rurre / PumkinsAvatarTools

A toolbox for easily setting up VRChat avatars in Unity. Adds functionality to the editor and automates some of the tedious tasks.
MIT License
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Copy Components: Physbones "adjust scale" ignores Phys Bone Collider Shape Position #77

Open tris0x opened 1 year ago

tris0x commented 1 year ago

Quite sure the adjust scale function should influence the shape's position as well, no? Due to scaling differences between a reimported avatar and the origin avatar, im running into wrongly positioned colliders.


The shape's position should have been adjusted to Y 0.1, but stays at 0.001 at the moment. Tested for X, Y, Z - all fail to scale. Radius and height gets scaled properly.

rurre commented 1 year ago

I think position was intentionally removed from adjust scale because it was causing issues to the intended use of this feature. This feature exists to correct scaling issues between different export settings, which can cause an avatar's armature scale to be 100, while another one's be 1.