rust-embedded / debugonomicon
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[WIP] Added jlink/cmsis-dap overviews #9

Closed ryankurte closed 5 years ago

ryankurte commented 5 years ago

Probably to be split into separate sections when complete? I got sidetracked by other issues before finishing though so it's still WIP.

ryankurte commented 5 years ago

If it's alright with y'all I might just merge this as a WIP and we can keep building in more PRs?

ryankurte commented 5 years ago

For cargo objcopy? Maybe I was trying the wrong set of args but I couldn't get it to work without specifying --bin or --example pointing to the bin or example name, I opened an issue about arguments and defaults.

therealprof commented 5 years ago

Seems to be a bug in cargo-binutils, typically if you have a src/ you don't need to specify either --bin or --example. In fact it's a rather annoying bug that it doesn't work automatically, because for single-binary crates you'll have to specify the crate name itself:

# cargo objcopy  --release --bin stm32f4-smoltcp-demo -- -O binary out.bin
   Compiling stm32f4-smoltcp-demo v0.1.0 (/Users/egger/OSS/stm32f4-smoltcp-demo)
    Finished release [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 3.42s

But what I meant to ask was: Do we have a section somewhere that describes which options to use when to select the correct binary?

ryankurte commented 5 years ago

because for single-binary crates you'll have to specify the crate name itself

yep, that's what i got working / all i intended to convey in those examples

Do we have a section somewhere that describes which options to use when to select the correct binary?

aha! no we don't, mostly because i couldn't work out what those options should be (and switched back to arm-none-eabi-objcopy because of it), it'd be an excellent addition if you're up for it?