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VR+hall quesiton and suggested fix idea #129

Closed ElDominio closed 1 year ago

ElDominio commented 1 year ago

revF VR+Hall circuit seems to work quite well, only needing a 1nf cap Net-D57 to GND as shown here.

Why did the revG circuit change so much? Can we just do revF VR circuit + the previously mentioned capacitor? Removing/adding said capacitor sounds much less painful than the current state

rusefillc commented 1 year ago

Really question is "is it possible to adjust current rev G pieces to match rev F 100%?"

Qwerty-OFF commented 1 year ago

For F ~100% Remove C135, C141, C142 (because in MM the capacitance on "IN_Dx" lines is 2 x 1nf) Remove C17, C20, C21 not needed (already done) Remove R4, R39 Install R21, R23 if they are removed This covers everything related to the lines IN_CRANK+, IN_CRANK-, IN_CAM_VR+, IN_CAM_VR-, IN_CAM_HALL, and IN_2STEP.

update: R22/R33/R1126/R1135/etc all twelve R1206 should be installed for rev.f comatibility

ElDominio commented 1 year ago

How about RevF on IN_CRANK+/- and IN_CAM_VR+/-? Without changing IN CAM HALL and IN 2STEP?

ElDominio commented 1 year ago

For F ~100% Remove C135, C141, C142 (because in MM the capacitance on "IN_Dx" lines is 2 x 1nf) Remove C17, C20, C21 #121 (comment) not needed (already done) Remove R4, R39 Install R21, R23 if they are removed This covers everything related to the lines IN_CRANK+, IN_CRANK-, IN_CAM_VR+, IN_CAM_VR-, IN_CAM_HALL, and IN_2STEP.

On what board? V0, V1, V2?

rusefillc commented 1 year ago

Your choice?

Reminder that v0 has c17 as from factory and one of v1/v2 has c17 removed and moved on another board as C20. All other mods you've done yourself.

rusefillc commented 1 year ago is helpful to locate C17 and C20

ElDominio commented 1 year ago

For F ~100% Remove C135, C141, C142 (because in MM the capacitance on "IN_Dx" lines is 2 x 1nf) Remove C17, C20, C21 not needed (already done) Remove R4, R39 Install R21, R23 if they are removed This covers everything related to the lines IN_CRANK+, IN_CRANK-, IN_CAM_VR+, IN_CAM_VR-, IN_CAM_HALL, and IN_2STEP.

Question, with the current setup, can IN_2STEP be used as either a Hall input or 2step input? Because I like that and I tested C4 already and it worked

your choice?\n\nReminder that v0 has c17 as from factory and one of v1/v2 has c17 removed and moved on another board as C20. All other mods you've done yourself.

I will test this hopefully tomorrow, but I'd like to know how to not modify 2STEP input, since this is VR test and having the 2STEP input as a spare hall input interests me.

rusefillc commented 1 year ago

@ElDominio what is 2step input? just a mechanical button? Hall still has pull-up I assume (you can check with a digital multimeter by checking for disconnected wire) thus yes, same hall or just button

ElDominio commented 1 year ago

@ElDominio what is 2step input? just a mechanical button? Hall still has pull-up I assume (you can check with a digital multimeter by checking for disconnected wire) thus yes, same hall or just button

Yep, a mechanical button that pulls to ground. So it would be best to not modify that input and keep it as is, then have ONLY the two VR circuits as they are in revF

rusefillc commented 1 year ago

So it would be best to not modify

I have no idea what that means.

a) are you requesting we undo rev G and start from rev F again? b) are you requesting something else? what is the ask specifically?

ElDominio commented 1 year ago

When I test I will have a more concrete request, so no action until then

My current request is: How do i modify IN_CRANK+/- and IN_CAM+/- without touching IN_2STEP in revG board2?

rusefillc commented 1 year ago

@Qwerty-OFF says

Something still needs to be done with 2step, either as in to get 100% rev. f, or install R39 and remove R23 to get a better chance for the HALL or button on the 2_STEP line to work correctly

ElDominio commented 1 year ago

For F ~100% Remove C135, C141, C142 (because in MM the capacitance on "IN_Dx" lines is 2 x 1nf) Remove C17, C20, C21 #121 (comment) not needed (already done) Remove R4, R39 Install R21, R23 if they are removed This covers everything related to the lines IN_CRANK+, IN_CRANK-, IN_CAM_VR+, IN_CAM_VR-, IN_CAM_HALL, and IN_2STEP.

what about R22, R35, R1126 and R1135?

I used board 1 who had them removed, so I added them back since i assumed start from default config

ElDominio commented 1 year ago





Does not have C17, C20, C21, C135, C141, C142 Removed R4, R39 Installed R21, R23

ElDominio commented 1 year ago

@Qwerty-OFF was I expected to have R22/R33/etc removed or not? All the 1206 resistors?

Qwerty-OFF commented 1 year ago

R22/R33/etc R1206 should be installed for rev.f comatibility. They are for the IN_CRANK+, IN_CRANK- and IN_CAM_VR+ use as hall sensor input circuits.

ElDominio commented 1 year ago

Picture on comment 1530226901 updated to explain what was done

The car does not seem happy, but it currently runs quite well on a revF (actual revF hardware)

rusefillc commented 1 year ago

@Qwerty-OFF seems like "100% rev F compatible" somehow is not 100% rev F compatible :(

Qwerty-OFF commented 1 year ago

I'll think tomorrow about what other differences there are. Is the problem with pins C2+C3?

ElDominio commented 1 year ago

I'll think tomorrow about what other differences there are. Is the problem with pins C2+C3?

@Qwerty-OFF Good observation, this car uses dual VR C2+c3 AND E5+E6

If E5+E6 is not revF, cam will not read correctly

Was CAM VR (E5+E6) modified with this too? this car has sync to cam at all times and I can see cam position reading incorrectly in the log

Qwerty-OFF commented 1 year ago

CAM VR differences seem to be fixed by Remove C211, C216 (or replace with 1nF if possible) Ensure that R753_2 is not removed from the board

ElDominio commented 1 year ago

@Qwerty-OFF VR on Toyota 1NZ 36-2 seems to have improved significantly, car runs the same as revF (removed c211, c216 replaced with 1nf) R753_2 was present

logs regular TS log of engine running:


ref @rusefillc

ElDominio commented 1 year ago


ElDominio commented 1 year ago

I have idled and revved for about 15 minutos now, seems okay

ElDominio commented 1 year ago

Here is a sheet with all current board states, only truly known is board1, will fill out others later

ElDominio commented 1 year ago

@Qwerty-OFF i have updated the spreadsheet, and will have the test car for about three more days. Is there any more tests that need to be done?