rust-community / team

the Rust Community Team 🦀⚙️✨
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Agenda: May 22, 2019 #265

Closed technetos closed 4 years ago

technetos commented 5 years ago

Community Team Meeting Agenda May 22, 2019

technetos commented 5 years ago

Community Team Meeting Notes May 22, 2019

@technetos - Community team members who are interested in helping moderate were encouraged to reach out to the venue mods.

@skade - Skade has taken over website work and is looking for help.

@skade - Hosting for community related software was discussed, possible coordination with the infra team. More on this later.

@DebugSteven - Is looking for advice/help on getting a more diverse crowd to submit to Colorado Gold Rust's CFP.

komaeda commented 5 years ago

I forgot to add this here before, but I won't be able to participate in discussions on Discord anymore, due to Discord relentlessly suspending my accounts for no particular reason.

technetos commented 5 years ago

Thats awful. Do you have any idea why they keep suspending you and if not have you reached out to them yet?