russjr08 / Screeps

My code for the game Screeps - An MMO based around programming:
The Unlicense
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Additional Roles #2

Open russjr08 opened 4 years ago

russjr08 commented 4 years ago

We will eventually need additional roles to cover various tasks in the land of Screeps

Planned Roles

Builder: Builders will harvest energy, look for construction sites, and use the energy to build & repair construction sites.

Upgrader: Separate room controller upgrade logic into its own role, and create separate creeps for it. These will take care of upgrading the room controller, while harvesters will be refactored to upgrade the room's Spawn energy.

russjr08 commented 4 years ago

Commit bf4d58b6b7e103d70a4fd78d2bce821bfd1956dc adds the Upgrader role