I don't have the technology literacy to understand the instruction and what I need to do. The instruction provided was not sufficient for me and I don't wish for anyone to go through the pain.
I managed to compile and run it after many trial runs. If anyone want to check out how I did this, here's the step. It's mostly for Windows, sorry for anyone who's looking to do this in Linux, I failed to do it on Ubuntu
Run the exe file, don't modify or change any setting if you are not familar with it
After Vapoursynth is installed, find the path, typically C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Programs\VapourSynth\sdk\lib64 (REPLACE THE username WITH YOUR!!)
decompress the .zip folder, and copy and paste the libvslsmashsource.dll to C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Programs\VapourSynth\plugins
(I only attempted this on Powershell), There are different command shell to use. Use the command below according to what shell you're using. DON'T FORGET TO REPLACE USERNAME OR PATH FROM STEP 6.
If you have rust installed, attempt "cargo install ssimulacra2_rs" on your cli.
If it fail because it require Visual Studio or Visual studio tool, download them. I downloaded Visual
10_1. You can download on https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/ Find the "Tools for Visual Studio" bar and download the "Remote Tools for Visual Studio 2022". Run it
10_2. Make sure Desktop Development with C++ is checked, leave the optional check installation alone and download it.
10_3. Retry step 8 again after you reboot your PC.
I don't have the technology literacy to understand the instruction and what I need to do. The instruction provided was not sufficient for me and I don't wish for anyone to go through the pain.
I managed to compile and run it after many trial runs. If anyone want to check out how I did this, here's the step. It's mostly for Windows, sorry for anyone who's looking to do this in Linux, I failed to do it on Ubuntu
Enter this link http://www.vapoursynth.com/doc/installation.html#linux-installation,
Follow the prerequisites to download the required python
Enter the VapourSynth installer link and download the .exe file
Then download the latest release-x86_64-cachedir-cwd.zip from https://github.com/AkarinVS/L-SMASH-Works/releases/tag/vA.3j
Run the exe file, don't modify or change any setting if you are not familar with it
After Vapoursynth is installed, find the path, typically C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Programs\VapourSynth\sdk\lib64 (REPLACE THE username WITH YOUR!!)
decompress the .zip folder, and copy and paste the libvslsmashsource.dll to C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Programs\VapourSynth\plugins
(I only attempted this on Powershell), There are different command shell to use. Use the command below according to what shell you're using. DON'T FORGET TO REPLACE USERNAME OR PATH FROM STEP 6.
If you have rust installed, attempt "cargo install ssimulacra2_rs" on your cli.
If it fail because it require Visual Studio or Visual studio tool, download them. I downloaded Visual 10_1. You can download on https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/ Find the "Tools for Visual Studio" bar and download the "Remote Tools for Visual Studio 2022". Run it 10_2. Make sure Desktop Development with C++ is checked, leave the optional check installation alone and download it. 10_3. Retry step 8 again after you reboot your PC.
Run ssimulacra2_rs -h to check if it's running.
You're done!