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4g experiments without touching VR pins #121

Closed rusefillc closed 9 months ago

rusefillc commented 1 year ago

We shall try to run 4g on rev F and rev G while NOT using C2,C3,E5,E6

meaning that we have C7 E3 E4

rusefillc commented 1 year ago

@Qwerty-OFF E3 and E4 are they hall-compatible on either F or G?

rusefillc commented 1 year ago

E3 and E4 have 100nF caps which would need to be removed or better changed to 1-10nF

ElDominio commented 1 year ago

I have confirmed a simple fix on revC and revE

On revC, I did the same as was said by @Qwerty-OFF , adding 1nf caps to IN_CRANK and a 4.6k resistor to R7 jumper hole to R40 pad (removing R44 in the process, and removed al VR discrete caps R753 I think?) image

still revC, added 1nf caps to IN_CRANK as shown here image

and to D57 (on revF schematic) pad on R24 image

This allowed me to read RPM perfectly on 4G93 on a revC image

ElDominio commented 1 year ago

On revE, I ONLY added a 1nf cap from bottom pad of R24 to ground image

And also reads perfectly

This revE has stock R44 resistor, no resistors removed to disable VR, no external resistors, and no cap on IN_CRANK. Still works great. image

ElDominio commented 1 year ago

Fun fact: revE with 1nf cap ALSO works on VR car, specifically 24-1 cam speed Honda B20, with settings from unmodified ECU.

@mck1117 is there any reason this cap would ruin VR? Seems to work fine

ElDominio commented 9 months ago

RevG works with Hall/VR