rust-cli / confy

🛋 Zero-boilerplate configuration management in Rust
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Please release more often #41

Open getreu opened 3 years ago

getreu commented 3 years ago

Please release more often. Even a few smaller improvements can make a big difference, according to what the user needs.

For example: I am desperately waiting for pub fn get_configuration_file_path(name: &str) -> Result<PathBuf, ConfyError>.

The commit 83c3c225b38033d5c04ec50845cca905b720162e could be easily shipped as intermediate version.

Zykino commented 3 years ago

Happy to see that my recent addition are really something that peoples want. I joined the rust-cli group for this exact reason and publish a version with the yaml feature. Now I just want to test a bit #40 and merge it before publishing a version (hopefully early February). And since it will be my first published version for this crate… well I do not want to mess up :sweat_smile:

Dylan-DPC-zz commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the issue. For small crates that's the problem as we rarely have much changes so we wait for a bunch of changes which can take a few months and by then people lose interest :D Will check if there's anything else to be bundled with this and if not make a release or assuming Zykino has permissions, let them go ahead :)

RykoL commented 3 years ago

I'm also desperately waiting for this function to be available :) . Anyway thanks for that awesome crate :+1:

getreu commented 3 years ago

Any plans when to release?

let4be commented 3 years ago

Any update?

Zykino commented 3 years ago

I try to ping @Dylan-DPC often on Discord :sweat_smile:

Dylan-DPC-zz commented 3 years ago


I'm very sorry for the delays. Been busy the last few months so haven't got to this. Will look into it, this weekend if I can

AlephAlpha commented 3 years ago

Any update?

asomers commented 3 years ago

Here's another problem: the directories crate doesn't build with -Z minimal-versions. I see that confy has switched to directories-next. Could you please make a release so we can get that?

samuelallan72 commented 3 years ago

I'm also keen to see a new release - doesn't need to be polished, just needs to be on :)

mistydemeo commented 3 years ago

Is there a way that users could help out to ensure you're confident in a release? Like other users have mentioned, I'm interested in features mentioned in the README that aren't in the version on, and it'd be great to have an up to date release.

wzzrd commented 2 years ago

Polite ping?

PiDelport commented 2 years ago

It's been almost 2 years since the last release. A new release is very overdue! 🙏🏼

@Dylan-DPC, @Zykino: Does anyone else in the Rust CLI WG have release permissions?

Is there anything that can be done to speed up the release cycle in general? More release automation, more maintainers?

getreu commented 2 years ago

You are probably better off implementing what Confy does yourself. With Serde it is only a handful lines of code:


fn config_load_path(config_path: &Path) -> Result<Cfg, FileError> {
    if config_path.exists() {
        let config: Cfg = toml::from_str(&fs::read_to_string(config_path)?)?;
        // Check for obvious configuration errors.
        // ..
    } else {
        fs::create_dir_all(config_path.parent().unwrap_or_else(|| Path::new("")))?;

        let mut buffer = File::create(config_path)?;
tennox commented 2 years ago


confy = { git = "" }


asomers commented 2 years ago


confy = {git = "" }

Unfortunately @tennox that doesn't work if you want to make a release yourself. Cargo won't let you release a crate that has git dependencies.

s-burris commented 2 years ago

Bumping because I just hit an issue that would have been absolutely impossible to debug without using the git version. Please make a release soon

Lioness100 commented 2 years ago

Polite bump :)

tobiasvl commented 2 years ago

Are there any major reasons not to just release? It's still at version 0, so semver-wise you don't even strictly need to concern yourself with breaking changes (although it would be nice, of course, but probably not as nice as having an actual release).

s-burris commented 2 years ago

I asked the author on discord months ago and he said he would but still hasn't. At this point I've switched to reading files / using serde directly

krissemicolon commented 2 years ago

Any updates? I think ill fork

deg4uss3r commented 2 years ago

The CLI-WG is meeting Monday 2022-09-05 and I want to bring up ownership and maintenance of this crate.

deg4uss3r commented 2 years ago

After the WG meeting we figured we should do a Rosetta analysis of this crate to ensure it's something we (as in the Working Group) want to keep updating and support vice other options (config-rs, figment, other crates we are not aware of).

Please post to this issue if there's specific reasons for confy, none of this means it is going away or anything like that! Just in relation to the working group maintainability. I, personally, do not mind maintaining this crate and releasing but I'd rather do so under the WG if possible.

tennox commented 2 years ago

Thanks, @deg4uss3r :)

I haven't tried other crates (yet), but i loved the simplicitiy of this crate working out of the box :thumbs_up:

deg4uss3r commented 2 years ago

Version 0.5.0 was released

I'm tempted to close this issue but I would like feedback on my comment above for more data to bring back to the Working Group.

mistydemeo commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much! I've updated a project to use it.