russross / blackfriday

Blackfriday: a markdown processor for Go
5.41k stars 596 forks source link

parse bitcoin uri's as links #692

Open t-900-a opened 2 years ago

t-900-a commented 2 years ago

when parsing markdown and rendering it into html bitcoin and monero uri's are not rendered as a link

example markdown [donate](monero:83UXh3SQZGk63yCWA8cQcQFrYL6xat3aNASZcz7USgy94neK8proFxU1BJhxr4PWNPJy1ScKX2oxy6TX3BmcGJk67JbJmXG) current output <a target="_blank" rel="noopener">donate</a> desired output <a target="monero:83UXh3SQZGk63yCWA8cQcQFrYL6xat3aNASZcz7USgy94neK8proFxU1BJhxr4PWNPJy1ScKX2oxy6TX3BmcGJk67JbJmXG" rel="noopener">donate</a>

For a live example see:

plowsof commented 2 years ago

Just add the custom uri's here (posting here for visibility)

elibroftw commented 2 years ago

Can you guys just fork black Friday and then fork fider to use your forked black Friday. Then you don't have to wait for a dead project to be revived.