rust-dbc / rdbc

Rust Database Connectivity Layer
MIT License
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Define scope and capabilities #1

Open mamcx opened 5 years ago

mamcx commented 5 years ago

I think is good idea to define the scope of this crate. Also, to look at libraries/specifications like

Some traps I hope we avoid:

This is tied to the first point. Not asume I have a struct to put the data.

The base of this is very simple: Execute commands, return selects of many rows, return selects of scalars, alike micro-ORMs like

Ygg01 commented 5 years ago
  • Having a two-layer design similar to, where the inner-layer is raw and
    very dynamic and the upper layer is more type-oriented can work

How is this a trap? Or even in the scope of this project? Ideally you want to be able to support both of such layers from Rust-DBC.

  • Only support records. Sql is relational. Is based in a "tabular" representation, alike a ndarray. With rows and columns. Can be array of hash maps to be simple (alike

Granted SQL is relational. However - Relational Algebra is based upon Heterogenous Tuples† i.e. records. The mentioned tabular data is just a Record[].

†By Heterogenous Tuples I mean, when you execute following DDL:

 SELECT name, age, gender FROM person

You get (varchar, int, char). Not all elements are of the same type.

To add my two cents to the discussion is below:

mamcx commented 5 years ago

How is this a trap?

Sorry, was more like a observation than a trap.

Relational Algebra is based upon Heterogenous Tuples

Yes, I agree. I write this part poorly. I mean "just return a record as if is not a part of a set".

Possibly make dates & decimals optional

Normally I will be against this, but considering that crates make easy to mark something as optional, I think in rust is ok.

Tangential, maybe a way to declare "field types" so I can add after the fact a new kind of type. For example, imagine I need to turn a Json string inside some fields.

rinconjc commented 5 years ago

SQL interfaces look quite similar in other languages. For instance Golang/sql and Java/sql look almost identical, the Python DB-API and .NET seem to be a bit more different.

Does anyone have any preference as a starting point?

Ygg01 commented 5 years ago

I'd advise everyone to steer clear of any API made by Oracle. They've proven they will get litigious when it comes to API.

jcdyer commented 5 years ago

I'd advise everyone to steer clear of any API made by Oracle.

Nit: owned by. But definitely agreed.