The Arduino IDE requires that a sketch be located in a folder of the same name. Although the name of the repository does match the sketch name, when GitHub's popular Clone or download > Download ZIP feature is used to download the contents of a repository the branch/release/commit name is appended to the folder name, causing a mismatch.
When opening a file that does not meet this sketch/folder name matching requirement the Arduino IDE presents a dialog:
The file "LEDLAMP_FASTLEDs.ino" needs to be inside a sketch folder named "LEDLAMP_FASTLEDs".
Create this folder, move the file, and continue?
After clicking "OK" the Arduino IDE currently moves only the file LEDLAMP_FASTLEDs.ino to the new folder, leaving behind the other source files. This causes compilation of the sketch to fail:
LEDLAMP_FASTLEDs-master\LEDLAMP_FASTLEDs\LEDLAMP_FASTLEDs.ino:1:25: fatal error: definitions.h: No such file or directory
The Arduino IDE requires that a sketch be located in a folder of the same name. Although the name of the repository does match the sketch name, when GitHub's popular Clone or download > Download ZIP feature is used to download the contents of a repository the branch/release/commit name is appended to the folder name, causing a mismatch.
When opening a file that does not meet this sketch/folder name matching requirement the Arduino IDE presents a dialog:
After clicking "OK" the Arduino IDE currently moves only the file LEDLAMP_FASTLEDs.ino to the new folder, leaving behind the other source files. This causes compilation of the sketch to fail: