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Themes / Dark Mode #495

Open Anaphylaxis opened 2 years ago

Anaphylaxis commented 2 years ago

Dark mode or a theme selector would improve the overall look and feel of the website, especially whilst browsing late at night.

17cupsofcoffee commented 2 years ago

I would definitely also like this. The main complicating factor is that the site currently uses a CSS framework called Semantic UI, which (at least with how we've got it set up) doesn't have any built in support for dark mode. It could probably be hacked in, but 😬 at the idea of having to write that CSS...

Long term, I would really like to move away from Semantic UI, as it's been unmaintained for years and is generally a massive pain to use. I will definitely try to take this request into account when choosing alternatives!

Anaphylaxis commented 2 years ago

I have no experience with semantic but from a quick Google they support user theming as well as most styles having a .inverted style which may work in a pinch, shame they have no official easy way to do that