rust-embedded-community / menu

Command-line menu system for embedded Rust platforms.
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Accessing borrowed data in the `Context` #17

Closed ryan-summers closed 7 months ago

ryan-summers commented 8 months ago


Currently, it doesn't seem possible to access non-static borrowed data in the menu context if the concrete type of the Context is also required.

Take the following example:

struct Context<'non_static> {
   my_borrowed_data: &'non_static u32,

    struct LocalResources {
        // What should the lifetime of `Context` be here when it must be specified concretely?
        menu: menu::Runner<'static, Context<'?>>

The 'non_static lifetime is run-time dependent (i.e. 'a). However, if this Context type must be specified concrete (i.e. when specifying an RTIC resource), it's not possible to write the concrete type of Context without a generic lifetime. This makes it effectively impossible for Context to borrow non-static objects if the concrete type of Context must be used.


To work around this, we would need to erase the concrete type of Context from the library types. What I believe this would be is an API as follows:

struct Runner<I: core::fmt::Write, C> {
   interface: I,
   _context_marker: PhantomData<C>,

impl<I: core::fmt::Write, C> Runner<I, C> {

    pub fn input_byte(&mut self, input: u8, context: &mut C) {...}

This would allow the Context type to be concrete, but expose an anonymous lifetime via the borrow of context in input_byte.