russHyde / miiq

Helper functions / pipelines for microarray analysis
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Classes / functions from drug_markers/meta_analysis #4

Closed russHyde closed 4 years ago

russHyde commented 5 years ago

Copy in the contents of

Then shift the microarray import, normalise, filter steps from marray_importer.R into a script in stemness/differ

russHyde commented 5 years ago

[Download classes / functions] To get the tests to pass

To get check to pass:

To ensure tests are self-contained (ie, don't require access to external files or databases):

To ensure functions are in appropriate files:

To pass (most of) goodpractice:

To get the NCBI eutils searches to work, modify the eutils search string to include api_key=API_KEY

# Check dependencies between arrayExpress and XVector / GenomicRanges versions
On use_package("ArrayExpress")
Warning messages:
1: no function found corresponding to methods exports from ‘XVector’ for: ‘concatenateObjects’ 
2: no function found corresponding to methods exports from ‘GenomicRanges’ for: ‘concatenateObjects’ 
3: multiple methods tables found for ‘dims’
russHyde commented 5 years ago

[Import classes / functions] To get tests to pass:

To get check to pass:

To ensure tests are self-contained:

To ensure functions are in appropriate files:

To ensure files are collated in the correct order:


russHyde commented 4 years ago

This is mostly done now