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Added a request to STM32H747I-DISCO bsc #20

Open BigPapa314 opened 3 years ago

BigPapa314 commented 3 years ago

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rust-highfive commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the pull request, and welcome! The Rust team is excited to review your changes, and you should hear from @therealprof (or someone else) soon.

If any changes to this PR are deemed necessary, please add them as extra commits. This ensures that the reviewer can see what has changed since they last reviewed the code. Due to the way GitHub handles out-of-date commits, this should also make it reasonably obvious what issues have or haven't been addressed. Large or tricky changes may require several passes of review and changes.

Please see the contribution instructions for more information.

hargoniX commented 3 years ago

The biggest blocker for this is, that as of now a good architecture for a "Board Support Crate" is not clearly defined, it has been brought up in a wg meeting recently ( but the wg did not really come to a conclusion on what to do regarding this.

Hence IMHO a much better project would be to generalize this into a porject that sets a clear standard for how a BSP crate should look like, including for example a reference implementation for this board (and possibly others). If the wg or someone else starts building a clear guideline and meanwhile people work on this project in parallel and it turns out the design ideas behind the projects and the BSP ideas of the wg conflict you'll just end up with a project to rewrite (or two styles to merge), instead it would be better if we could bundle efforts for this early on since a "BSP standard" is basically non existing at this point.

therealprof commented 3 years ago

Funny enough all references BSPs were written by me and yet I don't think they're even good examples for what a BSP should look like because they offer very little abstraction over board specific details and mostly contain examples.

In general the WG doesn't maintain specific device or even vendor specific code. While you're certainly welcome to open an item here, the chances of someone picking up your specific request are rather low. An approach with a higher chance of success might be to look for collaborators on the to start one.

BigPapa314 commented 3 years ago

Hi Guys,

super to hear from you that fast. As you can see in my stats I'm new to the open source family. I'm interested in learning embedded architecture the Rusty way. So i thought building this crates on my own. Sadly I couldn't find a way of synchronizing my work with you guys, so i followed the contribution guide.

I've one of these STM32H747I-DISCO laying arround and am ready to start some experience. I think it's very interesting building a general layout of an BSP. Where might I get in touch with you all to discuss and maybe present some examples how to layout a BSP. (or BSC?)

therealprof commented 3 years ago

@BigPapa314 You can find us live on Matrix/

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