I had to add usb_vid, usb_pid to the Embed.toml probably due to the fact, that several devices were found on my Windows PC (a person next to me using Linux had the same problem):
PS C:\Users\.....\microbit\src\03-setup> cargo embed --target thumbv7em-none-eabihf
Compiling semver-parser v0.7.0
Compiling rtt-check v0.1.0 (C:\Users\.....\microbit\src\03-setup)
Config default
Target C:\Users\.....\microbit\target\thumbv7em-none-eabihf\debug\rtt-check
Error The following devices were found:
[0]: BBC micro:bit CMSIS-DAP -- 0d28:0204:9906360200052820E521F0BA07F91E12000000006E052820 (CMSIS-DAP)
[1]: CMSIS-DAP v1 -- 0d28:0204:9906360200052820e521f0ba07f91e12000000006e052820 (CMSIS-DAP)
Use '--probe VID:PID'
You can also set the [default.probe] config attribute (in your Embed.toml) to select which probe to use. For usage examples see https://github.com/probe-rs/probe-rs/blob/master/probe-rs-tools/src/bin/probe-rs/cmd/cargo_embed/config/default.toml .
I had to add
to the Embed.toml probably due to the fact, that several devices were found on my Windows PC (a person next to me using Linux had the same problem):Here is the error: