rust-bakery / nom

Rust parser combinator framework
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Profile-Guided Optimization (PGO) benchmark results #1763

Open zamazan4ik opened 1 month ago

zamazan4ik commented 1 month ago


Recently I tested Profile-Guided Optimization (PGO) compiler optimization on different projects in different software domains - all the results are available at . Since PGO shows measurable improvements in many cases, I decided to perform PGO benchmarks on this library too. Here are my results - I hope they will be helpful for someone.

Test environment


For benchmark purposes, I use built-in into the project benchmarks. For PGO optimization I use cargo-pgo tool. Release bench result I got with taskset -c 0 cargo bench command. The PGO training phase is done with taskset -c 0 cargo pgo bench, PGO optimization phase - with taskset -c 0 cargo pgo optimize bench. taskset -c 0 is used for reducing the OS scheduler influence on the results. All measurements are done on the same machine, with the same background "noise" (as much as I can guarantee).


I got the following results:

According to the results, PGO measurably improves the library's performance in many cases. I expected such or similar results since PGO is especially good for things like parsers.

Further steps

I can suggest the following action points:

Testing Post-Link Optimization techniques (like LLVM BOLT) would be interesting too (Clang and Rustc already use BOLT as an addition to PGO). However, I recommend starting from the usual PGO since it's a much more stable technology with fewer limitations.

I would be happy to answer your questions about PGO.

P.S. Please do not treat the issue like a bug or something like that. Since the "Discussions" functionality is disabled in this repo, I created the Issue instead.