rust-embedded / svd2rust

Generate Rust register maps (`struct`s) from SVD files
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Equivalent of command with Rust #835

Closed roby2014 closed 2 months ago

roby2014 commented 2 months ago


trying to use svd2rust in my, however, I'm a bit confused with Config.

This is an example of command I ran to simply create the files I needed svd2rust -g --target=riscv -i board.svd.

Now, how can I do this with Config and pass it to generate?

    let conf = svd2rust::Config {
        target: svd2rust::Target::RISCV
    // Generate the svd file to a string in RAM
    let pac_file = svd2rust::generate(&svd, &conf).expect("couldn't generate file with svd2rust");

is there anyway of creating a default "Config" with all the struct parameters?

burrbull commented 2 months ago

Config::default(). The exception is ident-formats, since 0.32 it is an HashMap, so needs to be filled first.

roby2014 commented 2 months ago

Thank you, that answers my question.