rust-bitcoin / bitcoind

Utility to launch a regtest bitcoind process in a rust test
MIT License
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The fate of this repo #165

Open tcharding opened 1 month ago

tcharding commented 1 month ago

Recently I imported (stole) all the code from this crate and put it in the new bitcoind-json-rpc repository.

There is a PR in flight at the moment to replace usage of this crate in rust-miniscript.

We also have an open issue to move the new repo into the rust-bitcoin org.

We should have a discussion about the fate of this crate. Note that in the new repo this crate is renamed so there is no reason the crate/repo cannot go on living. It seems like a waste of resources however to maintain two copies of basically the same code in the rust-bitcoin org.

FTR I already got an explicit ACK by email from RCasatta to do the import.

tcharding commented 1 month ago

cc @RCasatta

apoelstra commented 1 month ago

The fate of elementsd is similarly relevant.

FWIW I agree it's wasteful to duplicate effort. I think it'd be better if we PR'd to this repo to use the new json crate rather than bitcoin-core-rpc, since that dependency is the real reason for the fork.

tcharding commented 1 month ago

I think its better not PRing to this repo because:

Those two things are what made me import it into the other repo and rename it.

apoelstra commented 1 month ago

Ok, yeah, that makes sense.

RCasatta commented 1 month ago

I think we should archive this repo and point users to rust-bitcoind-json-rpc/regtest once rust-bitcoind-json-rpc has been migrated to rust-bitcoin org

tnull commented 2 weeks ago

What's the idea around electrsd after this crate now has been moved to rust-bitcoin and, IIUC, will be deprecated in favor of rust-bitcoind-json-rpc/regtest?

Will there be further work on electrsd, i.e., it will eventually update to use rust-bitcoind-json-rpc/regtest, or will it also get deprecated?