rust-bitcoin / rust-secp256k1

Rust language bindings for Bitcoin secp256k1 library.
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`PublicKey::combine_keys` doesn't have to fail on long slices #704

Open Kixunil opened 5 days ago

Kixunil commented 5 days ago

If my understanding is correct combine_keys does simply point addition. Therefore for any set of keys combine_keys(&[k1, k2, k3, ... , ki, kj, ... kn]) == combine_keys(&[k1, k2, k3, ... , ki]).combine(combine_keys(&[kj, ... kn])) which enables us to just split the slice and call the method multiple times. IIUC the reason to even have a special method is some optimized batch combining.

apoelstra commented 5 days ago

This method is basically deprecated and we would have deleted it long ago if the LN people hadn't baked it into their protocol. I do not want to improve the API. If anything I would like to make it worse. It is a dangerous function because it has no protection against rogue-key attacks.

Kixunil commented 5 days ago

It is a dangerous function because it has no protection against rogue-key attacks.

Yeah, I was wondering where the method is even useful since I know about the attacks. Does LN do some kind of pre-processing to avoid the attacks? Or is it used for something else?

apoelstra commented 5 days ago

I checked rust-lightning and found:

So I think we could drop the combine_keys method, add a LN-specific safe method that does the tweak thing, deprecate PublicKey::combine with a long notice explaining how LN can port to the new thing and requesting that other people file an issue if they have other usecases. This would fix our API wart, though of course it doesn't help upstream, who wants to remove their pubkey_combine function but can't.

In the PR that added this function @Tibo-lg describes a discrete-log-contract construction that feels like it's into "roll your own crypto" territory (on the part of the DLC designers, not Tibo himself) but I don't know the details of that. But I think it's probably reasonable to say "if you want to do weird things like this you have to use unsafe code to call the pubkey_combine FFI function directly, because we want no part in this".

apoelstra commented 5 days ago

Or we could keep combine but perma-deprecate and feature-gate it, if there are some safe-but-not-safely-encapsulatable use cases out there that we still want to support in a nice way.

Tibo-lg commented 4 days ago

@apoelstra I was not aware that there was a difference in security between calling combine multiple times and combine_keys. FYI the usage we have of it in rust-dlc is as follow (skipping details and other similar usages):

I don't think this use case is vulnerable to rogue key attacks, and it would be a big performance hit to call combine multiple time instead (I don't recall the exact numbers but can re-run the benchmark if you're interested). IIRC a big reason for the performance hit was having to go through the FFI many times, so if you really want to get rid of this method (both here and upstream), I wonder if it would be possible to have an implementation upstream that just calls combine multiple times.

Kixunil commented 4 days ago

@Tibo-lg it's not a difference in security, it's the fact that both functions promote unsecure crypto schemes (AKA "rolling your own crypto") and this library doesn't want to promote that. You can use them securely but you must really, really know what you're doing.

Regarding FFI, you could try to figure out cross-language LTO, though I've read that it only works on Debian.

@apoelstra I was thinking if upstream could add a function for whatever LN does it'd move things forward but if people also use it for other things rugging them sucks.

apoelstra commented 4 days ago

@apoelstra I was not aware that there was a difference in security between calling combine multiple times and combine_keys. FYI the usage we have of it in rust-dlc is as follow (skipping details and other similar usages):

There is no difference in security between calling combine multiple times and using combine_keys. They do exactly the same operation. The only difference is that we will get no complaints from the rust-lightning people if we remove combine_keys while removing combine can only be done by replacing the API they need.

@Tibo-lg if we removed combine_keys here would you be willing to reimplement it yourself using the FFI methods exposed from secp256k1-sys?

I don't know enough about your larger scheme, but it's definitely possible for an attacker oracle to grind a sum of anticipated signatures to equal the sum of a different set of anticipated signatures, using Wagner's algorithm. Is this a problem? I don't know. But this is the sort of thing that we don't want to expose in the rust-secp API.

Tibo-lg commented 3 days ago

Ah sorry I guess I didn't understand what you were talking about...

@Tibo-lg if we removed combine_keys here would you be willing to reimplement it yourself using the FFI methods exposed from secp256k1-sys?

Yeah that's no problem for me.

I don't know enough about your larger scheme, but it's definitely possible for an attacker oracle to grind a sum of anticipated signatures to equal the sum of a different set of anticipated signatures, using Wagner's algorithm. Is this a problem? I don't know. But this is the sort of thing that we don't want to expose in the rust-secp API.

You're right there is that problem in the multi oracle setting, and IIRC the fix was to have oracle prove they know the pre-images of the nonces they will use to sign (though just checked and it looks like this was never merged into the specs, probably should be).

apoelstra commented 3 days ago

Yep, that fix is sufficient to prevent rogue-key attacks. Glad we had this discussion :P. But it also illustrates why we want to keep our API limited to "things we are specifically support and are confident in".