rurza / BatFi

Battery charging limiter for macOS.
MIT License
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BatFi doesn't begin charging when battery is low #68

Open qns7 opened 1 month ago

qns7 commented 1 month ago

Hi there,

I recently observed this behaviour and it happened to me three times now: If I'm between 20 and 30% of charge an plug my macbook into my dock (Ivanky, double usb-c), BatFi shows the little bolt, but won't start charging (there is no change in the percentage shown). I have to restart the app to get it going and can't figure out why this is the case.

Best regards Q

qns7 commented 1 month ago

Happened again and this time I was at 75%. In the popup menu of BatFi it even showed the current-flow to the battery (and to the system), but the percentage didn't change. Not only in BatFi, but also in control centre (system-data). Thought: Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that I connect my dock with my macbook being closed and then open it up and the setting "Automatically pause charging when the Mac goes to sleep". It's weird... hope someone can chime in.

PS: For now I use a shortcut to restart BatFi as soon as my dock connects and this seems to work.

EDIT: The bug is still present. It would be cool if some folks could chime in and tell me if this happens at their machine too. The workaround still works fine (macOS shortcut).