rust-analyzer / rowan

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Boxed tokens #34

Closed CAD97 closed 4 years ago

CAD97 commented 4 years ago

This is the result of applying this technique of boxing/deduping GreenToken to compress GreenElement and, as a result, the allocation for a GreenNode's children. It also applies a minimal flexible array member technique for the GreenNode's children, allocating them inline.

This is as far as the technique can go with using the standard Arc and NodeOrToken. GreenElement = NodeOrToken<Arc<GreenNode>, Arc<GreenToken>> is 3xusize large, but can theoretically be niched to 2xusize. (NB: the same niche optimization can be applied to SyntaxElement.)

I've split this PR up into commits each representing a logical step.

GreenToken      32
Arc<GreenNode>  16
Arc<GreenToken> 8
GreenElement    24

SyntaxNode    8
SyntaxToken   16
SyntaxElement 24

It is possible to optimize size further, but I'd like to propose those in a second PR on top of this one. Remaining potential optimization steps along these lines:

Results in rust-analyzer:

With this branch ```powershell PS D:\usr\Documents\Code\Rust\rust-analyzer> cargo run --bin ra_cli --release -- analysis-stats . Finished release [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.46s Running `target\release\ra_cli.exe analysis-stats .` Database loaded, 221 roots, 1.0601376s Crates in this dir: 27 Total modules found: 331 Total declarations: 11135 Total functions: 3839 Item Collection: 11.8499283s, 0b allocated 0b resident Total expressions: 89244 Expressions of unknown type: 6960 (7%) Expressions of partially unknown type: 3522 (3%) Type mismatches: 3568 Inference: 36.3460289s, 0b allocated 0b resident Total: 48.1964408s, 0b allocated 0b resident PS D:\usr\Documents\Code\Rust\rust-analyzer> Measure-Command { type "D:\rust-lang\src\libcore\unicode\" | cargo run --bin ra_cli --release -- symbols } Finished release [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.45s Days : 0 Hours : 0 Minutes : 0 Seconds : 0 Milliseconds : 738 Ticks : 7380228 TotalDays : 8.54193055555555E-06 TotalHours : 0.000205006333333333 TotalMinutes : 0.01230038 TotalSeconds : 0.7380228 TotalMilliseconds : 738.0228 PS D:\usr\Documents\Code\Rust\rust-analyzer> Measure-Command { type "D:\rust-lang\src\libcore\unicode\" | cargo run --bin ra_cli --release -- parse --no-dump } Finished release [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.44s Running `target\release\ra_cli.exe parse --no-dump` Days : 0 Hours : 0 Minutes : 0 Seconds : 0 Milliseconds : 603 Ticks : 6035426 TotalDays : 6.98544675925926E-06 TotalHours : 0.000167650722222222 TotalMinutes : 0.0100590433333333 TotalSeconds : 0.6035426 TotalMilliseconds : 603.5426 ```
Without this branch (5451bfb9) ```powershell PS D:\usr\Documents\Code\Rust\rust-analyzer> cargo run --bin ra_cli --release -- analysis-stats . Finished release [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.45s Running `target\release\ra_cli.exe analysis-stats .` Database loaded, 220 roots, 1.0174838s Crates in this dir: 27 Total modules found: 331 Total declarations: 11135 Total functions: 3839 Item Collection: 10.509602s, 0b allocated 0b resident Total expressions: 89241 Expressions of unknown type: 6959 (7%) Expressions of partially unknown type: 3522 (3%) Type mismatches: 3569 Inference: 34.963529s, 0b allocated 0b resident Total: 45.4737377s, 0b allocated 0b resident PS D:\usr\Documents\Code\Rust\rust-analyzer> Measure-Command { type "D:\rust-lang\src\libcore\unicode\" | cargo run --bin ra_cli --release -- symbols } Finished release [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.44s Days : 0 Hours : 0 Minutes : 0 Seconds : 0 Milliseconds : 587 Ticks : 5875475 TotalDays : 6.80031828703704E-06 TotalHours : 0.000163207638888889 TotalMinutes : 0.00979245833333333 TotalSeconds : 0.5875475 TotalMilliseconds : 587.5475 PS D:\usr\Documents\Code\Rust\rust-analyzer> Measure-Command { type "D:\rust-lang\src\libcore\unicode\" | cargo run --bin ra_cli --release -- parse --no-dump } Finished release [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.44s Running `target\release\ra_cli.exe parse --no-dump` Days : 0 Hours : 0 Minutes : 0 Seconds : 0 Milliseconds : 573 Ticks : 5737453 TotalDays : 6.64057060185185E-06 TotalHours : 0.000159373694444444 TotalMinutes : 0.00956242166666667 TotalSeconds : 0.5737453 TotalMilliseconds : 573.7453 ```

I can't test allocation pressure on Windows. The way this is right here, it looks like a consistent loss.

CAD97 commented 4 years ago

Oh and by the way: I ran cargo miri test and everything passes here. Unfortunately, it does appear that miri does not like flexible array members (for further optimization).

CAD97 commented 4 years ago

See #35 now.