Getting the following LUA error after applying the changes (v11.0.4) from today. (And TY for keeping this updated!)
2x InFlight/InFlight.lua:156: attempt to index upvalue 'vars' (a nil value)
[string "@InFlight/InFlight.lua"]:156: in function <InFlight/InFlight.lua:145>
Hi. I don't get the error, but could someone who is getting the error message try and delete the "local" in line 156?
So instead of "local duration = vars[taxiSrc] and vars[taxiSrc][button.taxiNodeData.nodeID]" it's "duration = vars[taxiSrc] and vars[taxiSrc][button.taxiNodeData.nodeID]". That should help.
Not at this time. I'm not getting this issue on my end. I remember seeing an error that looked like this when I was testing the InFlight_Load.lua changes, but this went away once I fixed that.
@jgwallace3 Could you post the code from {install location}\World of Warcraft_retail_\Interface\AddOns\InFlight_Load\Inflight_Load.lua
Like I mentioned, I was getting basically the same error during my initial fixes but the root cause was actually from another Lua error occurring in Inflight_Load.lua.
`local InFlight = CreateFrame("Frame", "InFlight") -- no parent is intentional
local self = InFlight
-- new variables for TWW API changes
local category, layout
local loadAddon = C_AddOns and C_AddOns.LoadAddOn
local C_AddOns_GetAddOnEnableState = C_AddOns.GetAddOnEnableState
-- end new variables
InFlight:SetScript("OnEvent", function(this, event, ...) this[event](this, ...) end)
local function LoadInFlight()
if not InFlight.ShowOptions then
local loaded, reason = loadAddon("InFlight")
--return GetAddOnEnableState(UnitName("player"), "InFlight") == 2 and InFlight.ShowOptions and true or nil
return C_AddOns_GetAddOnEnableState("InFlight") and InFlight.ShowOptions and true or nil
function InFlight:ADDON_LOADED(addonName)
if addonName == "InFlight_Load" then
if self.SetupInFlight then
elseif addonName == "InFlight" then
function InFlight:TAXIMAP_OPENED(...)
if LoadInFlight() then
local uiMapSystem = ...
local isTaxiMap = uiMapSystem == Enum.UIMapSystem.Taxi
-- maybe this stuff gets garbage collected if InFlight isn't loadable
if C_AddOns_GetAddOnEnableState("InFlight") == 2 then
local ipairs, strfind = ipairs, strfind
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale("InFlight", true)
InFlight.L = L
local t
t = {
[L["Amber Ledge"]] = {{ find = L["AmberLedgeGossip"], s = "Amber Ledge", d = "Transitus Shield (Scenic Route)" }},
[L["Argent Tournament Grounds"]] = {{ find = L["ArgentTournamentGossip"], s = "Argent Tournament Grounds", d = "Return" }},
[L["Blackwind Landing"]] = {{ find = L["BlackwindLandingGossip"], s = "Blackwind Landing", d = "Skyguard Outpost" }},
[L["Caverns of Time"]] = {{ find = L["CavernsOfTimeGossip"], s = "Caverns of Time", d = "Nozdormu's Lair" }},
[L["Expedition Point"]] = {{ find = L["ExpeditionPointGossip"], s = "Expedition Point", d = "Shatter Point" }},
[L["Hellfire Peninsula"]] = {{ find = L["HellfirePeninsulaGossip"], s = "Honor Point", d = "Shatter Point" }},
[L["Nighthaven"]] = {{ find = L["NighthavenGossipA"], s = "Nighthaven", d = "Rut'theran Village" },
{ find = L["NighthavenGossipH"], s = "Nighthaven", d = "Thunder Bluff" }},
[L["Old Hillsbrad Foothills"]] = {{ find = L["OldHillsbradGossip"], s = "Old Hillsbrad Foothills", d = "Durnholde Keep" }},
[L["Reaver's Fall"]] = {{ find = L["Reaver'sFallGossip"], s = "Reaver's Fall", d = "Spinebreaker Post" }},
[L["Ring of Transference"]] = {{ find = L["ToBastionGossip1"], s = "Oribos", d = "Bastion" },
{ find = L["ToBastionGossip2"], s = "Oribos", d = "Bastion" }},
[L["Shatter Point"]] = {{ find = L["ShatterPointGossip"], s = "Shatter Point", d = "Honor Point" }},
[L["Skyguard Outpost"]] = {{ find = L["SkyguardOutpostGossip"], s = "Skyguard Outpost", d = "Blackwind Landing" }},
[L["Stormwind City"]] = {{ find = L["StormwindCityGossip"], s = "Stormwind City", d = "Return" }},
[L["Sun's Reach Harbor"]] = {{ find = L["SSSAGossip"], s = "Shattered Sun Staging Area", d = "Return" },
{ find = L["SSSAGossip2"], s = "Shattered Sun Staging Area", d = "The Sin'loren" }},
[L["The Sin'loren"]] = {{ find = L["TheSin'lorenGossip"], s = "The Sin'loren", d = "Shattered Sun Staging Area" }},
[L["Valgarde"]] = {{ find = L["ValgardeGossip"], s = "Valgarde", d = "Explorers' League Outpost" }},
-- support for flightpaths that are started by gossip options
-- Fix for "support for flightpaths that are started by gossip options" provided by drantor @
hooksecurefunc(_G.GossipOptionButtonMixin, "OnClick", function(this, button)
local elementData = this:GetElementData()
if elementData.buttonType ~= _G.GOSSIP_BUTTON_TYPE_OPTION then
local subzone = GetMinimapZoneText()
local tsz = t[subzone]
if not tsz then
-- print("|cff00ff40In|cff00aaffFlight|r: zone - ", L[GetMinimapZoneText()], GetMinimapZoneText())
-- print("|cff00ff40In|cff00aaffFlight|r: gossip - ", this:GetText())
local text = this:GetText()
if not text or text == "" then
local source, destination
for _, sz in ipairs(tsz) do
if strfind(text, sz.find, 1, true) then
source = sz.s
destination = sz.d
if source and destination and LoadInFlight() then
self:StartMiscFlight(source, destination)
function InFlight:SetupInFlight()
SlashCmdList.INFLIGHT = function()
if LoadInFlight() then
SLASH_INFLIGHT1 = "/inflight"
local panel = CreateFrame("Frame") = "InFlight"
panel:SetScript("OnShow", function(this)
if LoadInFlight() and InFlight.SetLayout then
category, layout = Settings.RegisterCanvasLayoutCategory(panel,,
category.ID =
InFlight.SetupInFlight = nil
Not seeing anything particular here that's different from what I have.
Is this the only InFlight-related Lua error you receive? I only ask because I would get several Lua errors every time I reloaded (since many addons were still broken as of last night) and the one that looked like this was listed last, but I had another InFlight-related error that occurred earlier that I was missing.
If nothing else, try replacing your InFlight_Load.lua with this one and see if anything changes. This is a .txt file since Github doesn't support .lua files in comments. Just make sure to change the file extension to .lua
Unfortunately, since I can't recreate this issue, I can't do as much support as I wish I could. Unless you've already tried it, a clean install of the addon may be helpful.
Getting the following LUA error after applying the changes (v11.0.4) from today. (And TY for keeping this updated!)
2x InFlight/InFlight.lua:156: attempt to index upvalue 'vars' (a nil value) [string "@InFlight/InFlight.lua"]:156: in function <InFlight/InFlight.lua:145>
Locals: button = Frame { inflighted = true taxiNodeData =
@superwario15 any clues?
Hi. I don't get the error, but could someone who is getting the error message try and delete the "local" in line 156? So instead of "local duration = vars[taxiSrc] and vars[taxiSrc][button.taxiNodeData.nodeID]" it's "duration = vars[taxiSrc] and vars[taxiSrc][button.taxiNodeData.nodeID]". That should help.
I removed the 'local' kw and retried. Same error.
Not at this time. I'm not getting this issue on my end. I remember seeing an error that looked like this when I was testing the InFlight_Load.lua changes, but this went away once I fixed that.
@jgwallace3 Could you post the code from {install location}\World of Warcraft_retail_\Interface\AddOns\InFlight_Load\Inflight_Load.lua
Like I mentioned, I was getting basically the same error during my initial fixes but the root cause was actually from another Lua error occurring in Inflight_Load.lua.
Sure.. `local InFlight = CreateFrame("Frame", "InFlight") -- no parent is intentional local self = InFlight -- new variables for TWW API changes local category, layout local loadAddon = C_AddOns and C_AddOns.LoadAddOn local C_AddOns_GetAddOnEnableState = C_AddOns.GetAddOnEnableState -- end new variables InFlight:SetScript("OnEvent", function(this, event, ...) this[event](this, ...) end) InFlight:RegisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED")
-- LOCAL FUNCTIONS local function LoadInFlight() if not InFlight.ShowOptions then --LoadAddOn("InFlight") local loaded, reason = loadAddon("InFlight") end --return GetAddOnEnableState(UnitName("player"), "InFlight") == 2 and InFlight.ShowOptions and true or nil return C_AddOns_GetAddOnEnableState("InFlight") and InFlight.ShowOptions and true or nil end
function InFlight:ADDON_LOADED(addonName)
function InFlight:TAXIMAP_OPENED(...)
-- maybe this stuff gets garbage collected if InFlight isn't loadable if C_AddOns_GetAddOnEnableState("InFlight") == 2 then -- GLOBALS -> LOCAL local ipairs, strfind = ipairs, strfind
-- support for flightpaths that are started by gossip options -- Fix for "support for flightpaths that are started by gossip options" provided by drantor @ hooksecurefunc(_G.GossipOptionButtonMixin, "OnClick", function(this, button) local elementData = this:GetElementData() if elementData.buttonType ~= _G.GOSSIP_BUTTON_TYPE_OPTION then return end
-- print("|cff00ff40In|cff00aaffFlight|r: zone - ", L[GetMinimapZoneText()], GetMinimapZoneText()) -- print("|cff00ff40In|cff00aaffFlight|r: gossip - ", this:GetText()) return end
-- print("|cff00ff40In|cff00aaffFlight|r: gossip - ", text)
end `
Not seeing anything particular here that's different from what I have.
Is this the only InFlight-related Lua error you receive? I only ask because I would get several Lua errors every time I reloaded (since many addons were still broken as of last night) and the one that looked like this was listed last, but I had another InFlight-related error that occurred earlier that I was missing.
If nothing else, try replacing your InFlight_Load.lua with this one and see if anything changes. This is a .txt file since Github doesn't support .lua files in comments. Just make sure to change the file extension to .lua InFlight_Load.txt
Unfortunately, since I can't recreate this issue, I can't do as much support as I wish I could. Unless you've already tried it, a clean install of the addon may be helpful.
It was the only inflight-related lua error I saw.
Good news is using the inflight_load lua file you sent fixed the error for me and inflight now works fine!
fixed in