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H64 Options port #6

Closed BeerMoneyMotorsports closed 3 years ago

BeerMoneyMotorsports commented 3 years ago

@Qwerty-OFF lets try this again. Sorry for being confusing. Please see below for the final info. Pin position in the connector doesnt matter.

Delete USB in connector
1- analog input temperature 2- NC 3- Knock Input
4- Boost Control Output high current low side (needs a diode like IAC)
5- VVT Output high current low side (needs diode like IAC)
6- GND
7- +5v
8- analog input pressure 9- NC 10- digital input(fast) 11- Replace second H- with H+ tied to 1B with fuse
12 through 16- wbo

Qwerty-OFF commented 3 years ago

image I think it would be better to place GND instead of NC. What current is required for BOOST and VVT? If more than 1 A, we will need to move at least one of the INJ outputs to OUT_LOWx. image

mck1117 commented 3 years ago

move tach/fan to OUT_LOWx outputs, put VVT/boost on INJ outputs (but keep diodes).

mck1117 commented 3 years ago

move at least one of the INJ outputs to OUT_LOWx


the active clamping on the injector drivers is REQUIRED for injectors, and the OUT_LOWx channels don't have it. They also won't tolerate the current of an injector.

Qwerty-OFF commented 3 years ago

Don't panic! I meant OUT_INJ5-OUT_INJ8 excluding OUT_IDLE :)

mck1117 commented 3 years ago

oh, ok. I think it's probably worth putting the guaranteed low current stuff (fan, tach) on OUT_LOWx, and move vvt/boost to the higher current ones

rusefillc commented 3 years ago

Regarding fast digital input: PAL stm32 drama plays a role here. we already use GPIOA_6 GPIOB_1 for shat positions. Also GPIOF_11 is already VSS

so whatever pin we use for digital flex cannot be anything 1, 6 or 11

Qwerty-OFF commented 3 years ago

Please check options port connections, pull-ups and pull-downs hellen64_miataNA6_94-b-schematic.pdf We have an unused Dinput module for digital inputs. Will we keep it for debugging purposes, or will we remove it?

mck1117 commented 3 years ago

@Qwerty-OFF did any mappings from STM32 pin to external pin change? OK if the hardware between changed.

Qwerty-OFF commented 3 years ago

Yes, there are small changes relative to rev. a like tach, AC relay and maybe something else. If needed i can make changelist after ordering rev. b.

mck1117 commented 3 years ago

@BeerMoneyMotorsports will that be a problem with the few boards out in the wild, now with different mapping? Or are we willing to replace those boards at cost with rev b?

BeerMoneyMotorsports commented 3 years ago

there are a total of 5 H64 boards. If firmware update is required on them, which it will be, it is a problem. I would need to hear from @rusefillc to have his thought on replacing them at cost later on if we kill them. Is it possible to have different firmware for reva and b using two different pin mapping?

mck1117 commented 3 years ago

Is it possible to have different firmware for reva and b using two different pin mapping?

this is not worth it for 5 boards

BeerMoneyMotorsports commented 3 years ago

@Qwerty-OFF any way to get that change list so i can see if we indeed have a problem?

rusefillc commented 3 years ago

@Qwerty-OFF I believe @BeerMoneyMotorsports is asking for all functions which have changed stm32 pins

@BeerMoneyMotorsports what connection functions do you think could have changed stm32 pins?

BeerMoneyMotorsports commented 3 years ago

@mck1117 please see the updated schematic. I think it looks good from a options port pinout but not if those will do exactly what we want.


mck1117 commented 3 years ago

@Qwerty-OFF IN_TEMP, IN_PRESSURE, and IN_DIGITAL need pull up/downs.

BeerMoneyMotorsports commented 3 years ago

@mck1117 "in digital" is meant for Flex. Should that remain or should it be changed?

mck1117 commented 3 years ago

IN_DIGITAL is a fine name, most digital sensors need a pullup anyway.

BeerMoneyMotorsports commented 3 years ago

@Qwerty-OFF this sufficient to finalize?

Qwerty-OFF commented 3 years ago

Yes, I have installed these pullups and pulldowns and proceed to the PCB. image

BeerMoneyMotorsports commented 3 years ago

Im good with implementation and closing.