rusefi / rusefi_documentation

User documentation for rusEFI engine control unit
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Detail on how to set up iDrive or equivalent CAN button control #226

Closed duhafnusa4 closed 1 year ago

duhafnusa4 commented 2 years ago

I have an iDrive controller I want to use for some functions (boost control, launch control, cruise etc...)

I found the CAN data from danilo081 on :

My controler 9317695 K-CAN2

Can bus Standard 11bit identifier - 500kbps [for K-CAN 100kbps ]

Pinout 1 +12 1 || 2 -GND 2 || 3 CAN HIGH 3 || 4 CAN LOW 4 | |


############################### -> 202: FD -> 202: FD //send it twice to wake up controler

-> 563: 63 // start sending this every 1000-1500 milisec to keep it active


################################## //On first reply <- "5E7: 99 01 1D 16 06 FF FF FF" respond with

-> 273: 1d e1 00 f0 ff 7f de xx

//8th byte xx takes values between 00 and FF //I got success not sending 8th byte at all but 100% working solution is to send 4th recieved byte from 5E7 message above -> [16] //5th byte from 5E7 = [06] - not initialized [01]-initialized // now buttons and rotary are initialized and next 5E7: message have 5th byte = 01


################################## //To regulate backlignt send

-> 202: YY

//YY is from 00 tp FD to dim //"202 FE" wil turn light off and if you stop sending "563: 63" iDrive cotroller will go to sleep


################################# //to put controler to sleep again, stop sending -> "563: 63" and send

-> 202: FE


################################ // fife butons have c0 on 5th byte // 6th byte is button specific // 4th byte is event specifyc

<- 267: E1 FD YY XX C0 08 AUDIO <- 267: E1 FD YY XX C0 01 MENU <- 267: E1 FD YY XX C0 40 TEL <- 267: E1 FD YY XX C0 04 OPTIONS <- 267: E1 FD YY XX C0 02 BACK

// XX - 4th byte takes values: // 01 - press // 02 - hold // 00 - relese // YY is just counter of messages goning in cycle from 00-ff and around again allways increasing

Joystick press and directions

################################# // Stick button have DE on 5th byte // Direction buttons have DD on 5th byte Stick button jabe DE on 5th byte // 4th byte is buton and event specific


<- 267: e1 fd 3b 01 de 01 - press <- 267: e1 fd 3b 02 de 01 - hold <- 267: e1 fd 3c 00 de 01 - relese


<- 267: e1 fd 3d 11 dd 01 - press <- 267: e1 fd 3d 12 dd 01 - hold <- 267: e1 fd 3e 00 dd 01 - relese


<- 267: e1 fd 43 21 dd 01 - press <- 267: e1 fd 43 22 dd 01 - hold <- 267: e1 fd 44 00 dd 01 - relese


<- 267: e1 fd 3f 41 dd 01 - press <- 267: e1 fd 3f 42 dd 01 - hold <- 267: e1 fd 40 00 dd 01 - relese


<- 267: e1 fd 41 81 dd 01 - press <- 267: e1 fd 41 82 dd 01 - hold <- 267: e1 fd 42 00 dd 01 - relese


################################# // Bbte 1 and 2 are fixed // Byte 3 is just counter of messages goning in cycle from 00-ff and around again, allways increasing // Byte 4 turn positions, 00-ff and around again increesing for CW and decreasing for CCW by [+-1] // Byte 5 "round counter" when byte 4 is FF and with CW one more "CLICK" increase byte 5 by one and oposite when byte 4 is 00 one more clik in CCW direction byte 5 going -1 // my solution on code is to calculate turns directions is to "JOIN" Byte5 and Byte4 "B5B4"bp8 = [b5]0x100 + [b4] and calculate difference betwen turns // EXAMPLE: // we are at <- "264: e1 fd 4c ff 1f 1e" // [0x1F]0x100+[0xFF] = 1FFF(hex) = 8191(dec) CW turn adds +1 // so we get <- "264: e1 fd 4d 00 20 1e" // [0x20]*0x100+[0x00] = is 2000(hex) = 8192(dec)

CW turns examples

<- 264: e1 fd 4c ff 1f 1e <- 264: e1 fd 4d 00 20 1e <- 264: e1 fd 4e 01 20 1e <- 264: e1 fd 4f 02 20 1e <- 264: e1 fd 50 03 20 1e <- 264: e1 fd 51 04 20 1e

CCW turns turns examples

<- 264: e1 fd 52 03 20 1e <- 264: e1 fd 53 02 20 1e <- 264: e1 fd 54 01 20 1e <- 264: e1 fd 55 00 20 1e <- 264: e1 fd 56 ff 1f 1e <- 264: e1 fd 57 fe 1f 1e <- 264: e1 fd 58 fd 1f 1e


############# <- 277: E1 9D 04 FF // just reply on init, for me not of interest <- 567: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 67 // If you see this you are late on "563: 63" message so reduce delay

NOTE: When controller is at sleep, send first message 2 or 3 times. I am sending 202 fd twice to wake it up. You will see lights.

I am gathering information here and when I have it all I will create information on GH wiki for how to set it up using LUA.

rusefillc commented 2 years ago

mi-hol commented 1 year ago

Status of issue seems unclear. Who is supposed to take action(s)?

rusefillc commented 1 year ago

Done, see comments above