russellchang54 / PM

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口语 #7

Open russellchang54 opened 7 years ago

russellchang54 commented 7 years ago

keep you sharp between the ears And now that you don't have to be perfect, you can be good.(John Steinbeck) In that case you may have to come here a couple more times if U have any questions, my door's always open. pull out all the stops(全力以赴) I have every intention of ...(我打算/真心想...) . rekindle,revisit,reconnect. I may have jumped the gun.(我可能太急了)。this whole thing will be a distant memory.(整件事都会过去) there are certain people for whom I break the rules.(我会为某些人破例) call out for ...,喊着要.. I merely came by to check in.(只是顺便来看看) call it a woman's intuition agree to disagree(同意各自保留不同意见) we have to go over some rules first(约法三章) raised a red flag he was into u (他对你有意思),run into the arms of another man(投入另一个男人的怀抱) u never know until u ask.(你不问怎么知道) I take it u didn't come here for ... (我猜你来该不是为了...) I don't know who any of those people are.(我不知道这些人都是谁) how does it work when....,如果...,会怎么样。 what kind of person does that
play God :to behave as if you have the right to make very important decisions that seriously affect other people's lives I believe It would be perfect for them. It becames even more stunning,the longer you look at it.(越看越有吸引力) my life sucks the most(我的人生最倒霉),put him on speakerphone(把他放在扩音器上,免提) so,what more could u ask for(你还奢求什么呢) why would I (be upset/hate u),It's hard to say no to that Personally,I would've kicked u to the curb a long time ago. there's not many (women that go through that),much less hand (over their life's savings to make it happen). how did I get here (怎会沦落至此?),I can't believe this is happening u r so used to being there for other people(总是去帮助别人) u want these anywhere in particular?(把这些放在哪里)---u can just put 'em right there for now(就先放那好了) I'm swamped. u wear commitment well (你很尽责) It's no big surprise that men can't keep it in their pants Marriages break up over one of two things——money or cheating. I'll bring you up to speed on the latest developments u've always been the reasonable one of the group I'm always here 4 u. I was wondering if u could help me out with something I have to get through (完成)all this work what do u say,fill me in over lunch(一起吃个午饭,继续聊聊) if u r willing to pay, I'm sure there are people out there who can help I don't know what else to say here except,... will u drop me off at ...(在..下车) drop off something for u to sign(把..留下,给你签名), will u pick me up at..(在..上车) I'll pick them up later (过会来取)

there is no light at the end of this tunnel.(这是一条死胡同、死路,) It's major(huge) decision,I wanna sleep on it first and give ur answer in a day or two (mess) screw it (up)/marriage comes first what r u doing here(what wind brings u here) Every cloud has a silver lining Relish in the suffering that inevitably comes with hard work I am not that tech savy, but am willing to hire someone who can successfully track it for me. Any help is greatfully appreciated. Thanks! contact(report it to) the police,they just file a report and put the case aside check-out,extend my stay.Don't be infatuated with me u don't strike me as someone who gives up very easily(在我眼里,你不是那种轻言放弃的人),and fight tooth and nail for everything u want

The heat makes me sweat like a pig.(热的满头大汗) relinquish all legal rights to the baby. God ,U R so beautiful how am I supposed to believe a word that comes out of your mouth. I hate to break(透露) it to you,我也不想跟你明说

wait for the other shoe to drop. every cloud has a silver lining.cut off (your/the) nose to spite (your/the) face 自找苦吃\害人害己 this could't have anything to do with ... ,could it.(这个跟..没关系吧) I could crash with her until I find a place call me the second u get back/at ur earliest convenience

meaning what? I know u mean well what kind of fight was this(为了什么吵架)

steer clear of,These results should not be taken at face value - careful analysis is required to assess their full implications. You have to understand that you cannot take gossip at its face value what were u drinking with dinner my ass you wench win the lottery,let call u back when i have more info. we are kind of in the middle of a conversation right now I'm not going to work today that is so not you(太不像你了) It's just not who is(他不是那种人) he is so in lust we can't just do whatever we want to do because we want to do it She is a Little (kind of/a bit/kinda) Goody Two Shoes when she's with her family but when she's out with friends that's another story. It's a true honor to share my work and have it be so well received The rain was coming down in buckets and the gusty wind rendered an umbrella useless

I never done impulsive or reckless thing in my life

just happen to be in the neighborhood,did u

You can't change the past, but you can ruin the present by worrying too much about the future
