rust-community / rustbridge

[DEPRECATED] Workshop material to teach Rust in the style of Railsbridge
165 stars 28 forks source link

Who should be collaborators on this repo? #3

Closed carols10cents closed 8 years ago

carols10cents commented 8 years ago

Who are people who have expressed interest in working on content and running events? @skade mentioned he knows of at least 5 people, but I'm not sure who they are.

skade commented 8 years ago

@carols10cents I'm still waiting for their answer to just put them in touch :).

skade commented 8 years ago

@SonjaHeinen showed interest and (as a bonus) currently has time! (and is from Berlin)

skade commented 8 years ago

@softprops got in touch over email (see the mail for that). He's from New York.

skade commented 8 years ago

@realtin is a ClojureBridge organiser and Diaspora committer from Berlin, generally interested in many technologies. She'd be interested and being involved. Time is an issue, though.

skade commented 8 years ago

@xamebax is from Berlin, Devops expert and is involved in Rails Girls in Berlin and Warsaw from time to time. She'd be interested in helping out, as her time allows.

carols10cents commented 8 years ago

I've invited all these folks to the Rustbridge team!

skade commented 8 years ago

@broesamle has experiences writing workshop materials, but is a Rust beginner. He'd be happy to help.

Here's an example of work:

skade commented 8 years ago

@hannelita is from Sao Paolo and would be interested in taking part, too. She founded the Rust Meetup there.

carols10cents commented 8 years ago

Invited those two!

skade commented 8 years ago

And finally @anoukruhaak, who is involved in WomenWhoCode and can provide help and contacts and general experience \o/.

hannelita commented 8 years ago

Thanks @carols10cents @skade ! :)

carols10cents commented 8 years ago

Added @anoukruhaak!

carols10cents commented 8 years ago

Should we publicize this a bit more, i.e. post on twitter/reddit/urlo/twir that we're starting up a team to work on rustbridge/organization? At what point do we get too many cooks in the kitchen?

skade commented 8 years ago

I'd like to stop here for now until we have talked to the Bridge Foundry. (hopefully soon...) Then, I'd do general outreach with tasks at hand.

skade commented 8 years ago

Given that some time has passed, we should announce this as a formed team.

skade commented 8 years ago

I guess we can close this one.