rust-embedded / svd2rust

Generate Rust register maps (`struct`s) from SVD files
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Empty device.x output with MSP430? #761

Closed natevw closed 7 months ago

natevw commented 7 months ago

I used tixml2svd to generate an "msp430f4438a.svd" file for a variant that doesn't have any public PAC. With this file I then ran:

cargo install svd2rust
svd2rust -g --target=msp430 -i msp430f5438a.svd

followed by all the post-processing/cleanup steps and gave it a Cargo.toml based on the example in those same steps in the docs:

edition = "2018"
name = "msp430f5438a"
version = "0.1.0"

critical-section = { version = "1.0", optional = true }
msp430 = "0.4.0"
msp430-rt = { version = "0.4.0", optional = true }
vcell = "0.1.0"

rt = ["msp430-rt/device"]

with rust-toolchain.toml:

channel = nightly
components = [ "rust-src" ]

in a shared parent folder:

| - msp430f54380a   # src/ inside from svd2rust
| - firmware

but when I depend on path = "../msp430f5438a" in my "firmware" (app) crate I get an error:

ERROR(msp430-rt): .vector_table is shorter than expected.

Now when I compare the device.x file that svd2rust gave me it is completely blank, whereas I see in other PAC that people have created using this e.g. there's a bunch of PROVIDED lines in theirs. Is this empty device.x the cause of my "shorter than expected" vector table? How do I get svd2rust to fill in the device.x file it creates?

I should also note that when I run it I get a bunch of "WARN" logs from svd2rust::generate::periperhal about

Found type name conflict with region Some("uca"), renamed to Some("uca0ctl0")

etc. etc. for many various uca/ucb lines, if that's at all related?

My goal is simply a working PAC crate for the MSP430F5438A which I can use with the template, unfortunately I'm learning a lot of things all at once here and perhaps out of my depth hoping svd2rust would be able to automatically create one for me?

natevw commented 7 months ago

Closing this, sorry for the noise.

When I generate an initial SVD with msp430_svd instead, the device.x file does get some content.

(The end-result build of my app crate still has same error, but I'm guessing now that's maybe more directly just because it has hardcoded values for a different MSP430 — on closer inspection there seems no direct relation between the device.x in the PAC and the memory.x in the quickstart app beyond the file extension coincidence.)

Emilgardis commented 7 months ago

the device.x contains the interrupts, memory.x contains the memory layout

memory.x is included here, see this for more information

device.x is included if msp430-rt feature device is enabled here

natevw commented 7 months ago

Thanks! I think I got it working with memory.x in my firmware app crate:

  RAM : ORIGIN = 0x1C00, LENGTH = 0x4000

  n.b. there's another much bigger section of ROM (i.e. Flash) on this MSP430!
  FLASH2                  : origin = 0x10000,length = 0x35C00
  ROM : ORIGIN = 0x5C00, LENGTH = 0xA380

  VECTORS : ORIGIN = 0xFF80, LENGTH = 0x80

/* Stack begins at the end of RAM:
   _stack_start = ORIGIN(RAM) + LENGTH(RAM); */

Not sure how to include the rest of the Flash (what Rust seems to call "ROM" afaict) section but otoh not sure if we'll even need that for this project yet 🤷