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Embedded testing #47

Closed japaric closed 4 months ago

japaric commented 6 years ago

There are quite a few ways to do testing in embedded development. This blog post by @jamesmunns does a great job at describing the different approaches.

Right now Rust only provides testing support for std targets via the built-in #[test] attribute and it's quite inflexible at supporting any other kind of testing framework. I tried and ended up creating utest a no_std test runner that runs unit tests sequentially but it's a hack: the test runner breaks down if any unit test panics so you can't use the standard assert! macros; instead you have to use the macros that utest provides.

All this is going to change soon with the arrival of Custom Test Frameworks (CTF) -- see eRFC rust-lang/rfcs#2318. With CTF you'll be able to annotate test functions with custom attributes and perform a proc macro style transformation of the annotated items to generate a test runner program.

For example, a CTF could provide the following user interface:

// Err = test failed
fn my_unit_test() -> Result<(), ()> {

fn another_unit_test() -> Result<i32, ()> {

And the whole crate procedural macro would generate the following test runner:


extern crate some_dep;

fn main() {
    if my_unit_test().is_err() {
        // report error

    if another_unit_test().is_err() {
        // report error

fn my_unit_test() -> Result<(), ()> {

fn another_unit_test() -> Result<i32, ()> {

This opens the door to HIL test frameworks and more featureful no_std testing frameworks in general.

“Native” Host Testing

One route to testing embedded-hal drivers is to mock a implementation of the HAL (embedded-hal) for x86_64 (or w/e the architecture of the build machine happens to be) and then test the drivers against the mock implementation on the build machine.

I don't know if there's any sort of standard or best practice when it comes to mocking embedded I/O interfaces but, the other day, @idubrov showed a text based mock implementation of digital I/O that they used to test a LCD interface.

What other alternatives to mocking exist here?

HIL Testing

My understanding is that HIL testing involves (at least) two programs. One that contains the test suite and will run on the target device, and one that runs on some host machine that communicates with the target device and reports the results of running the test suite.

The target program can be generated using CTF from the crate under test while the host program can probably be just some Cargo subcommand / external tool. There's an interesting use case here where the target program may not fit in the target device memory if it contains all the unit tests; in this scenario it would be necessary to split the test suite in several target programs. It's unclear how to handle this with CTF; perhaps one should simply write the test suite as several files in the examples directory -- each file is a crate that will translate into an independent target program.

Are there standards / best practices that we could use here? Should we use the Test Anything Protocol (TAP) for the device - host communication?

cc @nagisa @thejpster @jcsoo you probably all have thoughts on this topic

hannobraun commented 6 years ago

I didn't have a chance to say this before we ran out of time in the meeting, but I'm very interested in this topic, specifically HIL testing. So far I haven't looked into the details, and I have some other stuff to get out of the way before I can work on this, but I'm definitely interested in anything that's going on in this space.

jcsoo commented 6 years ago

For bobbin-cli test I implemented a simple text-based protocol similar to TAP. From the README:

[start] Running tests for frdm-k64f
[pass] 0
[pass] 1
[pass] 2
[pass] 3
[pass] 4
[done] All tests passed

bobbin test recognizes [start], [pass] and [done] tags, exiting with return code 0. It also recognizes [fail], [exception], and [panic] tags, which will cause it to exit with return codes 1, 2 or 3. All other output is ignored.

The test runner will exit with return code 1 if there is a delay of more than 5 seconds between lines or 15 seconds to complete the entire test. In the future these timeouts will be configurable.

This has worked pretty well for me. It's simple to implement, you can capture panics and exceptions by having your handlers print a [panic] or [exception] line after any diagnostics, and it's easy to add additional output that the test runner will ignore just by using println!.

I chose the prefix tags specifically because they are easy to scan for visually and to grep for in logs. One can build a basic distributed CI system simply by piping the test output into syslog which is then dumped into a log aggregator.

jamesmunns commented 6 years ago

I am also interested in assisting with this topic. I don't have anything to offer (except the blog post linked), but I would be happy to advise and assist once there is a direction to run with.

dvc94ch commented 6 years ago

I'm working on adding support for the redpitaya logic analyzer to sigrok/pulsview (completed uio driver this morning / goal is to implement a tcp server over the weekend). I'm considering building an ice40 based test board that hooks up the la channels for the unit test and loads the unit tests via ftdi. Does this sound generally useful? Does this already exist?


screenshot from 2018-03-11 18-33-55

kunerd commented 6 years ago

One thing I have done some research on, in the past, is unit testing on the target. The opinions differ on that one, because most of the times the effort outweighs the benefits, but often that's the only reason that stands against it. So, I think it would be a good idea to keep that in mind while working on testing tools. With the help of traits, macros and maybe also compiler plug-ins it should be much easier to provide an easy to use and generic test framework, which could be used on host and/or target without too much additional work.

otavio commented 6 years ago

Due @japaric suggestion, I'd like to bring up to discuss the use of for automated board test. It tries to control the board externally and has the capability to manage external resources required for some automated tests (e.g pressing buttons, power control, ...) of DUT. Obviously, it may require specific hardware for some type of tests but it seems worth taking a look for use or inspiration.

japaric commented 6 years ago

Lately, I've been exploring running Cortex-M programs in QEMU using two different approaches.

It may be possible to leverage these approaches for testing Cortex-M programs w/o hardware but this will need more work and I won't have time to explore this further any time soon. So I'm sharing the info here hoping that someone else will continue to explore this area.

pftbest commented 6 years ago

qemu-system-arm has a good support for semihosting, you can open, close, read, and write files on your host system, with it. You can even terminate a qemu session from the inside (which is great for automating tests), I've added a call for that in cortex-m-semihosting some year ago:

So it shouldn't be too hard to use qemu-system-arm for testing purposes. The only thing that is missing are FPU instructions, so you can only test M3 targets, but not M4.

xcepti0n commented 5 years ago

There is also a wrapper tool qemu-system-gnuarmeclipse that I have come across, which is a wrapper written over qemu. It also has support for cortex m4 targets.

freertos_rs by @hashmismatch uses qemu-system-gnuarmeclipse for running unit test cases over cortex m4 without FPU.

adamgreig commented 4 months ago

Closing this old issue as part of today's issue triage. I think there's still lots of interest in different ways of doing embedded testing, but the WG isn't in a place to set down any standards.

There have been some interesting developments in testing, such as as part of probe-rs, probe-run/knurling-rs's work on running on-target tests, and various adventures in HIL testing as part of CI, such as in Embassy, in the cortex-m crate, and in TockOS.