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Do Fantasy Consoles with WASM support belong here? #507

Open RobDavenport opened 2 years ago

RobDavenport commented 2 years ago

Sorry if this is in the wrong place!

Some fantasy consoles support WASM, such as wasm4 and tic-80 as their game code / scripting language. These kinda function like engines or frameworks in which they provide apis to handle input, rendering, audio, etc. Rust has great support for WebAssembly both in compiler and documentation support.

Should these projects also be added to the list? If so, should there be another category created for them, or would they fall under game engines, or something else? I'd prefer if they existed in their own category as developing for them often is a unique experience in itself.

Shameless plug: I'm the developer of the Gamercade fantasy console and currently all of my example projects are written in Rust. Would love to get more people into Fantasy Console Game development!

ozkriff commented 2 years ago

We already have godot-rust and other bindings to non-Rust engines here, so I personally think that projects like Gamercade (if they have a convenient and documented way of integrating with Rust) can be classified as engines and added too.

17cupsofcoffee commented 2 years ago

if they have a convenient and documented way of integrating with Rust

I agree with this part - if it's "WASM that maybe works with Rust, but you're on your own", that would maybe be a better fit for something like awesome-wasm. If there's Rust docs or examples (or even just a 'yes this works with Rust') then it'd fit in fine here.

I would lean towards categorizing as engines for now, but if there's a decent number of fantasy consoles submitted we can always break them out into a new category.

darthdeus commented 2 years ago

What about maybe even linking to awesome-wasm (or other WASM-related aggregator)? I say this having literally been working on a WASM game in Rust and not knowing any of this stuff existed 😅 Maybe it's just my ignorance tho, fairly new to WASM.

RobDavenport commented 2 years ago

I've only tried wasm4, and there are great docs some bootstrap-type tools to get started with various languages, including Rust.

Gamercade's docs are pretty rough at the moment, but I can confirm that it works with Rust as both the app itself and all of my test games are done via Rust and the wasm32-unknown-unknown target.

I'll add some docs about how to use Rust specifically, and make the PRs for it if it sounds good for you all. :)