russhughes / gc9a01_mpy

Fast MicroPython driver for GC9A01 display modules written in C
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Request GC9A01 for Waveshare ESP32-S3 Round 1.28" #39

Closed Entropyfreak closed 3 months ago

Entropyfreak commented 6 months ago


I want you to know I am a huge fan of your work and have already done extensive projects using your GC9AO1 Waveshare Round Display Driver for RP2040.

Right now, I am pushing the envelope and would love to leverage the ESP32-S3 wireless capabilities that are now tied into the Round Waveshare display. This could be a gamechanger. If you are willing, would appreciate a Waveshare round display driver for this, similar to the one you did for the RP2040.

Thank you so much for all you do, you have made a big difference for me! Thank you!

Entropyfreak commented 3 months ago

I have loaded the gc9a01 driver onto the Waveshare round ESP32 S3 version display. It works wonderfully and does everything I have done previously and more! I have effectively used WIFI connections and all my previous code was able to port over from the RP2040 version. Thank you for this effort!