russhughes / s3lcd

ESP_LCD based MicroPython driver for ESP32-S3 Devices with ST7789 or compatible displays.
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Backend crashes when function called for second time #9

Closed HabibMCS closed 9 months ago

HabibMCS commented 11 months ago
import utime
import s3lcd
import tft_config
import font as font
from machine import reset_cause
tft = tft_config.config( 1,0)
def showscrolltext(char1 , fg = s3lcd.WHITE, bg = s3lcd.RED, pady=60, xs = -1, ys = 0, duration = 40):  
        tft_config.config( 1,0,backlight = 1)
        curr = utime.time()
        height = tft.height()
        width = tft.width()
        line = height - font.HEIGHT
        while utime.time() - curr < duration:
            for c in char1:
              tft.write(font,c,width - font.WIDTH*2,line-pady,fg,bg,)
              for _ in range(font.HEIGHT // 2):
                    tft.scroll(xs, ys)

        tft_config.deinit(tft, display_off = True)
        print("scroll completed")
showscrolltext(' Hey its test for display 7809', duration = 5 )
showscrolltext(' Hey its test for display 7809', duration = 5 ) #  when this line is called it crashes

when the function is called second time the esp32s3 t display crashes. I would appreciate if someone helps on this. Thanks in advance

russhughes commented 11 months ago

What does your look like?

HabibMCS commented 11 months ago

Hi, It was same as from t display s3.

It was fixed when I called tft = tft_config.config( 1,0)
within in the function. Seems like, when we deinit() the instance has to be called again.

HabibMCS commented 11 months ago

Thanks for your reply