rust-embedded / cargo-binutils

Cargo subcommands to invoke the LLVM tools shipped with the Rust toolchain
Apache License 2.0
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please update to cargo-metadata 0.14 #122

Closed sylvestre closed 2 years ago

sylvestre commented 2 years ago

To facilitate the packaging of cargo-binutils (needed for a more recent version of grcov) in Debian, it would be nice to upgrade to cargo_metadata 0.14


Emilgardis commented 2 years ago

Is there a reason for using --locked in the packaging?

If you don't use --locked, you'll get 0.14 automatically.

Feel free to make a pr for bumping the version.

We could make a simple patch release for this and the regex bump

sylvestre commented 2 years ago

Because they aren't compatible:

   Compiling cargo-binutils v0.3.5 (/home/sylvestre/dev/debian/cargo-binutils)
error[E0308]: mismatched types
  --> src/
59 |         let target_name = if let Some(Component::Normal(path)) = target_path.components().next() {
   |                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^    ------------------------------- this expression has type `std::option::Option<Utf8Component<'_>>`
   |                                       |
   |                                       expected enum `Utf8Component`, found enum `Component`

error[E0308]: mismatched types
  --> src/
85 |         if let Some(path) = search(&metadata.workspace_root, ".cargo/config") {
   |                             ------ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected struct `Path`, found struct `Utf8PathBuf`
   |                             |
   |                             arguments to this function are incorrect
   = note: expected reference `&Path`
              found reference `&Utf8PathBuf`
note: function defined here
  --> src/
21 | fn search<'p>(path: &'p Path, file: &str) -> Option<&'p Path> {
   |    ^^^^^^     --------------  ----------

For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0308`.


diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml
index ee98811..fd05a8f 100644
--- a/Cargo.toml
+++ b/Cargo.toml
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ repository = ""
 version = "0.3.5"

-cargo_metadata = "0.11"
+cargo_metadata = "0.14"
 clap = "2.33"
 regex = "1.5.5"
 rustc-cfg = "0.4"
Emilgardis commented 2 years ago

Ah yes of course, my bad! I'll submit a patch for this :)

sylvestre commented 2 years ago

No worries & thanks :)

Emilgardis commented 2 years ago

this change has been released now, hope it helps :)