russplaysguitar / UnderscoreCF

An UnderscoreJS port for Coldfusion. Functional programming library.
MIT License
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CI with Jenkins #20

Closed atuttle closed 10 years ago

atuttle commented 11 years ago

This is mostly a reminder to myself to get Underscore setup on my Jenkins server. Just one pre-requisite. Gotta get my box updated to CF10 first. :)

russplaysguitar commented 11 years ago

Would it be possible to run a Railo 4 build on there too?

atuttle commented 11 years ago

Probably not with my current setup. Possibly with an additional instance of Jenkins though.

russplaysguitar commented 11 years ago

A nerd can dream!

atuttle commented 11 years ago

The way my current setup works is that the ant script runs mxunit at the domain "jenkins.local" which I've got a hosts file entry for, and IIS is setup to handle CF for that hostname in the jenkins build folder.

Could probably add a Railo.local on another port that works similarly.

russplaysguitar commented 11 years ago

Cool. Does Taffy support Railo?

atuttle commented 11 years ago

Yep, but I don't stress over it too hard. Occasionally something comes up and I have to tweak, but by aiming for CF8+, Railo is mostly compatible.

russplaysguitar commented 10 years ago

Think that #40 replaces this one