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Move Repository To rust-lang #146

Closed XAMPPRocky closed 4 years ago

XAMPPRocky commented 4 years ago

Hello, the current rust-lang-nursery organisation is considered deprecated, and the Rust Programming Language organisation is trying to consolidate managing Rust's GitHub organisations, as such we'd like you to consider moving your repository to the main rust-lang organisation instead.

How Do I Move To rust-lang?

You most likely won't be able to transfer your repository directly, if so you'll need to transfer your repository to @Mark-Simulacrum, who will then move your repository to the rust-lang organisation.


If you no longer intend to maintain this repository, please let us know and we will take of deprecating the project.

epage commented 4 years ago

I think moving to might be more appropriate.

I'd go ahead and do this except it looks like I lost my privileges through some shuffling of things. Maybe @Dylan-DPC can do it.

deg4uss3r commented 4 years ago

I feel like we should keep the book under rust-lang (with lots of links to rust-cli and its repositories) since we are still a working group and don't want to exclude ourselves or get forgotten. Especially, if the other working groups are moving to (or have already moved under) rust-lang.

epage commented 4 years ago

I forgot this had the book. I was mostly thinking of our issues exploring challenges in CLI domain. Seems like we should split the book from the issues and have them go to separate homes.

XAMPPRocky commented 4 years ago

@epage You should able to transfer the issues to a new repository. Someone with write permissions to this repo and rust-cli needs to volunteer to create a rust-cli/team or similarly named repo and transfer the issues tagged as tracking issue and any others.

XAMPPRocky commented 4 years ago

@deg4uss3r There are working groups who do not have anything under the rust-lang organisation, being in the rust-lang group is not marker that something is official. We want to make it easier to automate some of the administration work in managing our infrastructure. One thing that does that is reducing the number of different GitHub organisations with different permissions and members.

deg4uss3r commented 4 years ago

@XAMPPRocky Yeah that makes sense thanks for the explanation behind the motivations. Sounds like we will discuss on the discord about the correct place to move this from the nursery.

Dylan-DPC-zz commented 4 years ago

@XAMPPRocky thanks for the initiative. I'm okay with separating the book and the issue tracker. I'll move the tracker to a new repository later today.

killercup commented 4 years ago

I don't mind splitting the book off -- but there is one thing I do require: We need to keep URLs to the book alive! I have no idea if/how github can do redirects for pages when moving repos, but in the worst case we can probably keep a repo with the pages URL we currently have and just replace all the pages with HTML redirects.

cc #153 and where we discuss moving the book to a place where it can be distributed with rustup.

XAMPPRocky commented 4 years ago

@killercup GitHub pages does not automatically redirect, you'll have to create redirect pages.