikke! Ahoy, hoy, ho!
// I am not buried in the sea,
// The death ship is now part of me
// So far from sunny New Orleans
// So far from lovely Louisiana."
// "Walking home to our good old Yorikke, I could not help thinking of this beautiful ship, with a crew on board that had faces as if they were seeing ghosts by day and by night.
// Compared to that gilded Empress, the Yorikke was an honorable old lady with lavender sachets in her drawers.
// Yorikke did not pretend to anything she was not. She lived up to her looks. Honest to her lowest ribs and to the leaks in her bilge.
// Now, what is this? I find myself falling in love with that old jane.
// All right, I cannot pass by you, Yorikke; I have to tell you I love you. Honest, baby, I love you.
// I have six black finger-nails, and four black and green-blue nails on my toes, which you, honey, gave me when necking you.
// Grate-bars have crushed some of my toes. And each finger-nail has its own painful story to tell.
// My chest, my back, my arms, my legs are covered with scars of burns and scorchings.
// Each scar, when it was being created, caused me pains which I shall surely never forget.
// But every outcry of pain was a love-cry for you, honey.
// You are no hypocrite. Your heart does not bleed tears when you do not feel heart-aches deeply and truly.
// You do not dance on the water if you do not feel like being jolly and kicking chasers in the pants.
// Your heart never lies. It is fine and clean like polished gold. Never mind the rags, honey dear.
// When you laugh, your whole soul and all your body is laughing.
// And when you weep, sweety, then you weep so that even the reefs you pass feel like weeping with you.
// I never want to leave you again, honey. I mean it. Not for all the rich and elegant buckets in the world.
// I love you, my gypsy of the sea!"
#define _rotl_KAZE(x, n) (((x) << (n)) | ((x) >> (32-(n))))
#define _PADr_KAZE(x, n) ( ((x) << (n))>>(n) )
#define ROLInBits 27 // 5 in r.1; Caramba: it should be ROR by 5 not ROL, from the very beginning the idea was to mix two bytes by shifting/masking the first 5 'noisy' bits (ASCII 0-31 symbols).
uint32_t FNV1A_Hash_Yorikke_v2(const char *str, uint32_t wrdlen)
    const uint32_t PRIME = 591798841;
    uint32_t hash32 = 2166136261;
    uint64_t PADDEDby8;
    const char *p = str;
    //uint64_t dbg=0x4241414141414143; // LSB first: CAAAAAAB
    //int i;
    //PADDEDby8 = ( (*(uint64_t *)(&dbg+0)) << ((8-wrdlen&7)<<3) ) >> ((8-wrdlen&7)<<3);
    //PADDEDby8 = _PADr_KAZE(*(uint64_t *)(&dbg+0), (8-wrdlen&7)<<3);
    //for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
    //printf("%c",*((char *)&PADDEDby8+i)); //CA

    for(; wrdlen >= 2*sizeof(uint32_t); wrdlen -= 2*sizeof(uint32_t), p += 2*sizeof(uint32_t)) {
        hash32 = ( _rotl_KAZE(hash32,ROLInBits) ^ (*(uint32_t *)(p+0)) ) * PRIME;        
        hash32 = ( _rotl_KAZE(hash32,ROLInBits) ^ (*(uint32_t *)(p+4)) ) * PRIME;        

// Alternatively, the remaining 7[-] bytes could be padded and processed as 2x4... with _PADr_KAZE(x, (8-wrdlen&7)<<3)

    //if (wrdlen) {
        PADDEDby8 = _PADr_KAZE(*(uint64_t *)(p+0), (8-wrdlen&7)<<3);
            hash32 = ( _rotl_KAZE(hash32,ROLInBits) ^ *(uint32_t *)((char *)&PADDEDby8+0) ) * PRIME;        
            hash32 = ( _rotl_KAZE(hash32,ROLInBits) ^ *(uint32_t *)((char *)&PADDEDby8+4) ) * PRIME;        

//    // Cases: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
//    if (wrdlen & sizeof(uint32_t)) {
//      hash32 = (hash32 ^ *(uint16_t*)(p+0)) * PRIME;
//      hash32B = (hash32B ^ *(uint16_t*)(p+2)) * PRIME;
//      p += 2*sizeof(uint16_t);
//    }
//    if (wrdlen & sizeof(uint16_t)) {
//        hash32 = (hash32 ^ *(uint16_t*)p) * PRIME;
//        p += sizeof(uint16_t);
//    }
//    if (wrdlen & 1) 
//        hash32 = (hash32 ^ *p) * PRIME;

    return hash32 ^ (hash32 >> 16);

// The very instrumental and informative page of Peter Kankowski, first column is time (smaller-better), last one is collisions (smaller-better):
500 lines read
1024 elements in the table (10 bits)
           Jesteress:         55 [  110]
              Meiyan:         56 [  102]
             Yorikke:         54 [   98] ! Best Speed, Best Dispersion ! on Core 2, 32bit executable
              FNV-1a:         69 [  124]
              Larson:         68 [   99]
              CRC-32:         65 [  101]
             Murmur2:         71 [  103]
             Murmur3:         68 [  101]
           XXHfast32:         80 [  110]
         XXHstrong32:         80 [  109]
13408 lines read
32768 elements in the table (15 bits)
           Jesteress:       1757 [ 2427]
              Meiyan:       1775 [ 2377]
             Yorikke:       1672 [ 2413] ! Best Speed, - ! on Core 2, 32bit executable
              FNV-1a:       2097 [ 2446]
              Larson:       2033 [ 2447]
              CRC-32:       2140 [ 2400]
             Murmur2:       2266 [ 2399]
             Murmur3:       2116 [ 2376]
           XXHfast32:       2428 [ 2494]
         XXHstrong32:       2431 [ 2496]
3925 lines read
8192 elements in the table (13 bits)
           Jesteress:        436 [  819]
              Meiyan:        451 [  807]
             Yorikke:        486 [  789] ! - , Best Dispersion ! on Core 2, 32bit executable
              FNV-1a:        614 [  796]
              Larson:        587 [  789]
              CRC-32:        589 [  802]
             Murmur2:        566 [  825]
             Murmur3:        549 [  818]
           XXHfast32:        704 [  829]
         XXHstrong32:        704 [  829]
500 lines read
1024 elements in the table (10 bits)
           Jesteress:         40 [  300]
              Meiyan:         32 [  125]
             Yorikke:         37 [   82] ! - , - ! on Core 2, 32bit executable
              FNV-1a:         35 [  108]
              Larson:         26 [   16]
              CRC-32:         34 [   64]
             Murmur2:         45 [  104]
             Murmur3:         42 [  104]
           XXHfast32:         53 [  102]
         XXHstrong32:         53 [  102]
500 lines read
1024 elements in the table (10 bits)
           Jesteress:         70 [  106]
              Meiyan:         74 [  112]
             Yorikke:         76 [   99] ! - , - ! on Core 2, 32bit executable
              FNV-1a:        159 [  105]
              Larson:        160 [  105]
              CRC-32:        129 [   94]
             Murmur2:         99 [  111]
             Murmur3:         98 [  105]
           XXHfast32:         76 [  106]
         XXHstrong32:         82 [  112]
500 lines read
1024 elements in the table (10 bits)
           Jesteress:         73 [  102]
              Meiyan:         77 [  106]
             Yorikke:         79 [   94] ! - , Best Dispersion ! on Core 2, 32bit executable
              FNV-1a:        165 [   94]
              Larson:        161 [   99]
              CRC-32:        135 [  107]
             Murmur2:        103 [  106]
             Murmur3:        101 [  103]
           XXHfast32:         77 [  103]
         XXHstrong32:         82 [  102]
3228 lines read
8192 elements in the table (13 bits)
           Jesteress:        357 [  585]
              Meiyan:        366 [  588]
             Yorikke:        349 [  536] ! Best Speed, - ! on Core 2, 32bit executable
              FNV-1a:        419 [  555]
              Larson:        404 [  583]
              CRC-32:        433 [  563]
             Murmur2:        471 [  566]
             Murmur3:        443 [  555]
           XXHfast32:        493 [  491]
         XXHstrong32:        493 [  491]
1842 lines read
4096 elements in the table (12 bits)
           Jesteress:        249 [  366]
              Meiyan:        256 [  350]
             Yorikke:        240 [  351] ! Best Speed, - ! on Core 2, 32bit executable
              FNV-1a:        318 [  374]
              Larson:        313 [  366]
              CRC-32:        309 [  338]
             Murmur2:        318 [  383]
             Murmur3:        299 [  334]
           XXHfast32:        336 [  347]
         XXHstrong32:        339 [  355]

E:\_TEXTUAL_MADNESS_bare-minimum_2019-Sep-28\Nakamichi_2019-Sep-28\hash_updated>Knight-Tour_FNV1A_Yorikke2_vs_CRC32_TRISMUS.exe a8 4000000000
Knight-Tour_FNV1A_Yorikke2_vs_CRC32_TRISMUS, subrevision Efix, written by Kaze (based on Kurt White's code), downloadable at
Purpose: to compare FNV1A_Yorikke2 and CRC32 by giving the highest number of collisions i.e. the deepest nest/layer, the-lesser-the-better.
Note: In this subrevision a KT is transformed to lowercase at each position ONCE, KT is transformed to lowercase and then to uppercase at each position ONCE,
      and these two 2x64 sequences reversed, i.e. all the 4x64 combinations.
      Thus excluding the original KT we can hash 1+ trillion 1Kb UNIQUE chunks by having only 4 billion KTs.
Example: D:\>Knight-Tour_FNV1A_Yorikke2_vs_CRC32_TRISMUS a8 4000000000
Polynomial used:
CRC32: 0x8F6E37A0
KEYS to be hashed = 4,000,000,000x4x64
HashSizeInBits = 27
ReportAtEvery = 134,217,727
Allocating HASH memory 512MB ... OK
Allocating HASH memory 512MB ... OK
The first KT:
gives following 4x64 UNIQUE derivatives:
FNV1A_Yorikke_v2       : KT_DumpCounter = 0,000,134,217,729; 000,000,002 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,011; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,049,574,606
CRC32 0x8F6E37A0, iSCSI: KT_DumpCounter = 0,000,134,217,729; 000,000,004 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,011; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,049,561,215
FNV1A_Yorikke_v2       : KT_DumpCounter = 0,000,268,435,457; 000,000,004 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,014; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,018,312,537
CRC32 0x8F6E37A0, iSCSI: KT_DumpCounter = 0,000,268,435,457; 000,000,004 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,014; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,018,307,048
FNV1A_Yorikke_v2       : KT_DumpCounter = 0,000,402,653,185; 000,000,022 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,016; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,006,764,093
CRC32 0x8F6E37A0, iSCSI: KT_DumpCounter = 0,000,402,653,185; 000,000,008 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,017; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,006,762,415
FNV1A_Yorikke_v2       : KT_DumpCounter = 0,000,536,870,913; 000,000,001 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,022; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,002,498,600
CRC32 0x8F6E37A0, iSCSI: KT_DumpCounter = 0,000,536,870,913; 000,000,002 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,020; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,002,496,170
FNV1A_Yorikke_v2       : KT_DumpCounter = 0,000,671,088,641; 000,000,002 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,024; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,000,921,568
CRC32 0x8F6E37A0, iSCSI: KT_DumpCounter = 0,000,671,088,641; 000,000,002 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,023; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,000,922,884
FNV1A_Yorikke_v2       : KT_DumpCounter = 0,000,805,306,369; 000,000,001 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,027; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,000,339,948
CRC32 0x8F6E37A0, iSCSI: KT_DumpCounter = 0,000,805,306,369; 000,000,002 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,026; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,000,339,990
FNV1A_Yorikke_v2       : KT_DumpCounter = 0,000,939,524,097; 000,000,001 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,029; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,000,125,193
CRC32 0x8F6E37A0, iSCSI: KT_DumpCounter = 0,000,939,524,097; 000,000,002 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,028; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,000,126,260
FNV1A_Yorikke_v2       : KT_DumpCounter = 0,001,073,741,825; 000,000,001 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,030; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,000,046,341
CRC32 0x8F6E37A0, iSCSI: KT_DumpCounter = 0,001,073,741,825; 000,000,002 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,030; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,000,046,780
FNV1A_Yorikke_v2       : KT_DumpCounter = 0,001,207,959,553; 000,000,002 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,031; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,000,017,252
CRC32 0x8F6E37A0, iSCSI: KT_DumpCounter = 0,001,207,959,553; 000,000,002 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,030; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,000,017,200
FNV1A_Yorikke_v2       : KT_DumpCounter = 0,001,342,177,281; 000,000,001 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,033; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,000,006,272
CRC32 0x8F6E37A0, iSCSI: KT_DumpCounter = 0,001,342,177,281; 000,000,002 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,033; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,000,006,284
FNV1A_Yorikke_v2       : KT_DumpCounter = 0,001,476,395,009; 000,000,002 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,034; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,000,002,304
CRC32 0x8F6E37A0, iSCSI: KT_DumpCounter = 0,001,476,395,009; 000,000,002 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,034; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,000,002,338
FNV1A_Yorikke_v2       : KT_DumpCounter = 0,001,610,612,737; 000,000,002 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,036; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,000,000,876
CRC32 0x8F6E37A0, iSCSI: KT_DumpCounter = 0,001,610,612,737; 000,000,006 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,035; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,000,000,834
FNV1A_Yorikke_v2       : KT_DumpCounter = 0,001,744,830,465; 000,000,005 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,037; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,000,000,292
CRC32 0x8F6E37A0, iSCSI: KT_DumpCounter = 0,001,744,830,465; 000,000,002 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,038; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,000,000,304
FNV1A_Yorikke_v2       : KT_DumpCounter = 0,001,879,048,193; 000,000,001 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,040; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,000,000,108
CRC32 0x8F6E37A0, iSCSI: KT_DumpCounter = 0,001,879,048,193; 000,000,004 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,040; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,000,000,124
FNV1A_Yorikke_v2       : KT_DumpCounter = 0,002,013,265,921; 000,000,003 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,041; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,000,000,041
CRC32 0x8F6E37A0, iSCSI: KT_DumpCounter = 0,002,013,265,921; 000,000,006 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,041; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,000,000,046
FNV1A_Yorikke_v2       : KT_DumpCounter = 0,002,147,483,649; 000,000,004 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,042; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,000,000,016
CRC32 0x8F6E37A0, iSCSI: KT_DumpCounter = 0,002,147,483,649; 000,000,004 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,043; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,000,000,008
FNV1A_Yorikke_v2       : KT_DumpCounter = 0,002,281,701,377; 000,000,002 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,046; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,000,000,007
CRC32 0x8F6E37A0, iSCSI: KT_DumpCounter = 0,002,281,701,377; 000,000,002 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,045; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,000,000,002
FNV1A_Yorikke_v2       : KT_DumpCounter = 0,002,415,919,105; 000,000,001 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,049; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,000,000,001
CRC32 0x8F6E37A0, iSCSI: KT_DumpCounter = 0,002,415,919,105; 000,000,002 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,047; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,000,000,000
FNV1A_Yorikke_v2       : KT_DumpCounter = 0,002,550,136,833; 000,000,001 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,052; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,000,000,000
CRC32 0x8F6E37A0, iSCSI: KT_DumpCounter = 0,002,550,136,833; 000,000,002 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,048; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,000,000,000
FNV1A_Yorikke_v2       : KT_DumpCounter = 0,002,684,354,561; 000,000,001 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,052; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,000,000,000
CRC32 0x8F6E37A0, iSCSI: KT_DumpCounter = 0,002,684,354,561; 000,000,002 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,050; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,000,000,000
FNV1A_Yorikke_v2       : KT_DumpCounter = 0,002,818,572,289; 000,000,001 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,052; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,000,000,000
CRC32 0x8F6E37A0, iSCSI: KT_DumpCounter = 0,002,818,572,289; 000,000,002 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,052; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,000,000,000
FNV1A_Yorikke_v2       : KT_DumpCounter = 0,002,952,790,017; 000,000,003 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,053; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,000,000,000
CRC32 0x8F6E37A0, iSCSI: KT_DumpCounter = 0,002,952,790,017; 000,000,002 x MAXcollisionsAtSomeSlots = 000,054; HASHfreeSLOTS = 0,000,000,000

rurban commented 4 years ago

sure I'll check, but only in about 2 weeks or so. thanks

Sanmayce commented 4 years ago

Reini, had time to play with it and realized it is causa perduta, so ... so long 32bit, here comes fastest known to me lookuper:

#include <stdint.h> // uint8_t needed
#define _PADr_KAZE(x, n) ( ((x) << (n))>>(n) )
#define ROLInBits 27 // 5 in r.1; Caramba: it should be ROR by 5 not ROL, from the very beginning the idea was to mix two bytes by shifting/masking the first 5 'noisy' bits (ASCII 0-31 symbols).
// CAUTION: Add 8 more bytes to the buffer being hashed, usually malloc(...+8) - to prevent out of boundary reads!
#define _rotl64_KAZE(x, n) (((x) << (n)) | ((x) >> (64-(n))))
uint32_t FNV1A_Hash_Totenschiff_v1(const char *str, uint32_t wrdlen)
    const uint32_t PRIME = 591798841;
    uint32_t hash32 = 2166136261;
    uint64_t hash64 = 14695981039346656037;//2166136261;
    const char *p = str;
    uint64_t PADDEDby8;

    for(; wrdlen > 2*sizeof(uint32_t); wrdlen -= 2*sizeof(uint32_t), p += 2*sizeof(uint32_t)) {
        PADDEDby8 = *(uint64_t *)(p+0);
        hash64 = ( hash64 ^ PADDEDby8 ) * PRIME;        

    // Here 'wrdlen' is 1..8
    PADDEDby8 = _PADr_KAZE(*(uint64_t *)(p+0), (8-wrdlen)<<3); // when (8-8) the QWORD remains intact
    hash64 = ( hash64 ^ PADDEDby8 ) * PRIME;        

    hash32 = (uint32_t)(hash64 ^ (hash64>>32));
    return hash32 ^ (hash32 >> 16);

Sanmayce commented 4 years ago

I did what I could. I believe, FNV1A-Totenschiff dominates whenever small keys are to be hashed for lookup tables.

rurban commented 4 years ago

This is a very bad hash. It fails the AppendedZeroesTest, which makes it trivial to exploit (just add \0's somewhere in the key, and it will collide), it's slower than FNV1a-YoshimitsuTRIAD, and it's a poor version of my FNV2.

$ for h in FNV1A_Totenschiff FNV1a_YT FNV2; do build/SMHasher --test=Sanity,Speed $h; done
--- Testing FNV1A_Totenschiff "FNV1A_Totenschiff_v1 64-bit sanmayce" POOR

[[[ Sanity Tests ]]]

Verification value 0x95D95ACF ....... PASS
Running sanity check 1     .......... PASS
Running AppendedZeroesTest . FAIL !!!!!

[[[ Speed Tests ]]]

Bulk speed test - 262144-byte keys
Alignment  7 -  2.185 bytes/cycle - 6250.04 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment  6 -  2.185 bytes/cycle - 6250.02 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment  5 -  2.185 bytes/cycle - 6250.01 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment  4 -  2.185 bytes/cycle - 6249.90 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment  3 -  2.185 bytes/cycle - 6249.91 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment  2 -  2.153 bytes/cycle - 6158.71 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment  1 -  2.184 bytes/cycle - 6249.90 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment  0 -  2.214 bytes/cycle - 6333.18 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Average      -  2.184 bytes/cycle - 6248.96 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz

Small key speed test -    1-byte keys -    32.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    2-byte keys -    32.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    3-byte keys -    32.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    4-byte keys -    32.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    5-byte keys -    32.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    6-byte keys -    32.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    7-byte keys -    32.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    8-byte keys -    32.67 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    9-byte keys -    36.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   10-byte keys -    36.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   11-byte keys -    36.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   12-byte keys -    36.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   13-byte keys -    36.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   14-byte keys -    36.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   15-byte keys -    36.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   16-byte keys -    35.71 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   17-byte keys -    39.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   18-byte keys -    39.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   19-byte keys -    39.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   20-byte keys -    39.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   21-byte keys -    39.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   22-byte keys -    39.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   23-byte keys -    39.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   24-byte keys -    39.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   25-byte keys -    43.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   26-byte keys -    43.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   27-byte keys -    43.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   28-byte keys -    43.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   29-byte keys -    43.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   30-byte keys -    43.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   31-byte keys -    43.00 cycles/hash
Average                                    37.335 cycles/hash

Input vcode 0x00000001, Output vcode 0x00000001, Result vcode 0x00000001
Verification value is 0x00000001 - Testing took 16.447822 seconds
--- Testing FNV1a_YT "FNV1a-YoshimitsuTRIAD 32-bit sanmayce" POOR

[[[ Sanity Tests ]]]

Verification value 0xD8AFFD71 ....... PASS
Running sanity check 1     .......... PASS
Running AppendedZeroesTest .......... PASS

[[[ Speed Tests ]]]

Bulk speed test - 262144-byte keys
Alignment  7 -  2.986 bytes/cycle - 8544.33 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment  6 -  2.986 bytes/cycle - 8541.67 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment  5 -  2.986 bytes/cycle - 8544.02 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment  4 -  3.116 bytes/cycle - 8916.09 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment  3 -  3.022 bytes/cycle - 8645.94 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment  2 -  3.022 bytes/cycle - 8646.86 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment  1 -  3.022 bytes/cycle - 8645.74 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment  0 -  3.116 bytes/cycle - 8913.68 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Average      -  3.032 bytes/cycle - 8674.79 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Small key speed test -    1-byte keys -    22.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    2-byte keys -    22.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    3-byte keys -    26.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    4-byte keys -    24.76 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    5-byte keys -    26.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    6-byte keys -    26.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    7-byte keys -    30.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    8-byte keys -    22.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    9-byte keys -    26.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   10-byte keys -    26.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   11-byte keys -    30.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   12-byte keys -    26.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   13-byte keys -    30.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   14-byte keys -    30.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   15-byte keys -    34.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   16-byte keys -    22.24 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   17-byte keys -    25.82 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   18-byte keys -    25.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   19-byte keys -    29.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   20-byte keys -    25.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   21-byte keys -    29.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   22-byte keys -    29.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   23-byte keys -    33.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   24-byte keys -    27.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   25-byte keys -    30.58 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   26-byte keys -    30.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   27-byte keys -    34.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   28-byte keys -    30.59 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   29-byte keys -    34.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   30-byte keys -    34.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   31-byte keys -    38.00 cycles/hash
Average                                    28.290 cycles/hash

Input vcode 0x00000001, Output vcode 0x00000001, Result vcode 0x00000001
Verification value is 0x00000001 - Testing took 14.264823 seconds
--- Testing FNV2 "wordwise FNV" POOR

[[[ Sanity Tests ]]]

Verification value 0x1967C625 ....... PASS
Running sanity check 1     .......... PASS
Running AppendedZeroesTest .......... PASS

[[[ Speed Tests ]]]

Bulk speed test - 262144-byte keys
Alignment  7 -  2.185 bytes/cycle - 6250.08 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment  6 -  2.185 bytes/cycle - 6250.08 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment  5 -  2.185 bytes/cycle - 6250.08 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment  4 -  2.185 bytes/cycle - 6250.04 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment  3 -  2.185 bytes/cycle - 6250.00 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment  2 -  2.185 bytes/cycle - 6250.05 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment  1 -  2.185 bytes/cycle - 6250.03 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment  0 -  2.214 bytes/cycle - 6332.90 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Average      -  2.188 bytes/cycle - 6260.41 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz

Small key speed test -    1-byte keys -    15.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    2-byte keys -    19.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    3-byte keys -    22.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    4-byte keys -    26.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    5-byte keys -    29.76 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    6-byte keys -    33.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    7-byte keys -    37.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    8-byte keys -    26.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -    9-byte keys -    29.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   10-byte keys -    35.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   11-byte keys -    39.61 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   12-byte keys -    40.33 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   13-byte keys -    43.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   14-byte keys -    47.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   15-byte keys -    50.39 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   16-byte keys -    29.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   17-byte keys -    32.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   18-byte keys -    36.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   19-byte keys -    39.46 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   20-byte keys -    43.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   21-byte keys -    47.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   22-byte keys -    50.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   23-byte keys -    54.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   24-byte keys -    33.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   25-byte keys -    36.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   26-byte keys -    39.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   27-byte keys -    43.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   28-byte keys -    47.60 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   29-byte keys -    50.56 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   30-byte keys -    54.00 cycles/hash
Small key speed test -   31-byte keys -    57.00 cycles/hash
Average                                    38.152 cycles/hash

Input vcode 0x00000001, Output vcode 0x00000001, Result vcode 0x00000001
Verification value is 0x00000001 - Testing took 16.521330 seconds
Sanmayce commented 4 years ago

Thank you for running it against SMHASHER, but saying:

This is a very bad hash. Is true only within this synthetic tester, which is too strict and actually discards the best practical hashers for real usecase scenarios, like English n-grams.

(just add \0's somewhere in the key, and it will collide), Hm, I don't follow, maybe you meant at the end?! This is easily fixable (I was aware of it) with adding the KEYLENGTH to the hash value at the very end.

37.335 cycles/hash It only proves how synthetic these values are, in practice, I showed it is irrelevant. QWORD fetching is around the corner...

By the way, what CPU were you using?

rurban commented 4 years ago

Sanmayce schrieb am Di., 15. Okt. 2019, 13:09:

Thank you for running it against SMHASHER, but saying:

This is a very bad hash.

Is true only within this synthetic tester, which is too strict and actually discards the best practical hashers for real usecase scenarios, like English n-grams.

Agreed. In fast hash tables I still use FNV1a, which is similarly bad but beats all others.

(just add \0's somewhere in the key, and it will collide),

Hm, I don't follow, maybe you meant at the end?! This is easily fixable (I was aware of it) with adding the KEYLENGTH to the hash value at the very end.

\0 could also be in the middle. It's the multiplication by 0. I fixed it in some FNV variants.

37.335 cycles/hash

It only proves how synthetic these values are, in practice, I showed it is

irrelevant. QWORD fetching is around the corner...

By the way, what CPU were you using?

Currently a bad one, an old i5, but the problem are the recent kernel mitigations. Twice as slow as last year.

Sanmayce commented 4 years ago

Thank you once more for all the testing, it takes time.

The results are unexpectedly low as if the SMHASHER was 32bit code!

Saying FNV1A-Totenschiff is bad is funny to me, it is the fastest practical hasher for table lookups known to me, straight up. To challenge my statement, please provide a set of keys, corpus or whatever and a methodology of your choice, I will run it using Intel v19.0 and GCC 7.3.0 both on Ivy Bridge and Kaby Lake.

Regarding 37.335 cycles/hash, I have a question, what is your understanding of ALL my benchmarks outspeeding WYHASH (while keeping collisions on par) which features half the cycles?!

Allow me few remarks:

Don't you see that we need PRACTICAL speeds measured, I am open to hear what you can say about making a proper speed measuring, what methodology you prefer. For now, my choice (in Lookuperorama r.4) is to punish heavily hashers that tend to stack hashes onto certain slots by building in each slot a B-tree - the more collisions the more time penalties. In contrast, if the most basic benchmark is to be employed (hashing in small cycle all the positions of a given file and counting the collisions) then we CANNOT punish the worse dispersion - the speed will be a constant while not taking into account THE REAL-WORLD needs for evenly filled hash-table.

Let's see a file full with \0s:

First 512 bytes of: '(Dictionary_Specification_Language_..)_Hanyu_Cihai_new_Sea-of-Words_(Zho-Zho).dsl' 42,920,232 bytes:
0000 ff fe 23 00 4e 00 41 00 4d 00 45 00 09 00 22 00 48 00 61 00 6e 00 79 00 75 00 20 00 43 00 69 00 ..#.N.A.M.E...".H.a.n.y.u. .C.i.
0020 68 00 61 00 69 00 20 00 2c 00 20 00 53 00 69 00 6d 00 70 00 20 00 28 00 43 00 68 00 2d 00 43 00 h.a.i. .,. .S.i.m.p. .(.C.h.-.C.
0040 68 00 29 00 22 00 0d 00 0a 00 23 00 49 00 4e 00 44 00 45 00 58 00 5f 00 4c 00 41 00 4e 00 47 00 h.).".....#.I.N.D.E.X._.L.A.N.G.
0060 55 00 41 00 47 00 45 00 09 00 22 00 43 00 68 00 69 00 6e 00 65 00 73 00 65 00 22 00 0d 00 0a 00 U.A.G.E...".C.h.i.n.e.s.e.".....
0080 23 00 43 00 4f 00 4e 00 54 00 45 00 4e 00 54 00 53 00 5f 00 4c 00 41 00 4e 00 47 00 55 00 41 00 #.C.O.N.T.E.N.T.S._.L.A.N.G.U.A.
00a0 47 00 45 00 09 00 22 00 43 00 68 00 69 00 6e 00 65 00 73 00 65 00 22 00 0d 00 0a 00 23 00 49 00 G.E...".C.h.i.n.e.s.e.".....#.I.
00c0 43 00 4f 00 4e 00 5f 00 46 00 49 00 4c 00 45 00 09 00 22 00 43 00 3a 00 5c 00 5c 00 55 00 73 00 C.O.N._.F.I.L.E...".C.:.\.\.U.s.
00e0 65 00 72 00 73 00 5c 00 5c 00 53 00 61 00 62 00 69 00 72 00 6a 00 61 00 6e 00 5c 00 5c 00 44 00 e.r.s.\.\.S.a.b.i.r.j.a.n.\.\.D.
0100 65 00 73 00 6b 00 74 00 6f 00 70 00 5c 00 5c 00 48 00 61 00 6e 00 79 00 75 00 20 00 43 00 69 00 e.s.k.t.o.p.\.\.H.a.n.y.u. .C.i.
0120 68 00 61 00 69 00 5c 00 5c 00 48 00 61 00 6e 00 79 00 75 00 5f 00 43 00 69 00 68 00 61 00 69 00 h.a.i.\.\.H.a.n.y.u._.C.i.h.a.i.
0140 5f 00 6e 00 65 00 77 00 2e 00 62 00 6d 00 70 00 22 00 0d 00 0a 00 0d 00 0a 00 b1 03 04 5c bf 7e _.n.e.w...b.m.p."............\.~
0160 0d 00 0a 00 09 00 5b 00 74 00 72 00 6e 00 5d 00 b1 03 20 00 73 00 68 00 e8 00 20 00 78 00 69 00 ......[.t.r.n.]... .s.h... .x.i.
0180 e0 00 6e 00 0d 00 0a 00 09 00 73 53 1a ff 3f 96 14 5c d5 6c 04 5c bf 7e 02 30 3e 65 04 5c 27 60 ..n.......sS..?..\.l.\.~.0>e.\'`
01a0 69 72 28 8d 70 88 d8 53 f6 65 3e 65 04 5c fa 51 65 67 84 76 32 75 cd 79 92 7c 50 5b 41 6d 02 30 ir(.p..S.e>e.\.Qeg.v2u.y.|P[Am.0
01c0 5f 4e eb 53 1c 20 32 75 cd 79 04 5c bf 7e 1d 20 02 30 5b 00 2f 00 74 00 72 00 6e 00 5d 00 0d 00 _N.S. 2u.y.\.~. .0[./.t.r.n.]...
01e0 0a 00 b1 03 92 7c 50 5b 0d 00 0a 00 09 00 5b 00 74 00 72 00 6e 00 5d 00 b1 03 20 00 6c 00 ec 00 .....|P[......[.t.r.n.]... .l...

The benchmark needs 32GB (18GB for putting CIHAI into B-trees), I did it using SSD RAM and once again FNV1A-Totenschiff was faster than WYHASH:

| Hasher                                   | Number Of Hash Collisions =        | Number Of Trees,     | Number Of LEAFs, (littler THE BETTER)  |
|                                          | (Distinct KEYs - Number Of Trees)  | (GREATER THE BETTER) | not counting ROOT LEAFs                |
| Lookuperorama_ICC_WY.exe, 24bit          |                        111,682,513 |          112,117,444 |                             63,925,202 |
| Lookuperorama_ICC_Totenschiff.exe, 24bit |                        111,833,260 |          111,966,697 |                             64,085,673 |
| Lookuperorama_ICC_WY.exe, 25bit          |                         71,345,349 |          152,454,608 |                             29,983,843 |
| Lookuperorama_ICC_Totenschiff.exe, 25bit |                         71,536,395 |          152,263,562 |                             30,180,703 |
| Lookuperorama_ICC_WY.exe, 26bit          |                         41,105,637 |          182,694,320 |                             10,761,252 |
| Lookuperorama_ICC_Totenschiff.exe, 26bit |                         41,265,947 |          182,534,010 |                             10,874,209 |
rurban commented 4 years ago

You are right. The measurement results are misleading for many practical use cases, esp. we'd need to test more common keys, and the I-cache effects. Used in hashtables, FNV or other simple mult. hashes are far better than the big and good hash functions. They should only be used in databased or file digests. I don't use wyhash or t1ha0, rather the simpliest FNV1. java similar. E.g. Spooky is esp. good avoiding collisions with common keys. But that's already described in the docs. I thought about adding a better practical test, and the codesize.

Being bad means that it fails all of the smhasher tests. Esp. the security relevant ones.

dumblob commented 4 years ago

@Sanmayce I can't agree with some of the preconditions you mentioned (e.g. that the performance on mainstream CPUs doesn't matter much or that performance/latency on keys of e.g. 33 or more bytes doesn't matter either), but I fully agree, that SMhasher doesn't show anything else then collision quality (yeah, SMhasher doesn't show anything meaningful regarding speed & latency).

@Sanmayce please be so kind and take a thorough look at presenting in my opinion the currently best hash algorithm in the world and run the full benchmark suite (available under ) as well as the updated SMhasher (it's actually already merged in this repo, but just for case there are some newer differences) on all your computers.

Then I'm really interested whether FNV1A_Yorikke (or its variants) is at least 1.1x better than XXH3 for keys larger or equal to 3 bytes (smaller keys don't make much sense - you're better off building a fixed-size data structure like an array).

rurban commented 4 years ago

Nice, didn't know of these benchmark improvements. (or forgot) I only know of demerq's test improvements with gsl. Will have a look.

erthink commented 4 years ago

@rurban, FYI: my mera code (mera.h, mera.c) may be useful for micro-benchmarks.

rurban commented 4 years ago

@leo-yuriev: OMG, benchmarking is really hard! mera looks good

Sanmayce commented 4 years ago


That's right. You nailed it. I challenge all coders to outspeed FNV1A-Totenschiff, if they do, we all can enjoy a better understanding, function and benchmark experience. To me playing with lookup-table hashers is all about fun and finding higher granularities of that simple code that inherently makes FNV superb.


e.g. that the performance on mainstream CPUs doesn't matter much or that performance/latency on keys of e.g. 33 or more bytes doesn't matter either

I stand corrected a bit, as always I am a bit marginal, I just hate having a 64bit architecture and be "awarded" with penalties for fething with its native order :( What I really want to see is an English n-gram hasher able to hash in FASTEST mode billions of keys like: 1-gram: word1 2-gram: word1_word2 ... 9-gram: word1_word2_word3_word4_word5_word6_word7_word8_word9

Being in range 1..100 bytes.

Then I'm really interested whether FNV1A_Yorikke (or its variants) is at least 1.1x better than XXH3 for keys larger or equal to 3 bytes (smaller keys don't make much sense - you're better off building a fixed-size data structure like an array).

That's the idea, to throw Yorikke and Totenschiff against best hashers and measure MOSTLY speed and dispersion, for small keys. Thank you for Yann's bench folder, didn't know of it. I am reluctant to use his bench or hashes just because he could do it as it should, I would probably mess or misuse something. His latest v3 (AFAIU targeting small keys) is in some development stage which adds to that fact - my wish Yann or another professional is to include FNV1A-Totenschiff (targeting small keys) into their bench suites. It would be an interesting showdown.

Guys, thank you for sharing your views, I always enjoy seeing things from different angles, let me tell you what I intend to write at the end of the week (no time atm). Will add a simple section before current one that uses each slot for a root of a B-tree, in Lookuperorama r.5 we will have two approaches being run back-to-back - for a given file and a hashtable size, will do one pass to determine Collisions while also reporting the slot containing MAX collisions, after that will run again for each position WYHASH and Totenschiff, 5 times without touching the slots (to avoid random, heh-heh, RAM accesses) - only hashing. Will add resultant hashes to a DUMMY variable, you know. Will report the MIN value of clocks elapsed. I intend to do it for all keys in range 1..64, or 64 reporting lines as these, for '1001 Nights':

24bit, RAW Hashing ~15,000,000 keys of size 01 ... [Collisions] [MAX Collisions at some slot] time1 time2 time3 time4 time5 [MIN time in clocks] [Keys-per-second]
24bit, RAW Hashing ~15,000,000 keys of size 64 ... [Collisions] [MAX Collisions at some slot] time1 time2 time3 time4 time5 [MIN time in clocks] [Keys-per-second]

It is 20 minutes away to write it, but I need time also to benchmark Shakespeare, 1001 Nights, CIHAI_Sea-Of-Words, enwik8, also @dumblob in order to amend my mistake I intend to make a roster with three columns:

27bit hashtable, testfile: enwik8 (100,000,000 bytes)
                | RAW Hashing Speed, in Keys/s on:  |
                | i5-2430M   | i7-3630QM | i5-7200U |
Keys 01 bytes   | xx,xxx,xxx |
...             |
Keys 64 bytes   |
dumblob commented 4 years ago

@Sanmayce wrote:

I am reluctant to use his bench or hashes just because he could do it as it should, I would probably mess or misuse something.

No, you wouldn't mess anything. It's super easy to use his benchmarks and they're very objective and really do test hashing "at scale" (I really liked the "latency" tests as they're how hashing is being used in majority of cases). By default it uses randomly pre-generated dictionaries, but hey, it's super easy to add arbitrary n-gram dictionaries for many languages (French, German, English, Czech, Polish, Chinese, etc.). I bet it's easier to modify his benchmark then writing your own benchmark (which'll likely have some flaws as benchmarking is really hard - see some points in mera and in the blog post.

And by the way, XXH3 seems functionally pretty stable now, though still without the guarantee of exact same hash outputs across different releases. So don't let yourself go astray and do the fair comparison. We're really eager to see the comparable benchmarking results.

Sanmayce commented 4 years ago

Thank you @dumblob, I will include XXH3 into Lookuperorama r.6, until then I want to enrich my own reporting versatility... As for using Leo's or/and Yann's benches, still don't want to mess with them, as the ancient Chinese proverb goes, I prefer to play "guest" instead of "host".

As I announced in my latest PDF booklets, I expected Totenschiff to be beaten by dualheading it, in Yoshimura fashion, the result is FNV1A-Pippip - the fastest known to me lookuper.

UINT Hash_Pippip(const char *str, SIZE_T wrdlen)
    const UINT PRIME = 591798841;
    UINT hash32 = 2166136261;
    long long hash64 = 14695981039346656037;//2166136261;
    const char *p = str;
    int i, Cycles, NDhead;

if (wrdlen >8) {
    Cycles = ((wrdlen - 1)>>4) + 1;
    NDhead = wrdlen - (Cycles<<3);

    for(i=0; i<Cycles; i++) {
        hash64 = ( hash64 ^ (*(long long *)(p)) ) * PRIME;        
        hash64 = ( hash64 ^ (*(long long *)(p+NDhead)) ) * PRIME;        
        p += 8;
} else
    hash64 = ( hash64 ^ _PADr_KAZE(*(long long *)(p+0), (8-wrdlen)<<3) ) * PRIME;        

    hash32 = (UINT)(hash64 ^ (hash64>>32));
    return hash32 ^ (hash32 >> 16);

And some visualization:

kl= 9..16 Cycles= (kl-1)/16+1=1; MARGINAL CASES:
                                 2nd head starts at 9-1*8=1 or:
                                 Head1: [Q-WORD]
                                 Head2:  [Q-WORD]

                                 2nd head starts at 16-1*8=8 or:
                                 Head1: [Q-WORD]
                                 Head2:         [Q-WORD]

kl=17..24 Cycles= (kl-1)/16+1=2; MARGINAL CASES:
                                 2nd head starts at 17-2*8=1 or:
                                 Head1: [Q-WORD][Q-WORD]
                                 Head2:  [Q-WORD][Q-WORD]

                                 2nd head starts at 24-2*8=8 or:
                                 Head1: [Q-WORD][Q-WORD]
                                 Head2:         [Q-WORD][Q-WORD]

kl=25..32 Cycles= (kl-1)/16+1=2; MARGINAL CASES:
                                 2nd head starts at 25-2*8=9 or:
                                 Head1: [Q-WORD][Q-WORD]
                                 Head2:          [Q-WORD][Q-WORD]

                                 2nd head starts at 32-2*8=16 or:
                                 Head1: [Q-WORD][Q-WORD]
                                 Head2:                 [Q-WORD][Q-WORD]

kl=33..40 Cycles= (kl-1)/16+1=3; MARGINAL CASES:
                                 2nd head starts at 33-3*8=9 or:
                                 Head1: [Q-WORD][Q-WORD][Q-WORD]
                                 Head2:          [Q-WORD][Q-WORD][Q-WORD]

                                 2nd head starts at 40-3*8=16 or:
                                 Head1: [Q-WORD][Q-WORD][Q-WORD]
                                 Head2:                 [Q-WORD][Q-WORD][Q-WORD]

kl=41..48 Cycles= (kl-1)/16+1=3; MARGINAL CASES:
                                 2nd head starts at 41-3*8=17 or:
                                 Head1: [Q-WORD][Q-WORD][Q-WORD]
                                 Head2:                  [Q-WORD][Q-WORD][Q-WORD]

                                 2nd head starts at 48-3*8=24 or:
                                 Head1: [Q-WORD][Q-WORD][Q-WORD]
                                 Head2:                         [Q-WORD][Q-WORD][Q-WORD]

Pippip is the main character in the 'Das Totenschiff' roman, actually the B.Traven himself, his real name was Hermann Albert Otto Maksymilian Feige.

The quick overview on i7-3630QM using Intel v15.0 64bit:

G:\PeterK_strchr.com_iSCSI-CRC_vs_WYHASH_vs_FNV1A-Yorikke-v4>hash "KAZE_IPS_(3_million_IPs_dot_format).TXT"
2995394 lines read
8388608 elements in the table (23 bits)
           Jesteress:     560466 [691369]
              Meiyan:     547413 [593723]
              Pippip:     478514 [476410]
         Totenschiff:     558825 [476467]
             Yorikke:     629444 [506954]
           Yoshimura:     487776 [476699]
              wyhash:     618294 [476412]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:     547195 [476699]
              FNV-1a:     686416 [477067]
              Larson:     674886 [475575]
              CRC-32:     665523 [472854]
             Murmur2:     652045 [476330]
             Murmur3:     643288 [476845]
           XXHfast32:     689423 [476358]
         XXHstrong32:     698049 [476358]
           iSCSI CRC:     408198 [479542]

G:\PeterK_strchr.com_iSCSI-CRC_vs_WYHASH_vs_FNV1A-Yorikke-v4>hash "KAZE_Word-list_12,561,874_wikipedia-en-html.tar.wrd"
12561874 lines read
33554432 elements in the table (25 bits)
           Jesteress:    2529483 [2121868]
              Meiyan:    2569892 [2111271]
              Pippip:    2180057 [2084750]
         Totenschiff:    2400019 [2084381]
             Yorikke:    2527984 [2099673]
           Yoshimura:    2316988 [2086155]
              wyhash:    2847411 [2081865]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:    2604040 [2084931]
              FNV-1a:    3089878 [2081195]
              Larson:    2968283 [2080111]
              CRC-32:    3150877 [2075088]
             Murmur2:    3054371 [2081476]
             Murmur3:    2842999 [2082084]
           XXHfast32:    3158531 [2084164]
         XXHstrong32:    3203936 [2084514]
           iSCSI CRC:    2080711 [2077725]

G:\PeterK_strchr.com_iSCSI-CRC_vs_WYHASH_vs_FNV1A-Yorikke-v4>hash "KAZE_www.byronknoll.com_cmix-v18.zip_english.dic"
44880 lines read
131072 elements in the table (17 bits)
           Jesteress:       3976      3433      3452      3418      3340      3350      3418      3411      3465      3401|      3340 [ 6721]
              Meiyan:       3668      3611      3484      3476      3477      3484      3482      3483      3483      3481|      3476 [ 6923]
              Pippip:       2179      2168      2220      2162      2163      2161      2162      2160      2399      2213|      2160 [ 6822]
         Totenschiff:       2324      2303      2303      2304      2301      2306      2308      2303      2301      2292|      2292 [ 6818]
             Yorikke:       2412      2410      2487      2765      2521      2539      2481      2409      2514      2520|      2409 [ 6883]
           Yoshimura:       3317      3275      3215      3192      3116      3235      3195      3194      3112      3161|      3112 [ 7013]
              wyhash:       3812      3777      3782      3745      3995      3835      3847      3776      3770      3807|      3745 [ 6812]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:       3593      3579      3576      3511      3576      3518      3554      3596      3569      3864|      3511 [ 7006]
              FNV-1a:       3682      3665      3628      3736      3670      3624      3672      3617      3609      3605|      3605 [ 6833]
              Larson:       3660      3624      3724      3699      3767      3663      3623      3623      3626      3645|      3623 [ 6830]
              CRC-32:       3855      3807      3774      3781      3808      3806      3806      3809      3993      3839|      3774 [ 6891]
             Murmur2:       4009      4033      3932      3992      3916      3914      3907      3889      3879      3878|      3878 [ 6820]
             Murmur3:       3685      3680      3896      3723      3760      3680      3756      3662      3626      3664|      3626 [ 6874]
           XXHfast32:       4121      4100      4088      4109      4033      4024      4403      4161      4130      4093|      4024 [ 6812]
         XXHstrong32:       4157      4188      4166      4132      4057      4057      4101      4111      4101      4333|      4057 [ 6819]
           iSCSI CRC:       3079      3030      2996      2994      2996      3032      2991      2994      2989      2989|      2989 [ 6785]

G:\PeterK_strchr.com_iSCSI-CRC_vs_WYHASH_vs_FNV1A-Yorikke-v4>hash "KAZE_www.gutenberg.org_ebooks_100.txt"
138578 lines read
524288 elements in the table (19 bits)
           Jesteress:      22806 [31211]
              Meiyan:      23530 [31116]
              Pippip:      17974 [31196]
         Totenschiff:      20903 [31134]
             Yorikke:      24855 [31139]
           Yoshimura:      19364 [31245]
              wyhash:      27685 [31260]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:      27367 [31316]
              FNV-1a:      44494 [31178]
              Larson:      42414 [31406]
              CRC-32:      40815 [31210]
             Murmur2:      29510 [31203]
             Murmur3:      29077 [31308]
           XXHfast32:      24227 [31146]
         XXHstrong32:      27233 [31118]
           iSCSI CRC:      20156 [31248]

G:\PeterK_strchr.com_iSCSI-CRC_vs_WYHASH_vs_FNV1A-Yorikke-v4>hash "KAZE_www.maximumcompression.com_english.dic"
354951 lines read
1048576 elements in the table (20 bits)
           Jesteress:      53770 [53809]
              Meiyan:      54079 [54013]
              Pippip:      43883 [53393]
         Totenschiff:      49029 [53546]
             Yorikke:      51853 [53782]
           Yoshimura:      48192 [53768]
              wyhash:      60654 [53996]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:      54965 [53658]
              FNV-1a:      64787 [53896]
              Larson:      63786 [54076]
              CRC-32:      66778 [54020]
             Murmur2:      65227 [53857]
             Murmur3:      60770 [53983]
           XXHfast32:      67921 [53411]
         XXHstrong32:      68886 [53391]
           iSCSI CRC:      43381 [53915]

G:\PeterK_strchr.com_iSCSI-CRC_vs_WYHASH_vs_FNV1A-Yorikke-v4>hash "KAZE_google-10000-english-no-swears.txt"
9894 lines read
32768 elements in the table (15 bits)
           Jesteress:        746 [ 1345]
              Meiyan:        768 [ 1373]
              Pippip:        409 [ 1335]
         Totenschiff:        424 [ 1377]
             Yorikke:        425 [ 1371]
           Yoshimura:        685 [ 1367]
              wyhash:        798 [ 1397]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:        765 [ 1365]
              FNV-1a:        734 [ 1336]
              Larson:        733 [ 1388]
              CRC-32:        782 [ 1310]
             Murmur2:        812 [ 1311]
             Murmur3:        769 [ 1374]
           XXHfast32:        866 [ 1320]
         XXHstrong32:        871 [ 1320]
           iSCSI CRC:        641 [ 1344]

G:\PeterK_strchr.com_iSCSI-CRC_vs_WYHASH_vs_FNV1A-Yorikke-v4>hash enwiki-20190920-pages-articles.xml.SORTED.wrd /s26
42206534 lines read
67108864 elements in the table (26 bits)
           Jesteress:   9923330 [10951272]
              Meiyan:  10187692 [10882580]
              Pippip:   8722431 [10877849]
         Totenschiff:   9467037 [10879917]
             Yorikke:   9835901 [10901270]
           Yoshimura:   9323442 [10880141]
              wyhash:  11455649 [10880658]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:  10591426 [10880607]
              FNV-1a:  11977002 [10869907]
              Larson:  11268528 [10784384]
              CRC-32:  12215826 [10660795]
             Murmur2:  12042906 [10878271]
             Murmur3:  11232405 [10877179]
           XXHfast32:  12428356 [10891559]
         XXHstrong32:  12590645 [10891549]
           iSCSI CRC:   8210652 [10693843]

I fully expect Pippip to better significantly Totenschiff's results in Lookuperorama...

Sanmayce commented 4 years ago

Okay, wanted to quickly share results from Peter's benchmark before full embarking. Currently, 18 testfiles in use, will share them in a .ZIP package later on, when all is done. The executable, produced with latest Intel v19.0 compiler, 64bit. The testmachines used, my main one - 'Compressionette' with i5-7200U @3.1GHz and her sidekick - 'Ragella' with i7-3630QM @3.4GHz:

Kaby Lake in action:

500 lines read
1024 elements in the table (10 bits)
           Jesteress:         15 [  110]
              Meiyan:         13 [  102]
              Pippip:         13 [  110] ! On par with iSCSI CRC !
         Totenschiff:         15 [  105]
             Yorikke:         15 [  106]
           Yoshimura:         14 [  109]
              wyhash:         40 [  110]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:         19 [  108]
              FNV-1a:         21 [  124]
              Larson:         27 [   99]
              CRC-32:         18 [  101]
             Murmur2:         23 [  103]
             Murmur3:         19 [  101]
           XXHfast32:         23 [  110]
         XXHstrong32:         23 [  109]
           iSCSI CRC:         13 [  105]

13408 lines read
32768 elements in the table (15 bits)
           Jesteress:       1124 [ 2427]
              Meiyan:       1138 [ 2377]
              Pippip:        740 [ 2421] ! We all love France !
         Totenschiff:        776 [ 2377]
             Yorikke:        800 [ 2412]
           Yoshimura:       1169 [ 2392]
              wyhash:       1286 [ 2366]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:       1206 [ 2392]
              FNV-1a:       1271 [ 2446]
              Larson:       1288 [ 2447]
              CRC-32:       1292 [ 2400]
             Murmur2:       1305 [ 2399]
             Murmur3:       1294 [ 2376]
           XXHfast32:       1399 [ 2494]
         XXHstrong32:       1428 [ 2496]
           iSCSI CRC:       1089 [ 2388]

3925 lines read
8192 elements in the table (13 bits)
           Jesteress:        169 [  819]
              Meiyan:        169 [  807]
              Pippip:        148 [  856] ! Eh, the power of ARGUS Gold deep-metallic-green beer cans !
         Totenschiff:        156 [  803]
             Yorikke:        165 [  791]
           Yoshimura:        179 [  821]
              wyhash:        243 [  793]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:        203 [  821]
              FNV-1a:        305 [  796]
              Larson:        298 [  789]
              CRC-32:        258 [  802]
             Murmur2:        250 [  825]
             Murmur3:        252 [  818]
           XXHfast32:        309 [  829]
         XXHstrong32:        316 [  829]
           iSCSI CRC:        167 [  795]

500 lines read
1024 elements in the table (10 bits)
           Jesteress:         17 [  300]
              Meiyan:         14 [  125]
              Pippip:         13 [  116] ! iSCSI CRC is no slouch !
         Totenschiff:         14 [  116]
             Yorikke:         14 [   82]
           Yoshimura:         16 [   86]
              wyhash:         23 [  120]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:         19 [   86]
              FNV-1a:         16 [  108]
              Larson:         14 [   16]
              CRC-32:         14 [   64]
             Murmur2:         17 [  104]
             Murmur3:         17 [  104]
           XXHfast32:         23 [  102]
         XXHstrong32:         24 [  102]
           iSCSI CRC:         12 [  112]

500 lines read
1024 elements in the table (10 bits)
           Jesteress:         20 [  106]
              Meiyan:         19 [  112]
              Pippip:         19 [  115]
         Totenschiff:         20 [  100]
             Yorikke:         26 [  100]
           Yoshimura:         20 [  112]
              wyhash:         46 [  103]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:         23 [  103]
              FNV-1a:         82 [  105]
              Larson:         83 [  105]
              CRC-32:         53 [   94]
             Murmur2:         36 [  111]
             Murmur3:         38 [  105]
           XXHfast32:         29 [  106]
         XXHstrong32:         33 [  112]
           iSCSI CRC:         25 [   92]

500 lines read
1024 elements in the table (10 bits)
           Jesteress:         21 [  102]
              Meiyan:         18 [  106]
              Pippip:         18 [  110]
         Totenschiff:         20 [   98]
             Yorikke:         25 [   92]
           Yoshimura:         19 [  109]
              wyhash:         45 [  109]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:         23 [  101]
              FNV-1a:         81 [   94]
              Larson:         83 [   99]
              CRC-32:         54 [  107]
             Murmur2:         35 [  106]
             Murmur3:         40 [  103]
           XXHfast32:         29 [  103]
         XXHstrong32:         34 [  102]
           iSCSI CRC:         25 [  106]

3228 lines read
8192 elements in the table (13 bits)
           Jesteress:        228 [  585]
              Meiyan:        228 [  588]
              Pippip:        108 [  577] ! Pippip is a Shakespearian, after calling an Olympic favorite - an Olympian !
         Totenschiff:        112 [  589]
             Yorikke:        114 [  536]
           Yoshimura:        221 [  552]
              wyhash:        270 [  599]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:        239 [  552]
              FNV-1a:        232 [  555]
              Larson:        251 [  583]
              CRC-32:        241 [  563]
             Murmur2:        259 [  566]
             Murmur3:        239 [  555]
           XXHfast32:        252 [  491]
         XXHstrong32:        263 [  491]
           iSCSI CRC:        205 [  584]

1842 lines read
4096 elements in the table (12 bits)
           Jesteress:        139 [  366]
              Meiyan:        140 [  350]
              Pippip:         84 [  357] ! Hm, no idea why Totenschiff is ahead !
         Totenschiff:         82 [  366]
             Yorikke:         95 [  350]
           Yoshimura:        142 [  356]
              wyhash:        163 [  372]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:        156 [  361]
              FNV-1a:        163 [  374]
              Larson:        178 [  366]
              CRC-32:        164 [  338]
             Murmur2:        168 [  383]
             Murmur3:        164 [  334]
           XXHfast32:        169 [  347]
         XXHstrong32:        173 [  355]
           iSCSI CRC:        144 [  368]

44880 lines read
131072 elements in the table (17 bits)
           Jesteress:       3717 [ 6721]
              Meiyan:       3765 [ 6923]
              Pippip:       2463 [ 6822] ! Screaming speed !
         Totenschiff:       2619 [ 6818]
             Yorikke:       2674 [ 6883]
           Yoshimura:       3868 [ 7013]
              wyhash:       4371 [ 6812]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:       4035 [ 7006]
              FNV-1a:       4283 [ 6833]
              Larson:       4297 [ 6830]
              CRC-32:       4342 [ 6891]
             Murmur2:       4393 [ 6820]
             Murmur3:       4320 [ 6874]
           XXHfast32:       4573 [ 6812]
         XXHstrong32:       4660 [ 6819]
           iSCSI CRC:       3600 [ 6785]

3333 lines read
8192 elements in the table (13 bits)
           Jesteress:        200 [  576]
              Meiyan:        193 [  583]
              Pippip:        142 [  560] ! Fun fact, this list I created thanks to the FNV co-creator Landon Curt Noll, he taught me to count to 1000^3333 !
         Totenschiff:        163 [  602]
             Yorikke:        195 [  573]
           Yoshimura:        148 [  593]
              wyhash:        271 [  595]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:        215 [  615]
              FNV-1a:        545 [  604]
              Larson:        538 [  581]
              CRC-32:        404 [  613]
             Murmur2:        274 [  600]
             Murmur3:        304 [  583]
           XXHfast32:        219 [  596]
         XXHstrong32:        251 [  571]
           iSCSI CRC:        216 [  594]

2995394 lines read
8388608 elements in the table (23 bits)
           Jesteress:     474679 [691369]
              Meiyan:     462598 [593723]
              Pippip:     448245 [476410] ! Second-best and IP-friendly, yet, iSCSI CRC dominates !
         Totenschiff:     512067 [476467]
             Yorikke:     530303 [506954]
           Yoshimura:     458850 [476699]
              wyhash:     551987 [476412]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:     487543 [476699]
              FNV-1a:     714983 [477067]
              Larson:     700898 [475575]
              CRC-32:     601263 [472854]
             Murmur2:     584166 [476330]
             Murmur3:     577785 [476845]
           XXHfast32:     672860 [476358]
         XXHstrong32:     691955 [476358]
           iSCSI CRC:     397506 [479542]

12561874 lines read
33554432 elements in the table (25 bits)
           Jesteress:    2329533 [2121868]
              Meiyan:    2370754 [2111271]
              Pippip:    2143388 [2084750] ! iSCSI CRC in the mirror, are you kidding me, what a beautiful brutality !
         Totenschiff:    2300133 [2084381]
             Yorikke:    2367380 [2099673]
           Yoshimura:    2387889 [2086155]
              wyhash:    2790935 [2081865]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:    2517971 [2084931]
              FNV-1a:    3119297 [2081195]
              Larson:    3017590 [2080111]
              CRC-32:    2976146 [2075088]
             Murmur2:    2858856 [2081476]
             Murmur3:    2864098 [2082084]
           XXHfast32:    3084063 [2084164]
         XXHstrong32:    3191575 [2084514]
           iSCSI CRC:    2155141 [2077725]

138578 lines read
524288 elements in the table (19 bits)
           Jesteress:      24068 [31211]
              Meiyan:      24292 [31116]
              Pippip:      18195 [31196] ! Commentless I am !
         Totenschiff:      20313 [31134]
             Yorikke:      23758 [31139]
           Yoshimura:      19469 [31245]
              wyhash:      28252 [31260]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:      27014 [31316]
              FNV-1a:      49282 [31178]
              Larson:      48770 [31406]
              CRC-32:      41691 [31210]
             Murmur2:      31558 [31203]
             Murmur3:      31336 [31308]
           XXHfast32:      24637 [31146]
         XXHstrong32:      27266 [31118]
           iSCSI CRC:      22487 [31248]

354951 lines read
1048576 elements in the table (20 bits)
           Jesteress:      49889 [53809]
              Meiyan:      50868 [54013]
              Pippip:      44669 [53393] ! Fastest on all major English words, a tear is falling !
         Totenschiff:      48633 [53546]
             Yorikke:      49951 [53782]
           Yoshimura:      51929 [53768]
              wyhash:      61668 [53996]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:      54825 [53658]
              FNV-1a:      68106 [53896]
              Larson:      67358 [54076]
              CRC-32:      64756 [54020]
             Murmur2:      62863 [53857]
             Murmur3:      62782 [53983]
           XXHfast32:      68146 [53411]
         XXHstrong32:      70334 [53391]
           iSCSI CRC:      46122 [53915]

42206534 lines read
134217728 elements in the table (27 bits)
           Jesteress:    9146818 [6011292]
              Meiyan:    9366734 [5985680]
              Pippip:    8738860 [5996107] ! Sometimes everything is not enough, iSCSI CRC beats Pippip here !
         Totenschiff:    9247267 [5996598]
             Yorikke:    9259923 [6011605]
           Yoshimura:    9615957 [5991798]
              wyhash:   11266553 [5991525]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:   10128023 [5992635]
              FNV-1a:   11971535 [5980248]
              Larson:   10988784 [5937238]
              CRC-32:   11521822 [5843653]
             Murmur2:   11335924 [5991065]
             Murmur3:   11310589 [5992379]
           XXHfast32:   12003125 [6008154]
         XXHstrong32:   12378082 [6007552]
           iSCSI CRC:    8424769 [5803092]

And for good measure Ivy Bridge's results:

500 lines read
1024 elements in the table (10 bits)
           Jesteress:         15 [  110]
              Meiyan:         18 [  102]
              Pippip:         17 [  110] ! Grmbl, Kaby Lake favors Pippip !
         Totenschiff:         16 [  105]
             Yorikke:         16 [  106]
           Yoshimura:         18 [  109]
              wyhash:         36 [  110]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:         22 [  108]
              FNV-1a:         22 [  124]
              Larson:         29 [   99]
              CRC-32:         21 [  101]
             Murmur2:         19 [  103]
             Murmur3:         20 [  101]
           XXHfast32:         27 [  110]
         XXHstrong32:         25 [  109]
           iSCSI CRC:         14 [  105]

13408 lines read
32768 elements in the table (15 bits)
           Jesteress:        884 [ 2427]
              Meiyan:        898 [ 2377]
              Pippip:        649 [ 2421] ! The nice one !
         Totenschiff:        663 [ 2377]
             Yorikke:        690 [ 2412]
           Yoshimura:        935 [ 2392]
              wyhash:       1101 [ 2366]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:        973 [ 2392]
              FNV-1a:       1064 [ 2446]
              Larson:       1097 [ 2447]
              CRC-32:       1068 [ 2400]
             Murmur2:       1056 [ 2399]
             Murmur3:       1051 [ 2376]
           XXHfast32:       1172 [ 2494]
         XXHstrong32:       1144 [ 2496]
           iSCSI CRC:        873 [ 2388]

3925 lines read
8192 elements in the table (13 bits)
           Jesteress:        161 [  819]
              Meiyan:        169 [  807]
              Pippip:        150 [  856] ! Hm, no idea why Totenschiff is ahead !
         Totenschiff:        149 [  803]
             Yorikke:        161 [  791]
           Yoshimura:        179 [  821]
              wyhash:        243 [  793]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:        202 [  821]
              FNV-1a:        282 [  796]
              Larson:        281 [  789]
              CRC-32:        264 [  802]
             Murmur2:        223 [  825]
             Murmur3:        239 [  818]
           XXHfast32:        280 [  829]
         XXHstrong32:        280 [  829]
           iSCSI CRC:        160 [  795]

500 lines read
1024 elements in the table (10 bits)
           Jesteress:         19 [  300]
              Meiyan:         17 [  125]
              Pippip:         15 [  116] ! Yorikke is ahead a bit !
         Totenschiff:         15 [  116]
             Yorikke:         14 [   82]
           Yoshimura:         19 [   86]
              wyhash:         26 [  120]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:         22 [   86]
              FNV-1a:         16 [  108]
              Larson:         15 [   16]
              CRC-32:         17 [   64]
             Murmur2:         18 [  104]
             Murmur3:         18 [  104]
           XXHfast32:         23 [  102]
         XXHstrong32:         23 [  102]
           iSCSI CRC:         15 [  112]

500 lines read
1024 elements in the table (10 bits)
           Jesteress:         20 [  106]
              Meiyan:         23 [  112]
              Pippip:         19 [  115]
         Totenschiff:         21 [  100]
             Yorikke:         27 [  100]
           Yoshimura:         21 [  112]
              wyhash:         43 [  103]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:         25 [  103]
              FNV-1a:         72 [  105]
              Larson:         77 [  105]
              CRC-32:         61 [   94]
             Murmur2:         34 [  111]
             Murmur3:         39 [  105]
           XXHfast32:         29 [  106]
         XXHstrong32:         32 [  112]
           iSCSI CRC:         25 [   92]

500 lines read
1024 elements in the table (10 bits)
           Jesteress:         20 [  102]
              Meiyan:         22 [  106]
              Pippip:         19 [  110]
         Totenschiff:         20 [   98]
             Yorikke:         27 [   92]
           Yoshimura:         21 [  109]
              wyhash:         43 [  109]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:         26 [  101]
              FNV-1a:         74 [   94]
              Larson:         79 [   99]
              CRC-32:         62 [  107]
             Murmur2:         34 [  106]
             Murmur3:         39 [  103]
           XXHfast32:         29 [  103]
         XXHstrong32:         33 [  102]
           iSCSI CRC:         26 [  106]

3228 lines read
8192 elements in the table (13 bits)
           Jesteress:        182 [  585]
              Meiyan:        183 [  588]
              Pippip:        113 [  577] ! Let Shakespeariada begins !
         Totenschiff:        116 [  589]
             Yorikke:        116 [  536]
           Yoshimura:        193 [  552]
              wyhash:        244 [  599]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:        214 [  552]
              FNV-1a:        206 [  555]
              Larson:        218 [  583]
              CRC-32:        212 [  563]
             Murmur2:        214 [  566]
             Murmur3:        206 [  555]
           XXHfast32:        234 [  491]
         XXHstrong32:        223 [  491]
           iSCSI CRC:        179 [  584]

1842 lines read
4096 elements in the table (12 bits)
           Jesteress:        120 [  366]
              Meiyan:        119 [  350]
              Pippip:         82 [  357]
         Totenschiff:         89 [  366]
             Yorikke:         88 [  350]
           Yoshimura:        123 [  356]
              wyhash:        143 [  372]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:        132 [  361]
              FNV-1a:        148 [  374]
              Larson:        162 [  366]
              CRC-32:        149 [  338]
             Murmur2:        138 [  383]
             Murmur3:        140 [  334]
           XXHfast32:        159 [  347]
         XXHstrong32:        151 [  355]
           iSCSI CRC:        122 [  368]

44880 lines read
131072 elements in the table (17 bits)
           Jesteress:       2940 [ 6721]
              Meiyan:       2988 [ 6923]
              Pippip:       2128 [ 6822]
         Totenschiff:       2189 [ 6818]
             Yorikke:       2274 [ 6883]
           Yoshimura:       3120 [ 7013]
              wyhash:       3689 [ 6812]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:       3251 [ 7006]
              FNV-1a:       3561 [ 6833]
              Larson:       3646 [ 6830]
              CRC-32:       3618 [ 6891]
             Murmur2:       3542 [ 6820]
             Murmur3:       3515 [ 6874]
           XXHfast32:       3805 [ 6812]
         XXHstrong32:       3742 [ 6819]
           iSCSI CRC:       2893 [ 6785]

3333 lines read
8192 elements in the table (13 bits)
           Jesteress:        179 [  576]
              Meiyan:        184 [  583]
              Pippip:        145 [  560] ! Latinophilia all the way !
         Totenschiff:        163 [  602]
             Yorikke:        196 [  573]
           Yoshimura:        154 [  593]
              wyhash:        309 [  595]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:        200 [  615]
              FNV-1a:        477 [  604]
              Larson:        481 [  581]
              CRC-32:        431 [  613]
             Murmur2:        248 [  600]
             Murmur3:        281 [  583]
           XXHfast32:        213 [  596]
         XXHstrong32:        236 [  571]
           iSCSI CRC:        194 [  594]

2995394 lines read
8388608 elements in the table (23 bits)
           Jesteress:     496694 [691369]
              Meiyan:     479529 [593723]
              Pippip:     476112 [476410] ! Second-best and IP-friendly, yet, iSCSI CRC dominates again !
         Totenschiff:     504529 [476467]
             Yorikke:     545878 [506954]
           Yoshimura:     476331 [476699]
              wyhash:     610894 [476412]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:     500257 [476699]
              FNV-1a:     669118 [477067]
              Larson:     661395 [475575]
              CRC-32:     639273 [472854]
             Murmur2:     624035 [476330]
             Murmur3:     623168 [476845]
           XXHfast32:     657857 [476358]
         XXHstrong32:     665029 [476358]
           iSCSI CRC:     398902 [479542]

12561874 lines read
33554432 elements in the table (25 bits)
           Jesteress:    2241692 [2121868]
              Meiyan:    2272542 [2111271]
              Pippip:    2178470 [2084750] ! Ay-ay-ya, this time around 2nd to iSCSI CRC !
         Totenschiff:    2282135 [2084381]
             Yorikke:    2365470 [2099673]
           Yoshimura:    2299264 [2086155]
              wyhash:    2805367 [2081865]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:    2425637 [2084931]
              FNV-1a:    3027965 [2081195]
              Larson:    2932953 [2080111]
              CRC-32:    3071583 [2075088]
             Murmur2:    2823376 [2081476]
             Murmur3:    2773854 [2082084]
           XXHfast32:    3032854 [2084164]
         XXHstrong32:    3058895 [2084514]
           iSCSI CRC:    2037665 [2077725]

138578 lines read
524288 elements in the table (19 bits)
           Jesteress:      21643 [31211]
              Meiyan:      21940 [31116]
              Pippip:      17559 [31196]
         Totenschiff:      19093 [31134]
             Yorikke:      21886 [31139]
           Yoshimura:      18147 [31245]
              wyhash:      26013 [31260]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:      24281 [31316]
              FNV-1a:      41612 [31178]
              Larson:      42924 [31406]
              CRC-32:      40994 [31210]
             Murmur2:      28858 [31203]
             Murmur3:      28447 [31308]
           XXHfast32:      23350 [31146]
         XXHstrong32:      25654 [31118]
           iSCSI CRC:      19798 [31248]

354951 lines read
1048576 elements in the table (20 bits)
           Jesteress:      46021 [53809]
              Meiyan:      46802 [54013]
              Pippip:      43666 [53393] ! Ay-ay-ya, this time around 2nd to iSCSI CRC !
         Totenschiff:      45871 [53546]
             Yorikke:      47848 [53782]
           Yoshimura:      47475 [53768]
              wyhash:      58804 [53996]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:      50426 [53658]
              FNV-1a:      62479 [53896]
              Larson:      61968 [54076]
              CRC-32:      63866 [54020]
             Murmur2:      59155 [53857]
             Murmur3:      58057 [53983]
           XXHfast32:      64050 [53411]
         XXHstrong32:      64319 [53391]
           iSCSI CRC:      42131 [53915]

42206534 lines read
134217728 elements in the table (27 bits)
           Jesteress:    7535466 [6011292]
              Meiyan:    7683208 [5985680]
              Pippip:    7429496 [5996107] ! iSCSI CRC beats everyone with a margin here !
         Totenschiff:    7754666 [5996598]
             Yorikke:    7910662 [6011605]
           Yoshimura:    7897196 [5991798]
              wyhash:    9619451 [5991525]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:    8361802 [5992635]
              FNV-1a:   10018813 [5980248]
              Larson:    9488624 [5937238]
              CRC-32:   10389536 [5843653]
             Murmur2:    9413606 [5991065]
             Murmur3:    9232074 [5992379]
           XXHfast32:   10317317 [6008154]
         XXHstrong32:   10423512 [6007552]
           iSCSI CRC:    6959881 [5803092]

Note: In order to minimize fluctuations, this time, I increased runs in Peter's hash.c from 10 to 40 for all testfiles with less than 400,000 lines:

    //UINT repetitions = g_lines_count > 40000 ? 10 : 40; //Kaze was here, the line below increases the runs ... for more precise output.
    UINT repetitions = g_lines_count > 400000 ? 10 : 40;
erthink commented 4 years ago

@Sanmayce, could you add a few strong hash-functions as reference for a collisions rate?

For instance, 32-bits from any SHA-like hash and Pelle Evensen's mixer, i.e.

// New mixer, "rrxmrrxmsx_0", failing one subtest of RR-64-40-TF2-0.94.
// With a unit counter starting at 0, it has passed 128 TB of
// PractRand 0.94 -tf 2 without anomalies found past 2 TB.
uint64_t rrxmrrxmsx_0(uint64_t v) {
  v ^= ror64(v, 25) ^ ror64(v, 50);
  v *= 0xA24BAED4963EE407UL;
  v ^= ror64(v, 24) ^ ror64(v, 49);
  v *= 9FB21C651E98DF25UL;
  return v ^ v >> 28;
Sanmayce commented 4 years ago

@leo-yuriev Sure- sure, more the merrier, just post the full hasherS here.

Sanmayce commented 4 years ago

@leo-yuriev I just don't have remote understanding how these mixer do their magic, therefore I need "ready-for-use" functions. For example, in Lookuperorama I have SHA3-224 included (unactive though), but have no idea how to transform these 224bits to 32bits, if you can do the final mixing for me, gladly will include it along with others. As for Peter's hash.c, there I have limited abilities to mess around, cannot compile it with GCC, for example.

erthink commented 4 years ago

@Sanmayce, for SHA you can get ANY 32-bit from it's result. For Pelle Evensen's mixer it is easy to construct the simple hash function:

#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>

static uint64_t rrxmrrxmsx_0(uint64_t v) {
  /* Pelle Evensen's mixer, */
  v ^= (v << 39 | v >> 25) ^ (v << 14 | v >> 50);
  v *= UINT64_C(0xA24BAED4963EE407);
  v ^= (v << 40 | v >> 24) ^ (v << 15 | v >> 49);
  v *= UINT64_C(0x9FB21C651E98DF25);
  return v ^ v >> 28;

uint64_t hash_based_on_Pelle_Evensen_mixer(const void *data, size_t bytes, uint64_t seed) {
    uint64_t tmp, hash = rrxmrrxmsx_0(rrxmrrxmsx_0(seed) + bytes);
    while(bytes >= sizeof(tmp)) {
        memcpy(&tmp, data, sizeof(tmp));
        data = (char*)data + sizeof(tmp);
        hash = rrxmrrxmsx_0(hash + tmp);
        bytes -= sizeof(tmp);
    if (bytes) {
        tmp = 0;
        memcpy(&tmp, data, bytes);
        hash = rrxmrrxmsx_0(hash + tmp);
    return hash;
Sanmayce commented 4 years ago

It looks like a top-performer, already. Very nice article it is, after completion will ask Mr. Evensen for sharing a corpus of keys suitable for such deep tests.

Thank you @leo-yuriev, will include it in Lookuperorama r.5, maybe tomorrow night. Will put it in Peter's hash.c after an hour or so and will share here the results.

It is interesting to see how this mixer fares against the simplistic Pippip's endgame. And since I test only some up to 29bits, I am gonna take lowest 32 bits from its result as in SHA3-224, hope it is a good choice.

Excuse me for not grouping my posts into one, I use an old Windows XP and for some reason github/chrome refuse to allow me editing, putting pictures ... everything except 'Comment' button. A year ago the same machine had these features allowed.

Sanmayce commented 4 years ago

@leo-yuriev This is what I put into hash.c:

static unsigned long long rrxmrrxmsx_0(unsigned long long v) {
  // Pelle Evensen's mixer,
  v ^= (v << 39 | v >> 25) ^ (v << 14 | v >> 50);
  v *= (unsigned long long)(0xA24BAED4963EE407);
  v ^= (v << 40 | v >> 24) ^ (v << 15 | v >> 49);
  v *= (unsigned long long)(0x9FB21C651E98DF25);
  return v ^ v >> 28;

UINT Hash_LeoPelle(const char *data, SIZE_T bytes)
    unsigned long long tmp, hash = rrxmrrxmsx_0(rrxmrrxmsx_0(0) + bytes);
    while(bytes >= sizeof(tmp)) {
        memcpy(&tmp, data, sizeof(tmp));
        data = (char*)data + sizeof(tmp);
        hash = rrxmrrxmsx_0(hash + tmp);
        bytes -= sizeof(tmp);
    if (bytes) {
        tmp = 0;
        memcpy(&tmp, data, bytes);
        hash = rrxmrrxmsx_0(hash + tmp);
    return hash>>32; // Highest 32bit, Lowest 32bit, or folded - no time for checking 'em out

And results on Kaby Lake:

500 lines read
1024 elements in the table (10 bits)
           Jesteress:         14 [  110]
              Meiyan:         19 [  102]
              Pippip:         13 [  110]
         Totenschiff:         15 [  105]
             Yorikke:         14 [  106]
           Yoshimura:         14 [  109]
            LeoPelle:         56 [  104]
              wyhash:         40 [  110]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:         22 [  108]
              FNV-1a:         30 [  124]
              Larson:         29 [   99]
              CRC-32:         23 [  101]
             Murmur2:         17 [  103]
             Murmur3:         18 [  101]
           XXHfast32:         23 [  110]
         XXHstrong32:         24 [  109]
           iSCSI CRC:         12 [  105]

13408 lines read
32768 elements in the table (15 bits)
           Jesteress:       1127 [ 2427]
              Meiyan:       1153 [ 2377]
              Pippip:        729 [ 2421]
         Totenschiff:        771 [ 2377]
             Yorikke:        796 [ 2412]
           Yoshimura:       1148 [ 2392]
            LeoPelle:       1918 [ 2344] ! Best dispersion on French words !
              wyhash:       1260 [ 2366]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:       1244 [ 2392]
              FNV-1a:       1289 [ 2446]
              Larson:       1286 [ 2447]
              CRC-32:       1306 [ 2400]
             Murmur2:       1282 [ 2399]
             Murmur3:       1286 [ 2376]
           XXHfast32:       1404 [ 2494]
         XXHstrong32:       1441 [ 2496]
           iSCSI CRC:       1104 [ 2388]

3925 lines read
8192 elements in the table (13 bits)
           Jesteress:        173 [  819]
              Meiyan:        171 [  807]
              Pippip:        140 [  856]
         Totenschiff:        153 [  803]
             Yorikke:        164 [  791]
           Yoshimura:        179 [  821]
            LeoPelle:        561 [  786] ! Best dispersion on IPs !
              wyhash:        242 [  793]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:        220 [  821]
              FNV-1a:        311 [  796]
              Larson:        300 [  789]
              CRC-32:        253 [  802]
             Murmur2:        230 [  825]
             Murmur3:        249 [  818]
           XXHfast32:        308 [  829]
         XXHstrong32:        315 [  829]
           iSCSI CRC:        166 [  795]

500 lines read
1024 elements in the table (10 bits)
           Jesteress:         16 [  300]
              Meiyan:         14 [  125]
              Pippip:         13 [  116]
         Totenschiff:         14 [  116]
             Yorikke:         14 [   82]
           Yoshimura:         15 [   86]
            LeoPelle:         62 [  104]
              wyhash:         23 [  120]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:         19 [   86]
              FNV-1a:         16 [  108]
              Larson:         14 [   16]
              CRC-32:         14 [   64]
             Murmur2:         17 [  104]
             Murmur3:         17 [  104]
           XXHfast32:         23 [  102]
         XXHstrong32:         23 [  102]
           iSCSI CRC:         10 [  112]

500 lines read
1024 elements in the table (10 bits)
           Jesteress:         20 [  106]
              Meiyan:         25 [  112]
              Pippip:         17 [  115]
         Totenschiff:         20 [  100]
             Yorikke:         25 [  100]
           Yoshimura:         19 [  112]
            LeoPelle:         81 [  101]
              wyhash:         45 [  103]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:         28 [  103]
              FNV-1a:         84 [  105]
              Larson:         83 [  105]
              CRC-32:         55 [   94]
             Murmur2:         32 [  111]
             Murmur3:         40 [  105]
           XXHfast32:         29 [  106]
         XXHstrong32:         34 [  112]
           iSCSI CRC:         24 [   92]

500 lines read
1024 elements in the table (10 bits)
           Jesteress:         22 [  102]
              Meiyan:         25 [  106]
              Pippip:         17 [  110]
         Totenschiff:         20 [   98]
             Yorikke:         26 [   92]
           Yoshimura:         20 [  109]
            LeoPelle:         83 [  105]
              wyhash:         46 [  109]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:         29 [  101]
              FNV-1a:         84 [   94]
              Larson:         83 [   99]
              CRC-32:         55 [  107]
             Murmur2:         32 [  106]
             Murmur3:         40 [  103]
           XXHfast32:         29 [  103]
         XXHstrong32:         34 [  102]
           iSCSI CRC:         25 [  106]

3228 lines read
8192 elements in the table (13 bits)
           Jesteress:        212 [  585]
              Meiyan:        214 [  588]
              Pippip:        106 [  577]
         Totenschiff:        111 [  589]
             Yorikke:        106 [  536]
           Yoshimura:        223 [  552]
            LeoPelle:        391 [  544]
              wyhash:        263 [  599]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:        249 [  552]
              FNV-1a:        249 [  555]
              Larson:        249 [  583]
              CRC-32:        239 [  563]
             Murmur2:        237 [  566]
             Murmur3:        239 [  555]
           XXHfast32:        252 [  491]
         XXHstrong32:        256 [  491]
           iSCSI CRC:        209 [  584]

1842 lines read
4096 elements in the table (12 bits)
           Jesteress:        142 [  366]
              Meiyan:        150 [  350]
              Pippip:         87 [  357]
         Totenschiff:         80 [  366]
             Yorikke:         84 [  350]
           Yoshimura:        140 [  356]
            LeoPelle:        240 [  366]
              wyhash:        160 [  372]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:        161 [  361]
              FNV-1a:        181 [  374]
              Larson:        180 [  366]
              CRC-32:        166 [  338]
             Murmur2:        153 [  383]
             Murmur3:        161 [  334]
           XXHfast32:        168 [  347]
         XXHstrong32:        173 [  355]
           iSCSI CRC:        144 [  368]

44880 lines read
131072 elements in the table (17 bits)
           Jesteress:       3729 [ 6721]
              Meiyan:       3826 [ 6923]
              Pippip:       2423 [ 6822]
         Totenschiff:       2586 [ 6818]
             Yorikke:       2651 [ 6883]
           Yoshimura:       3807 [ 7013]
            LeoPelle:       6938 [ 6908]
              wyhash:       4281 [ 6812]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:       4146 [ 7006]
              FNV-1a:       4351 [ 6833]
              Larson:       4325 [ 6830]
              CRC-32:       4396 [ 6891]
             Murmur2:       4281 [ 6820]
             Murmur3:       4292 [ 6874]
           XXHfast32:       4567 [ 6812]
         XXHstrong32:       4667 [ 6819]
           iSCSI CRC:       3639 [ 6785]

3333 lines read
8192 elements in the table (13 bits)
           Jesteress:        202 [  576]
              Meiyan:        210 [  583]
              Pippip:        142 [  560]
         Totenschiff:        161 [  602]
             Yorikke:        196 [  573]
           Yoshimura:        155 [  593]
            LeoPelle:        566 [  602]
              wyhash:        263 [  595]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:        232 [  615]
              FNV-1a:        551 [  604]
              Larson:        540 [  581]
              CRC-32:        407 [  613]
             Murmur2:        264 [  600]
             Murmur3:        303 [  583]
           XXHfast32:        226 [  596]
         XXHstrong32:        257 [  571]
           iSCSI CRC:        216 [  594]

2995394 lines read
8388608 elements in the table (23 bits)
           Jesteress:     479224 [691369]
              Meiyan:     464853 [593723]
              Pippip:     448279 [476410]
         Totenschiff:     516702 [476467]
             Yorikke:     536163 [506954]
           Yoshimura:     462728 [476699]
            LeoPelle:    1377047 [476087]
              wyhash:     557265 [476412]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:     494215 [476699]
              FNV-1a:     721015 [477067]
              Larson:     708784 [475575]
              CRC-32:     604314 [472854]
             Murmur2:     586309 [476330]
             Murmur3:     581613 [476845]
           XXHfast32:     677829 [476358]
         XXHstrong32:     694420 [476358]
           iSCSI CRC:     395067 [479542]

12561874 lines read
33554432 elements in the table (25 bits)
           Jesteress:    2333882 [2121868]
              Meiyan:    2385505 [2111271]
              Pippip:    2141209 [2084750]
         Totenschiff:    2294174 [2084381]
             Yorikke:    2367833 [2099673]
           Yoshimura:    2375780 [2086155]
            LeoPelle:    5581455 [2084471]
              wyhash:    2799528 [2081865]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:    2536009 [2084931]
              FNV-1a:    3134136 [2081195]
              Larson:    3017962 [2080111]
              CRC-32:    2994616 [2075088]
             Murmur2:    2855417 [2081476]
             Murmur3:    2860693 [2082084]
           XXHfast32:    3085141 [2084164]
         XXHstrong32:    3190057 [2084514]
           iSCSI CRC:    2161231 [2077725]

138578 lines read
524288 elements in the table (19 bits)
           Jesteress:      24192 [31211]
              Meiyan:      24668 [31116]
              Pippip:      18222 [31196]
         Totenschiff:      20360 [31134]
             Yorikke:      23712 [31139]
           Yoshimura:      19543 [31245]
            LeoPelle:      48454 [31372]
              wyhash:      28113 [31260]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:      27275 [31316]
              FNV-1a:      49301 [31178]
              Larson:      49184 [31406]
              CRC-32:      41684 [31210]
             Murmur2:      31683 [31203]
             Murmur3:      31564 [31308]
           XXHfast32:      24667 [31146]
         XXHstrong32:      27229 [31118]
           iSCSI CRC:      22622 [31248]

354951 lines read
1048576 elements in the table (20 bits)
           Jesteress:      50179 [53809]
              Meiyan:      51489 [54013]
              Pippip:      44641 [53393]
         Totenschiff:      48526 [53546]
             Yorikke:      50078 [53782]
           Yoshimura:      51705 [53768]
            LeoPelle:     120381 [53627]
              wyhash:      61663 [53996]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:      55429 [53658]
              FNV-1a:      68594 [53896]
              Larson:      67472 [54076]
              CRC-32:      65315 [54020]
             Murmur2:      62624 [53857]
             Murmur3:      62975 [53983]
           XXHfast32:      68514 [53411]
         XXHstrong32:      70636 [53391]
           iSCSI CRC:      46514 [53915]

42206534 lines read
134217728 elements in the table (27 bits)
           Jesteress:    9193542 [6011292]
              Meiyan:    9452745 [5985680]
              Pippip:    8748221 [5996107]
         Totenschiff:    9232164 [5996598]
             Yorikke:    9269432 [6011605]
           Yoshimura:    9597632 [5991798]
            LeoPelle:   22517088 [5996503] ! Hm, I expected better dispersion for so many keys !
              wyhash:   11240783 [5991525]
     YoshimitsuTRIAD:   10191346 [5992635]
              FNV-1a:   12012840 [5980248]
              Larson:   11012405 [5937238]
              CRC-32:   11593089 [5843653]
             Murmur2:   11297683 [5991065]
             Murmur3:   11319826 [5992379]
           XXHfast32:   12025495 [6008154]
         XXHstrong32:   12389242 [6007552]
           iSCSI CRC:    8451327 [5803092]

Thanks. The C source and the Intel v19.0 64bit binary is here:

Sanmayce commented 4 years ago


please be so kind and take a thorough look at presenting in my opinion the currently best hash algorithm in the world and run the full benchmark suite (available under ) ...

I did, here are the results:

Didn't have time to run it on all of my laptops, though.

We're really eager to see the comparable benchmarking results.

Sure, me too:

dumblob commented 4 years ago

@Sanmayce thanks for letting me know - see my comment .