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Proposed changes to Internationalization/localization WG #266

Open Manishearth opened 5 years ago

Manishearth commented 5 years ago

So right now we have a Localization WG consisting of @sebasmagri and I. The name isn't quite accurate, the job of the team is Internationalization (making everything support translation), not Localization (doing the actual translation work).

We've not really had any meetings recently, but I and @skade have worked on internationalizing the website, based off of @renyuneyun's initial work.

This website is also being localized by a localization team for each language. @skade is coordinating them, with some involvement from me.

I've also started posting plans for localizing the compiler and stdlib, based off of discussions I and Sebastian had in the past, along with stuff I've learned from working on the website and Fluent.

There's a whole lot of work that needs to be coordinated:

Furthermore, the actual translations need to be done.

I'm proposing we do the following:


technetos commented 5 years ago


badboy commented 5 years ago

That sounds like a good idea. What the Internationalization Team|WG is supposed to do is clear from the above. What's not super clear to me is the purpose of the new Localization WG as proposed above which includes the translation team managers. Is it just to have a way to address all of them?

komaeda commented 5 years ago

Is there a concrete reason for organizing the translation managers within a WG instead of maybe just giving them a Discord channel where they can coordinate?

Manishearth commented 5 years ago

It's largely a way to coordinate.

We could also just create a couple extra mailing lists and maintain a list of translation team members somewhere.

I think it would be ideal to give them one channel per team (it may be best to set up a separate Zulip/Discord instead, or let them pick their own channels which is what's been going on right now)