russross / blackfriday

Blackfriday: a markdown processor for Go
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v2 go module name wrong? #565

Open andig opened 5 years ago

andig commented 5 years ago

Coming from and my feeling is that the module versioning for this repo might be broken.

Given that v2 changes the import path, the /v2 should be appended to the module name as in In master at this is currently not the case?

4j4y commented 5 years ago

I am also facing the same issue, any update on this?

andig commented 5 years ago

Citing from, it seems this is- as assumed- not correctly implemented as per go expectations:

There are two alternative mechanisms to release a v2 or higher module....

Major branch: Update the go.mod file to include a /v3 at the end of the module path in the module directive...

Major subdirectory: Create a new v3 subdirectory (e.g., my/module/v3) and place a new go.mod file in that subdirectory. The module path must end with /v3. Copy or move the code into the v3 subdirectory...

Neither of which is implemented here.

Update actually not true. v2 is in a separate branch. At this point I'm confused why this is currently broken.

dmitshur commented 4 years ago

@andig The module with module path has the following release versions published:

You can see it for yourself by running:

$ GO111MODULE=on GOPROXY=direct GOPATH=$(mktemp -d) go list -m -versions 2>/dev/null v1.5.1 v1.5.2 v2.0.0+incompatible

v1.5.2 works well, but if you try to update to a newer version, you'll get v2.0.0+incompatible, which is incompatible, and will not work. This is unfortunate. We published v2.0.0+incompatible unintentionally, and can't unpublish it now.

The module with module path has the following release versions published:

You can see it for yourself by running:

$ GO111MODULE=on GOPROXY=direct GOPATH=$(mktemp -d) go list -m -versions 2>/dev/null v2.0.0 v2.0.1

v2.0.0 is broken and cannot be used. v2.0.1 works well.

Hope this helps explain the current situation.

andig commented 4 years ago

Thank you, that explains it. It seems though that at this time there is nothing that v1 users can do to avoid pulling in the incompatible 2.0 when upgrading their dependencies. Only way forward I see is upgrading to v2. This hurts e.g. spf13/cobra/doc.