rusefi / hellen121nissan-issues

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No need to have custom of duplicated connector footprints #11

Closed rusefillc closed 2 years ago

rusefillc commented 3 years ago references has

whatever fixes/changed should be done in not a custom copy of the footprint unless there are reasons.

Qwerty-OFF commented 3 years ago contains symbols in the old .lib format. Kicad 5.99 can use these symbols, but cannot edit them. We will have to use old versions of kicad for editing, or convert symbols to the new .kicad_sym format, which is not compatible with old versions of Kicad

rusefillc commented 3 years ago

we need new stuff in the shared lib since that's the future

files which have to have two separate version - 5 and 6 - maybe we would have to use different file names temporary "_version_6.bla bla" but we definitely need files in share libs :)

For right now while we are actively changing stuff let's at least make file names unique, we can clean up the mess once the dust settles

Qwerty-OFF commented 3 years ago

There will be a synchronization problem between the old and new version of the components. For example, if I change the footprint of a connector in the .kicad_sym file, the changes will not appear automatically in the old .lib. Will we do these changes manually in the old version of Kicad?

Qwerty-OFF commented 2 years ago

Using kicad6-libraries in new projects